Buck Tucker

Verified User
All they have left now is personal attacks. Clearly our Great Leader President Trump continues to win. The Russia Hoax has been proven to be a loser and a fraud. Mueller didn't work out for them. This infantile nonsense about "Obstrucshun of Justice" will fail as well. They are not getting Trumps tax returns. The racism smears have failed.

We see Trump winning over and over the Economy is booming due to deregulation and the Great Tax Cut of 2018.

We have record low unemployment. Black unemployment is at the lowest level ever recorded.

The President has now got the approval of nearly 25% of American blacks. This will be the death of the Democrat Party. History has shown the last several elections that republicans only get about 9% of the black vote. But Trump is doing so well with blacks that the Left and their Pablum Puking Lap Dogs in the Modern Mass Media have to continually scream about racism, And lie about the Presidents words.

Very soon the President will sign a peace treaty with Little Rocket Man Kim and make history winning again!!

Also very soon President Trump will make a great deal with the Chinese on Trade. He already forced the ChiComs to restore their currency to it's market rate.

We have the stock market making record highs.

Wages are going up!

There have been more and more illegal aliens arrested and getting deported. There are now fewer and fewer illegal aliens and fraudulent asylum seakers crossing the southern border. Mexico has been more help that the leftist radical Dims.

I don't know about most Americans but I'm not tired of winning just yet. Trump will win in Nov 2020!! And Keep America Great.