All The Patriots At Valley Forge Got Inoculated


Diversity Makes Greatness
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.

Yeah but Washington didn't put tracking devices in the small pox vaccine.

Everyone knows Biden Fauci, Gates and Clinton did.
Hello no worries,

Yeah but Washington didn't put tracking devices in the small pox vaccine.

Everyone knows Biden Fauci, Gates and Clinton did.

That's the latest thing that Q is afraid of.

And these would be the same 'brilliant' people who don't want to be tracked but carried their cell phones with them as they assaulted the seat of our government.

Anybody who is afraid of being tracked needs to give up the internet and go live in a cabin in the woods with no electronics at all. And don't buy a new vehicle - those are all tracked too, just like cell phones. And don't own a credit card, either. And don't ever go into town for supplies where there are multitudes of security cameras. Also don't ever have any visitors with phones, because they will be tracked and give up the location. And whatever you do, don't have any contact with any other humans who might mention you on social media - you don't even need to have an account for them to create files and records on you - all that is required is for others to mention or talk about you, or heaven forbid post a pic of you.
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.

Even Brady & Gronk?
Well, they're Buccaneers now, but I'm still glad that they're protected.
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.

WTF nonsense is this?
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.

70% recovery rate from small pox vs 98% recovery rate from covid.

Nobody gives a fuck about gayness but leftist cunts. The soliders then didn't seem to care and no now gives a shit. The only ones who do are the leftist gueerophiles.
WTF nonsense is this?
It is a typical PoliTalker post... He put me on ignore long ago for calling out his nonsense. All he has accomplished by doing that is disabling himself from responding back to my arguments against his nonsense posts, of which I have not and will not stop doing, and if someone who isn't on his ignore list quotes my responses in full, he still sees what I typed all the same. He can't handle the deeper waters of political discourse. He only knows what his mind masters have programmed into him... He is a prime example of 'liberal.exe'...
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.

Interesting side bar: Americans learned about small pox inoculation from a black slave in Boston in the early 1700s.

His tribe in Africa had learned about how to inoculate for the disease.
Even Brady & Gronk?
Well, they're Buccaneers now, but I'm still glad that they're protected.

Yeah, and won the last Superbowl. Mmmm!

I won on that one.

I lost betting on undefeated Pats in 2007 though. Fuckin' Eli Manning pulling cheesy college ball tricks in The Superbowl, and it worked!

I think at one point they stuck the ball into the back of their jersey and ran with it! :laugh:

Omy, they did some bootleg crazy stuff!

Brady an Co. was all by the book and they (The Giants) pulled shenanigans! It's funny now. :laugh:

They won with those shenanigans, too.
And they were trained by a gay guy.
So? Is identity politics all that you have? Do you not view yourself (and others) as anything more than your (their) skin color, gender, orientation, etc.?

Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.
Yes, and libtards such as yourself don't like that at all. You want to tyrannically and compulsively control the thoughts, words, and actions of everyone else around you. That is very disgusting and Satanic behavior...

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.
Good to know.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.
Inoculation has nothing to do with the defense/support of a country. This notion is completely and utterly ridiculous.

It's the patriotic thing to do!
See above.

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?
See above.

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...
Virtue signaling BS...

Get Vaccinated.
No. Fuck off.

Also, smallpox was a very deadly disease at that time (it had a high death rate). Covid-19 is not anywhere near a very deadly disease at this time (it has a very low death rate).
Interesting side bar: Americans learned about small pox inoculation from a black slave in Boston in the early 1700s.

His tribe in Africa had learned about how to inoculate for the disease.
QED of my point about liberal.exe people's incapability of seeing themselves and others as anything more than their skin color, genitalia, sexual orientation, etc...
QED of my point about liberal.exe people's incapability of seeing themselves and others as anything more than their skin color, genitalia, sexual orientation, etc...

For educated people, it is a noteworthy historical event that a supposedly backwards black slave from the supposedly primitive continent of Africa taught European-Americans how to inoculate for small pox, because African people had learned how to do it long before.
For educated people, it is a noteworthy historical event that a supposedly backwards black slave from the supposedly primitive continent of Africa taught white European-Americans how to inoculate for small pox, because black African people had learned how to do it long before.
You missed a couple of identity labels there. I filled them in for you. Has your liberal.exe file not received its latest update?
Hello Cypress,

Interesting side bar: Americans learned about small pox inoculation from a black slave in Boston in the early 1700s.

His tribe in Africa had learned about how to inoculate for the disease.

How cool is THAT?

Did not know.

It is a typical PoliTalker post... He put me on ignore long ago for calling out his nonsense. All he has accomplished by doing that is disabling himself from responding back to my arguments against his nonsense posts, of which I have not and will not stop doing, and if someone who isn't on his ignore list quotes my responses in full, he still sees what I typed all the same. He can't handle the deeper waters of political discourse. He only knows what his mind masters have programmed into him... He is a prime example of 'liberal.exe'...

No dude

Your just really fucking silly and very boring

He’s trying to not use foul language

So I’ll be a invective translator for you two

He no doubt (like the rest of us) finds your comments to be piles of squishy turds with no value what so ever

If you had anything in the line of facts you might be tolerable to some extent

But lies are all you have shit dip

You are like that annoying ass commercial that instantly makes you jump up and grab the controller and search for the mute button

I don’t ban anyone from anything here

So lucky me

I get to see your piles of fucking lie filled squishy turds

Hope that dry rot inside your brain doesn’t hurt too much

Fuck you very much
Hello no worries,

That's the latest thing that Q is afraid of.

And these would be the same 'brilliant' people who don't want to be tracked but carried their cell phones with them as they assaulted the seat of our government.

Anybody who is afraid of being tracked needs to give up the internet and go live in a cabin in the woods with no electronics at all. And don't buy a new vehicle - those are all tracked too, just like cell phones. And don't own a credit card, either. And don't ever go into town for supplies where there are multitudes of security cameras. Also don't ever have any visitors with phones, because they will be tracked and give up the location. And whatever you do, don't have any contact with any other humans who might mention you on social media - you don't even need to have an account for them to create files and records on you - all that is required is for others to mention or talk about you, or heaven forbid post a pic of you.

Yeah, "cabin in the woods".

The movie "The Shining" comes to mind.

Teabaggers ( couldn't even handle 6 weeks in a semi-lockdown.

Then again, could you handle watching FOX, OAN or Newsmax for 6 straight weeks, 24/7? That would put anyone in the puzzle factory.

Wonder what % of those people are "preppers"?
And they were trained by a gay guy. Good thing. That guy knew his stuff and turned them into an effective fighting force. He became their Drill Master.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

How Crude Smallpox Inoculations Helped George Washington Win the War

Of course, in today's America nobody is forced to get inoculated. We have the freedom to decide.

Valley Forge was a different situation. There were only patriots at Valley Forge.

And Patriots Get Inoculated.

It's the patriotic thing to do!

Will you be able to celebrate your patriotic duty this July 4th?

Be an American hero. It's a lot easier and less risky than what the patriots at Valley Forge faced...

Get Vaccinated.
