All homosexual movie "Bros" flopping majorly in its opening weekend


New member


“Bros,” billed as an all gay comedy, is a box office disaster.Total receipts for Thursday and Friday came to just $1.84 million. With another $2.5 million coming on Saturday and Sunday, “Bros” stands to make less than $5 million for its entire opening weekend.
“Bros” doesn’t have a huge budget — $25 million at most. But the movie has had a tremendous amount of publicity and marketing, a blanketing that most films would give their popcorn up for. This just means that the public at large had no interest in seeing not only a gay rom com, but one with graphic sex scenes.
With the really shit quality that Hollywood makes now, and that stuff is now on streaming in 30 days not the 90 that it was....and the outrageous prices theaters does look like theaters are mostly over....which had long been predicted.

Their popularity had been in decline for decades, and now most folks are just done.
Anything made 2012 and after has a high probability of being not worth watching, the later the worse it likely is.
Even GoTH, which is worth watching, could have been and should have been better with all the money they spent.

You posting this is very telling

Why do you care?

$10 says it has something to do with fears of latent homosexuality.

That's a common cause of homophobia. Well-adjusted heterosexual men don't give a shit. The only reason they'd go to see "Bros" is to take a woman they want to fuck.
With the really shit quality that Hollywood makes now, and that stuff is now on streaming in 30 days not the 90 that it was....and the outrageous prices theaters does look like theaters are mostly over....which had long been predicted.

Their popularity had been in decline for decades, and now most folks are just done.

$20 for a pop and popcorn ruined going to the movies
You think homosexuality is the reason it bombed? I can list gay movies that were successful.

as noted in the article, it was a rom(mantic) com(edy) with graphic sex. that guaranteed a very limited audience while the produces believed otherwise.

makes it very different from "Philadelphia" or "Brokeback Mountain" etc.
as noted in the article, it was a rom(mantic) com(edy) with graphic sex. that guaranteed a very limited audience while the produces believed otherwise.

makes it very different from "Philadelphia" or "Brokeback Mountain" etc.

So it bombed because it's too gay?