All plots lead to US intelligence


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FBI informant identified as in charge of Mumbai terrorist attacks
another FBI informant named Headley identified as mastermind behind Mumbai Terror event. Sound familiar?
Ancient FBI Crime family history
1993 1st World Trade Center bombing
Mastermind: Amed Salem
FBI informant: yes
FBI agent/handlers of Salem: FBI agents Anticev and Floyd

Oklahoma City bombing
Mastermind: Timothy McVeigh
FBI informant: yes
FBI agent/handler FBI agent Larry Potts

FBI knew Headley had LeT links in 2005

FBI knew Headley had LeT links in 2005
Yashwant Raj, Hindustan Times
Washington, October 16, 2010
see link for full story

All roads lead to Rome. All plots lead to US intelligence.

From Oswald to Sirhan to Ray to McVeigh; from the first bombing of the World Trade Center in ‘93 to their being blown up on 9-11; from Atta to Headley, it is the same story: double agents, patsies and false flags, treachery and treason in the American “intelligence community.” As Robert Kennedy came to see, the real Enemy Within. Before his own murder he revealed, “I asked (CIA director) McCone if they had killed my brother.”
Quote, "access to Headley and information given by him about the Mumbai attacks in which 166 people were killed. Specific information about Headley's trips were passed on to the Federal Bureau of Investigations by Headley's wife during investigations into her complaint of domestic violence against him in 2005.

In at least three interviews, Headley's wife told FBI investigators in New York of his trips to Pakistan to train with the Lashkar-i-Tayyeba, said a report by ProPublica, a non-profit US news entity, on Friday.

Headley and his wife lived in New York then; he ran video stores owned by his family in Manhattan.

The ProPublica report quoted federal sources to say the wife -- who was not named for her safety -- told the FBI that Headley had shopped around for night vision goggles and other equipment.

The wife also told agents that Headley had talked about working as a paid U.S. informant while he was training with the Lashkar in Pakistan, ProPublica said quoting a person close to the case.

Headley was arrested for domestic violence, but no charges were pressed against him. His next arrest came 11 months after the Mumbai attacks on a tip passed on to US asuthorities by British intelligence. Headley was arrested in October with an accomplaice Tahawwur Hussain Rana, a Canadian citizen. He pleaded guilty in a bargain deal with the authorites that prevents his extradiction to any other country (read India).

Headley, a US citizen of Pakistani descent, has since pleaded guilty to having a hand in the Mumbai shootings and planning an attack on a Danish newspaper for carrying a cartoon of Prophet Mohammad.

What if the FBI had acted on these tips? Or it did? Did it have anything to do with the fact that Headley was an agent of the Drugs Enforcement Agency? Or was it simply another missed opportunity?

But this information was never shared with India. In fact, the US had initially dithered giving Indian investigators access to Headley causing a minor diplomatic rift. In fact, India wanted to try Headley.
20 months ago when the Mumbai attack took place, I immediately concluded the US was the mastermind. The above news proves what I said was very correct.

575. Mumbai attack (1) (12/5/08)

The mastermind of Mumbai attack is the US intelligence and is co-operated by Israel and India's intelligence.

1. The US has a record to manipulate terrorist group to work for its own interest. Or sometimes they call it (terrorist group) the opposition group. One sample is that CIA supported Majahideen in Afghanistan in 80s to fight against Soviet Union and later turns some group into Al Qaida as a false flag. Al Qaida still works for US intelligence. They created 911 to justify Bush's mid-east war. They bomb Iraq civilians in mosque to provoke conflict between Sunni and Shiite so giving US an excuse to stay in Iraq. (and to ask for more money from the House)

A terrorist group can't survive unless it is supported by some power. Because it needs money and weapon. So is the terrorist group in India.

2. The most important part of Mumbai attack is neglected by US media.

Quote, "Mumbai Attack - India and the Axis of Evil
By M Rafic Soormally (guest) <> Published 1st December, 2008

In early November 2008, the Mumbai Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS), headed by Hemant Karkare, arrested 10 Hindutva extremists, ....... in connection with the 8 Sept 2006 Malegaon bomb blasts in a Muslim cemetery in Maharashtra killing dozens of Muslim pilgrims and injuring scores more.The ATS investigation has uncovered connections with the Israeli MOSSAD whose Indian home-grown agents have infiltrated many Hindu organisations in India, as well as connections between the Indian military and Hindu extremist groups.....

.In the very early hours of the Mumbai attack on Nov. 26, the unknown terrorists eliminated Hemant Karare, Head of the ATS, along with Mumbai's additional commissioner of police Ashok Kamte and high-level police officer Vijay Salaskar, The Times Of India reported.The killers must have had inside information as Indian security services have been infiltrated.

Quote, "Mumbai The Mossad Angle
27 November 2008

And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare! He is dead-gone-the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House-which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels-they openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice. The Mossad Angle

My comment: It was a well planed elimination. In which three high ranking police officers were shoot to death before they were going to find the black hand behind the extremist groups in India. They died in a trap set up by perpetrators. The news now says two gunmen raided the Nariman Jewish house on 11/26. It seems nothing was done on 11/27. At 7:00 on 11/28, commandos descended on the roof of the Jewish house. At 18:15 they declared the victory. Two gunmen achieved all this. Do you believe it?

The elimination of the three high ranking ATS police officers gave an important motivation of this terror attack. They were the target of this terror attack. The news later was full of the propaganda that "terrorist target on Americans and Britons". That is not motive. The local Hindu terror cell, targets on Muslim, have no hatred on American and British civilians. The accused Pakistan Lashkar-e-Taibe has no motive too. They target on India - for the land of Kashmir. Both have no motive. And both have no record to deliberately kill Americans or Britons. How could they suddenly go crazy to waste so large a resource to create new enemy? They even can't reach their own goal.

It is old tactic of Feds to tarnish Islam. When the media report that suicide bomber killed dozens of innocent civilians in market; when "Al Qaida" kept bombing mosques to kill innocent Muslim; do you believe someone really would sacrifice his own life to kill other innocent people? Mumbai bombing inherits this tradition - Al Qaida's or more accurately: US intelligence's.

When US media censors the important news from public, I knew the real perpetrator is Feds. They have the ability to control US media, they have the resource to create 911 attack and Mumbai bombing, and they have the motive.
Wrong. All roads lead to London. All plots lead to British Intelligence.

That's of course an exaggeration, but it should give you an idea about what's really going on.
Wrong. All roads lead to London. All plots lead to British Intelligence.

That's of course an exaggeration, but it should give you an idea about what's really going on.

Fuck, yeah.

Wrong. All roads lead to London. All plots lead to British Intelligence.

That's of course an exaggeration, but it should give you an idea about what's really going on.
I thought all roads led to Brett's house? I'm so confused now.
Isn't the one on the left the one that used to be a bloke?

That's the lady who played Octopussy in Octopussy (but the picture must be from The Man with the Golden Gun because Britt Ekland is in it)

Besides i'm sure Roger has never actually rogered a tranny as 'Q' almost certainly made him a watch that could detect testicles at 40 yards.
That's the lady who played Octopussy in Octopussy (but the picture must be from The Man with the Golden Gun because Britt Ekland is in it)

Besides i'm sure Roger has never actually rogered a tranny as 'Q' almost certainly made him a watch that could detect testicles at 40 yards.

was that detect or detach?......
Al Qaeda in Yemen is "Western-made"
Declaration of Yemeni Prime Minister
Global Research, November 7, 2010

Yemeni Prime Minister Ali Muhammed al-Mujawar said Saturday that al-Qaida was originally a Western-made group and was never created by his country, Xinhua reported according to the state-run Saba news agency.

The prime minister's remarks were made during a meeting in the capital Sanaa with ambassadors of Asian and African countries to Yemen to clarify Yemen's stance against those who propagated negative impacts on Yemen over the bomb parcels shipped to the United States last week.

"Al-Qaida was essentially a Western-made group and was never created by Yemen, it is alleged by those who seek to propagate this view internationally about Yemen," Saba quoted Mujawar as saying.

The Yemen-based al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) on Friday claimed responsibility for the bomb parcels that targeted the United States.
That's the lady who played Octopussy in Octopussy (but the picture must be from The Man with the Golden Gun because Britt Ekland is in it)

Besides i'm sure Roger has never actually rogered a tranny as 'Q' almost certainly made him a watch that could detect testicles at 40 yards.

It wasn't the actress who played the character "Octopussy." The actress (or would that be actor...) was just one of the Bond girls in the background. I believe her name is Tula or some such thing.
Just a quick follow up...

I did some quick research, the film was For Your Eyes Only, she/he used the name Tula when modeling and acting, her real name is Caroline Cossey, or Barry if you prefer, and she only appeared briefly in the background during a pool scene.
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One of Sweden's greatest exports along with Abba and Smörgåsbord

I see you put one of those tiny o's above the 'a'.

This is something we should definitely introduce. I mean, doesn't the 'a' look so much happier sporting its little hat?

Little o's above a's...more of them please.
A recent case exposed where the “nuclear bomb” or “dirty bomb” material of the coming “terror attack” comes from. That topic told you why US almost have a warfare with its ally – Pakistan.

CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists

Posted by EU Times on Feb 11th, 2011 // 218 Comments
While all eyes in the West are currently trained on the ongoing revolution taking place in Egypt, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned “grave” as it appears open warfare is about to break out between Pakistan and the United States.

Fueling this crisis, that the SVR warns in their report has the potential to ignite a total Global War, was the apprehension by Pakistan of a 36-year-old American named Raymond Allen Davis (photo), whom the US claims is one of their diplomats, but Pakistani Intelligence Services (ISI) claim Raymond Davis is a spy for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Davis was captured by Pakistani police after he shot and killed two men in the eastern city of Lahore on January 27th that the US claims were trying to rob him.

Pakistan, however, says that the two men Davis killed were ISI agents sent to follow him after it was discovered he had been making contact with al Qaeda after his cell phone was tracked to the Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan where the Pakistani Taliban and a dozen other militant groups have forged a safe haven and former CIA agent Tim Osman (also known as Osama bin Laden) is believed to be in hiding.

Of the actual gunfight itself we can read as reported by the Time News Service which, in part, says:

“The scene could have been scripted in a Hollywood action thriller: For two hours at the end of last month in Lahore, U.S. diplomat Raymond Davis was closely pursued by two visibly armed men on a motorbike. He noticed them tailing him from a restaurant to an ATM, and through the crowded streets of Pakistan’s second [largest] city. They were close by when, in a crowded intersection, Davis produced his own handgun and fired seven shots.

The diplomat was apparently a crack shot, and all seven bullets found their mark, killing his two pursuers. Davis then called for back-up, and a four-wheel-drive vehicle raced onto the scene, striking a Pakistani bystander who was killed by the impact. But the people in the vehicle, whose identities remain unknown, escaped from the scene having failed to retrieve Davis, who was later arrested nearby.”

The combat skills exhibited by Davis, along with documentation taken from him after his arrest, prove, according to this report, his being a member of the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) black operations unit currently operating in the Afghan War Theater and Pakistani tribal areas comprised of US Military Special Forces Soldiers, CIA spies and freelance mercenaries.

Further information about Davis discovered by the Times of India includes: