All Things Considered, Honorable Mention Ain’t Bad


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My gal Judi got an honorable mention on FOX:


Fox News host Shannon Bream, who cited us on Monday’s Fox News @Night show, reads Canada Free Press.

Wish we could say ditto for Donna Brazile and Neil Cavuto, whom we have the temerity to diss every once in awhile.

Canada Free Press Hits Fox News
By Judi McLeod
May 1, 2019

A word of caution to Judi. Should you ever get the call to appear on a FOX panel be careful the Murdoch Boys are not setting you up for two or three liberal panel members taking turns raping you.

Take this one to the bank: You will never get a one-on-one sit-down discussion with a FOX liberal.
A word of caution to Judi. Should you ever get the call to appear on a FOX panel be careful the Murdoch Boys are not setting you up for two or three liberal panel members taking turns raping you.

Take this one to the bank: You will never get a one-on-one sit-down discussion with a FOX liberal.

My gal Judi better start wearing a bulletproof vest:

First came Rent a Mob for every day malcontent street and park protests. Now it’s Rent a Standing Ovations over at Fox News’ televised ‘Town Hall’ presentations.

Democrat (read Socialist) presidential hopefuls don’t so much get standing ovations at Fox News’ Town Halls’—they bring them with them.

Message from Fox News to the Caravan of Crazies running for DNC approval in the 2020 presidential election race:
Come and Bring Your Standing Ovation Surrogates With You To Our Town Halls Because Fox News Is On YOUR Side.

We didn’t need President Donald Trump’s tweet to alert us that Fox News has jumped four square into the enemy tank—not when Fox, the supposed last Bastion of Conservatism (at least according to the Democrats) gave its first ‘Town Hall’ to raving socialist Bernie Sanders, Dally Caller-described as “Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders” who participated in the network’s first town hall this election cycle, garnering some 2.6 million viewers—over 500,000 more viewers than the Senator Amy Klobuchar second most-watched one.

President Trump appeared antsy about the Fox Town Hall standing ovation for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, but not nearly so antsy as the rest of us, particularly after Fox’a Chris Wallace said, ‘I actually think, whether you like his opinions or not, that Mayor Pete has a lot of substance.”

“Mayor Pete” is how Wallace rates “substance”?

“President Donald Trump attacked Fox News in a tweet Sunday evening for hosting a town hall with Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. The tweet came less than two hours before the event was scheduled to begin. ()

“Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete, as Chris Wallace likes to call him. Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems. They got dumped from the Democrats boring debates, and they just want in. They forgot the people…,” Trump tweeted.”

Speaking of forgetting, Mr. President, Fox is forgetting that We the People know that they brought in former DNC chairman Donna Brazile as a featured political pundit at the beginning of the 2020 presidential race.

Brazile, who admitted she leaked questions for the last 2016 presidential debate to Hillary Clinton is now a Fox News political pundit.

“As Trump noted in his first tweet, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) decided back in March to forbid Fox News from hosting any of the Democratic presidential debates. DNC Chairman Tom Perez stated that Fox is “not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate,” following a report alleging journalistic malfeasance from the New Yorker. ()

“The ban hasn’t stopped the network from hosting town hall events for specific candidates though.”

This is how Fox News brass explains the network’s change in attitude:

“Our attitude has been, ‘Let’s do some town halls but be selective about it,’” Bill Sammon, Fox’s senior vice president of news, told the Washington Post last week. “There are two dozen candidates. We’re not going to get to all of them. That’s just reality. So let’s carefully select the promising candidates and space them out a bit. We’re not going to put them on every night or five in one night. We’ll do it every couple or three weeks and have an impact.”

Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar are “the promising candidates”?!

What do Sen. Kamala Harris, and 20-odd others have to say about that?

Since when did town halls become Fox News pep rallies?

We may never know. But we do know that New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is coming to Fox News’ next ‘Town Hall’.

Nor should anyone forget that just before the Fox ‘Town Hall’ brouhaha, the network claimed in a poll—of 1,000 Americans—that most Americans trust Robert Mueller III more than they do Attorney General William Barr. (New York Daily News, May 18, 2019)

And it is for sure that the Town Hall meme will continue over at Fox News where you can count on anti-Trump screeds from Chris Wallace, including his recent criticisms of Barr, the political advice of ex-DNC chair Donna Brazile, and the odd pot shots from the likes of Judge Andrew Napolitano, with anti-Trumpster Neil Cavuto bringing up the rear.

Try to remember, folks that through no choice of our own, we all live in an era where “people are what they see on TV”.

High time to tune out of Fox News and tune in to your own common sense.

Rent-A-Standing-Ovation-Crowd at Fox News' 'Town Halls'
By Judi McLeod
May 20, 2019
A word of caution to Judi. Should you ever get the call to appear on a FOX panel be careful the Murdoch Boys are not setting you up for two or three liberal panel members taking turns raping you.

On the plus side, my gal Judi does not have to worry about getting the call. Nailing Prime Time Carlson makes her persona non grata at FOX til the end of time.

First Came Fox Polls Showing Trump As Trailing, Then Came Tucker Carlson’s Trump Drop-Out Fiction
By Judi McLeod
June 29, 2020