APP - **ALL CONSERVATIVES MUST READ** Stay in the fight. It is never over

I am so glad I do not have to make the decision as to whether to vote in Georgia or not. After seeing Perdue's latest interview, I don't think I can blame people if they sit on their hands. The argument I hear is that if we lose the Senate then all sorts of constitutional norms will be trashed by the marxists. That is probably true.

But, the counter argument is what has the Senate done to stand up for the people WITH Republicans in charge? Did they repeal Obamacare? Nope. Did they end the genocide that is abortion? No. Did they stop illegal immigration? No. Did they do anything to stop the egregious efforts of the deep state to take down President Trump? No.

In fact many of them like the corrupt Richard Burr went along with it.

And now we see conservacucks like Collins and Cornyn safe from their victories signaling they want to vote for amnesty.

So if they keep the majority, how will it be any different than if the democrat party runs roughshod over them?