APP - All is quiet

Cancel 2018.1

New member
Not much going on in politics from my perspective. Same ole, same ole.

Trump gets into needless feuds, says stupid shit, although I take what I hear with a grain of salt because of so much fake news, but at least takes a stand where republicans won't and don't.
Republicans in congress do nothing. Dems helpless to do anything.
Liberals defined by being whiners, not much else, except they're so confused with all their protesting they now protest against themselves.
Russia collusion has morphed into a boomerang onto hrc, Obama, et al (Be careful what you ask for) but will still go nowhere.
Fox News now boring without O'Reilly Factor. (sorry Tuck, your feigned outrage doesn't fool me)
CNN imploding into a gossip channel. Very little news unless ant-Trump propaganda full time is what you consider news.
hrc is still a frumpy, feeble and unhealthy sore loser who says her own stupid shit.
Trump is fat but robust (think Chris Farley) despite a poor diet (definitely non-racist there for you snowflakes !)

Same shit for the last 11 months. *yawn*