Alaska Freezes New Orleans not rebuilt.. BUT have BILLIONS for Iraq

this is great

we have Alaskans who are so poor they can't afford heat, Katrina a year ago wiped out New Orleans, and much of its not rebuilt,

BUT we have billions for a war in Iraq, to give to people who hate us....

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- In Alaska's native villages, the punishing winter cold is already penetrating the walls of the lightly insulated plywood homes, many of the villagers are desperately poor, and heating-oil prices are among the highest in the nation.

And yet a few of the small communities want to refuse free heating oil from Venezuela, on the patriotic principle that no foreigner has the right to call their president "the devil."

well thats on them, me personally id take the oil... id have no shame if i was freezing, and if Bush the president of Iraq America isn't going to help the poor let someone help you....

its a sad day when the dictator of Venezula is doing more for Americans than the Presidetn of the US.