All college students should take a mandatory course on black history and white privil

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
There’s a graduation requirement I’d like every college and university to adopt, just like math or writing. All students should take an accessible course on race and ethnicity if racial equity is to be an achievable goal.

As a sociology professor at Dartmouth College, I teach such a class, and it is at once exhausting and exhilarating. It is not easy to learn about, let alone talk about, racism. In the course, we learn how the very idea of race was invented with colonialism — but even 400 years after the start of slavery in America, race still exerts a powerful influence on life chances, working through institutions like higher education, the criminal justice system and the labor market.

By the end of the term, students have a deep understanding of these complex social problems, and realistic ideas for how to make change through our relationships and institutions.
You should take a course on Shut the Fuck Up. White Privilege is a bullshit lie, and excuse for lazy fucks to blame someone for their problems. You're such a pathetic idiot its disgusting
Lift the curtain on 'white blindness'
Everyone learns, but I find that the small handful of white students in the class usually learn the most. That’s because for the first time in their lives, they begin to look at themselves as members of a racial group. They understand that being a good person does not make them innocent but rather they, too, are implicated in a system of racial dominance.

After spending their young lives in a condition of “white blindness,” that is, the inability to see their own racial privilege, they begin to awaken to the notion that racism has systematically kept others down while benefiting them and other white people.
There’s a graduation requirement I’d like every college and university to adopt, just like math or writing. All students should take an accessible course on race and ethnicity if racial equity is to be an achievable goal.

As a sociology professor at Dartmouth College, I teach such a class, and it is at once exhausting and exhilarating. It is not easy to learn about, let alone talk about, racism. In the course, we learn how the very idea of race was invented with colonialism — but even 400 years after the start of slavery in America, race still exerts a powerful influence on life chances, working through institutions like higher education, the criminal justice system and the labor market.

By the end of the term, students have a deep understanding of these complex social problems, and realistic ideas for how to make change through our relationships and institutions.

It was the first class my son signed up for in his first semester

a tall, handsome white boy who already knew more than most wanted to know it all

racist evil is the ONLY reason all Americans dont know this part of American history
Lift the curtain on 'white blindness'
Everyone learns, but I find that the small handful of white students in the class usually learn the most. That’s because for the first time in their lives, they begin to look at themselves as members of a racial group. They understand that being a good person does not make them innocent but rather they, too, are implicated in a system of racial dominance.

After spending their young lives in a condition of “white blindness,” that is, the inability to see their own racial privilege, they begin to awaken to the notion that racism has systematically kept others down while benefiting them and other white people.

So what changes would you see happening structurally in the country from this? (and I don't mean voting patterns because that doesn't change the charges of systemic racism)
You mean those white students that didn’t get into college because of affirmative action ? Those white students ?

How does AA keep white people out of college? It may keep white people out of certain schools but how does it keep you out of college all together?
Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and far-ranging talents and interests.
Admitted from the waiting list
There’s a graduation requirement I’d like every college and university to adopt, just like math or writing. All students should take an accessible course on race and ethnicity if racial equity is to be an achievable goal.

As a sociology professor at Dartmouth College, I teach such a class, and it is at once exhausting and exhilarating. It is not easy to learn about, let alone talk about, racism. In the course, we learn how the very idea of race was invented with colonialism — but even 400 years after the start of slavery in America, race still exerts a powerful influence on life chances, working through institutions like higher education, the criminal justice system and the labor market.

By the end of the term, students have a deep understanding of these complex social problems, and realistic ideas for how to make change through our relationships and institutions.

Just more left wing propaganda to try and teach about things, inequality and white privilege, that don't exist.
How does AA keep white people out of college? It may keep white people out of certain schools but how does it keep you out of college all together?

So you're OK if a more qualified white gets to go to a college you find acceptable rather than the one of their choice?
It was the first class my son signed up for in his first semester

a tall, handsome white boy who already knew more than most wanted to know it all

racist evil is the ONLY reason all Americans dont know this part of American history

Why did your son want to be indoctrinated by things that simply don't exist.