All White Men Go To Hell


New member
And I should know.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are camping out. In the middle of the night, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says “Kimo Sabe, look up at the sky and tell me what you see”. The Lone Ranger looks up and replies “I see millions of stars, Tonto”. Tonto says “Tell me what that mean” .

The Lone Ranger thinks about it and says “Well, Tonto, astronomically speaking, it means there are millions of balls of burning gas up there which we call stars, many of which are suns like our own. Astrologically speaking, it means that Saturn is in Pisces. Meteorologically speaking, it means that we’ll have a clear, sunny day tomorrow, and philosophically speaking, it means that we are just a tiny, insignificant part of an infinite universe.”

Tonto shakes his head and says “You dumber than buffalo shit, Kimo Sabe! It mean someone stole our tent!”
Ahhh Yes...........

The old Native American philosophy...personally I say to darla,cippie and a couple of others...we call you 'Walking Eagle'...Too full of shit to fly..enough said!;)
So... How much Native American do I need to claim in order for St. Peter to let me into heaven?
Check with Churchill... he is an expert on faking his ancestry. So he can help you add a 1/16 or even a 1/4 to your lineage.
Nah, he sucked at it pretty hard. It wasn't too hard to find out that he is just a goofy white guy that makes up crap about history.