All Would Be Wise To Cut Funding To The WHO, Garbage Posing As World Health Organizat

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
All Would Be Wise To Cut Funding To The WHO, Garbage Posing As World Health Organization

This so pathetically and inappropriately titled World Health Organization is infiltrated thus tragically is not any longer even close to anything trust worthy as of years ago much like the sickos posing as United Nations who work towards assisting with dividing and conquering nations with a slew of sick and filthy lies and deceptions for years now and look at the precise same sick filth that has been pulled on many western countries simultaneously in recent decades for factual evidence as proof. Years of it, the same cheap and pathetic lies and deceptions pulled upon several countries has not gone unnoticed.

Article title: Under fire for COVID-19 response, Trump says 'WHO really blew it'


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
You know Dave, this has got me to thinking. Why ... why can I buy a gallon of Milk in a hard plastic container in the USA, but in Canada, I'm forced to buy Milk in some thin plastic 'Baggie'?
How do you even pour the Milk? Do you snip a corner and try some juggling act to pour a bit in your Tea? Is there some Government mandated device you have to place it in? Be honest, is this some kind of Canadian dexterity trickery imposed upon the Elderly?

David, I'm trying to be 'Be Good, Be Strong' but WTF is going on with the Milk???
You know Dave, this has got me to thinking. Why ... why can I buy a gallon of Milk in a hard plastic container in the USA, but in Canada, I'm forced to buy Milk in some thin plastic 'Baggie'?
How do you even pour the Milk? Do you snip a corner and try some juggling act to pour a bit in your Tea? Is there some Government mandated device you have to place it in? Be honest, is this some kind of Canadian dexterity trickery imposed upon the Elderly?

David, I'm trying to be 'Be Good, Be Strong' but WTF is going on with the Milk???

I'm not even going to ask Jack.

Article title: Why Do Canadians Drink Bagged Milk?

Thanks David

"These days, Canadians are doing some cool things with discarded “milk bladders.” Milkbags Unlimited, a volunteer network across the Greater Toronto Area, recycles milk bags into sleeping mats. Every adult-sized mat is made with approximately 400 milk bags, which are cleaned and cut into strips. Volunteers loop and fit each bag onto a frame, weaving it into the mattress that has a lifespan of approximately 25 years. In addition to the mats, milk bags are also used to stuff pillows and to weave into handbags. The milk bag mats offer a durable and washable alternative to sleeping on cold, damp, and dusty ground, and have particularly helped people living in disaster zones. When resources are scarce, health care professionals have even used these mattresses as substitutes for operating tables. Talk about MacGyver-style upcycling."

I knew you were the guy to ask!