Allies Have It Out in Canada: Afghanistan Testing NATO Alliance


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Some soldiers in Afghanistan drink beer, the others risk their lives. That is one characterization of the disparity among the NATO allies mentioned at their annual meeting in Quebec. Allies fighting in the more dangerous southern part of the country are fed up with countries -- like Germany, France, Italy and Spain - refusing to send reinforcements

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Seems NATO is going the way of the un. Everyone wants the US to do it and they just sit back and critize. Its a very simple matter where NATO is concerned. Everybody pulls their weight or they are kicked out of NATO. Lots of countries standing in line to join it. Replace the deadbeats with those that want to participate.
Seems NATO is going the way of the un. Everyone wants the US to do it and they just sit back and critize. Its a very simple matter where NATO is concerned. Everybody pulls their weight or they are kicked out of NATO. Lots of countries standing in line to join it. Replace the deadbeats with those that want to participate.
And what's more, those new-fangled au-to-mo-biles will never replace the horse.
Allies fighting in the more dangerous southern part of the country are fed up with countries -- like Germany, France, Italy and Spain - refusing to send reinforcements

Bush isn't sending reinforcements. I doubt that the allies will, seeing how Bush bailed on Afghanistan and diverted us to iraq.

This war requires american leadership. Bush ain't providing it.