All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden


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"Because you don't love America, you couldn't care less about Biden dishonoring his oath and his pledge to America."

You're really spreading it deep with this line.

No one who loves America would post as you do.

You have been given repeated evidence of the true facts related to the lies you spread.

Real Americans actually stop to check out these facts and when they do, they realize they have been duped by the fake news media.

You continue your assaults on the Great Man without changing a bit of your line of crap.

No, you would not post as you do if you loved America.

You would be impressed by and thankful for Trump's service to this country.

I would love to see (AT LEAST!) your head shaved and your being marched through town being punched and spit upon by patriots who were angry at your collusion with the enemy.