It is sad when a dying industry is what has kept your society together for generations. Lots of people lived in coal towns. When the automation removed jobs, it was scary. Then alternative energy will end them. There is nothing there to replace those jobs. Hillary said she would emphasize training for new energy source jobs. Trump ran by stoking the fear and making wild promises he had no intention or ability to keep.. it worked. They heard the words they wanted to hear and believed. But they were lies. Trumps lies.
It is sad when a dying industry is what has kept your society together for generations. Lots of people lived in coal towns. When the automation removed jobs, it was scary. Then alternative energy will end them. There is nothing there to replace those jobs. Hillary said she would emphasize training for new energy source jobs. Trump ran by stoking the fear and making wild promises he had no intention or ability to keep.. it worked. They heard the words they wanted to hear and believed. But they were lies. Trumps lies.
Even rocks are smarter than trumpsters
So you think coal miners are dumb? Those dumb coal miners voted Democrat for decades. It'll take them 8 years to figure out they're not getting their coal mining jobs back.