Allende last address

Allende was fairly successful in raising the poor's standard of living in Chile - one of the only Marxist
I know of that actually helped his country.
"In 1914 Anaconda started buying into foreign mining companies. By 1929 the company owned all of Chile Copper Company, whose Chuquicamata mine was the world’s most productive. In 1971 Chile’s newly elected socialist president, Salvador Allende, expropriated Anaconda’s Chilean copper mines under powers granted by an amendment to Chile’s constitution. The Allende government was overthrown in 1973, and the new military government agreed to pay Anaconda more than $250 million for its expropriated mines."

Allende thought the Copper Mines belonged to Chile, just because they were IN Chile. Global Investors (the Shareholders) complained.
"On 15 September 1970, US President Richard Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger authorised the US government to do everything possible to undermine the incoming government of the socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende. Nixon and Kissinger, according to the notes kept by CIA Director Richard Helms, wanted to ‘make the economy scream’ in Chile; they were ‘not concerned [about the] risks involved’. War was acceptable to them as long as Allende’s government was removed from power. The CIA started Project FUBELT, with $10 million as a first instalment to begin the covert destabilisation of the country."
"US business firms, such as the telecommunication giant ITT, the soft drink maker Pepsi Cola and copper monopolies such as Anaconda and Kennecott, put pressure on the US government once Allende nationalised the copper sector on 11 July 1971. Chileans celebrated this day as the Day of National Dignity (Dia de la Dignidad Nacional). The CIA began to make contact with sections of the military seen to be against Allende. Three years later, on 11 September 1973, these military men moved against Allende, who died in the regime change operation. The US ‘created the conditions’ as US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger put it, to which US President Richard Nixon answered, ‘that is the way it is going to be played’. Such is the mood of international gangsterism."
Iran is not socialist -but does have an intersting economy

Saudi Arabia and Israel both claim they will 'Fight Iran' to the Last American Soldier.

My view is that Saudi Arabia and Israel both have 'influence' over American Law Makers and will use that influence to crush Iran, THEIR Enemy.

Oh look:
"According to consulting firm PFC Energy, only 7% of the world's estimated oil and gas reserves are in countries that allow private international companies free rein. Fully 65% are in the hands of state-owned companies such as Saudi Aramco, with the rest in countries such as Russia and Venezuela, where access by Western companies is difficult. The PFC study implies political groups unfavorable to capitalism in some countries tend to limit oil production increases in Mexico, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Russia. Saudi Arabia is also limiting capacity expansion, but because of a self-imposed cap, unlike the other countries.[3]"

--->"state-owned companies such as Saudi Aramco<--- WTF!?! That's Communism!
Not really sure what Allende expected to happen when he expropriated US owned copper mines without compensation. Having said that Pinochet was a nasty bastard who should have been boiled in oil!!
Saudi Arabia and Israel both claim they will 'Fight Iran' to the Last American Soldier.

My view is that Saudi Arabia and Israel both have 'influence' over American Law Makers and will use that influence to crush Iran, THEIR Enemy.

--->"state-owned companies such as Saudi Aramco<--- WTF!?! That's Communism!
no doubt. but if you factor in US nat gas and extractions we are now an energy exporter.

Oil is fungible -so prices there do effect prices here- but we're not held hostage to mideast oil for policy anymore.
KSA is just as valuable or more so as a partner in anti-terrorism (AQ), and a strategic counter to Iran.

Which is why there is no 'blood for oil' scenario now
“We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

“More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT, and other terrorist groups, including Hamas, which probably raise millions of dollars annually from Saudi sources.”