Allow people to declare themselves outlaws


The other day on reddit, I heard a libertardian complaining about the fact that he couldn't drop his citizenship and become stateless. Well, I actually agree with him here. But not in the way that he meant. I suppose that the current state of libertarianism is primarily due to the naivete of liberals who are incapable of understanding human nature. Give someone a privilige, and they will naturally seek to abuse it. Libertarians, therefore, like spoiled, bratty children, have come to the conclusion that society needs them, and that they do not need society. So, by this statelessness, what he really means is that he just wants to pick and choose the social protections he wants and to stop contributing to the others. I suppose this is the inevitable result of our narcissistic generation, 100% of whom were told that they're above average special snowflakes.

He wants the bare minimum social protections necessary to protect his interests, that of the bourgeoisie. But why on Earth does society have any responsibility to allow him to pick and choose? What does he get off on? The problem is, of course, that we have guaranteed him something no matter what. And it is merely human nature to take and abuse that which is given freely and without any conditions.

The right to property is fundamentally composed of two separate rights. A negative right, that society, within certain rules, will not taken someone's property. And a positive right that society will take retribution on those who take property, in order to keep order and make sure that theft and violence are kept low. This is fundamentally a transfer of wealth from the weak to the strong, from the hands that are able to protect themselves to those that aren't. Socialism at its finest.

Yes, people should absolutely be able to declare them stateless, societyless, to spit on the that which they so obviously don't need. And that ultimate of socialisms, which is societal protection from violence and theft, should absolutely be removed as well. Those who choose to abandon society should be considered open season. You don't have to pay those burdensome taxes that ensure that worthless children don't starve, or that a thieving single mother doesn't die of a preventable disease, and they don't have to do anything when someone comes and enslaves you, or takes everything you own, or puts a bullet in your fucking head either. In pre-modern times, we would call this "outlaw" status, and, bizarrely, this was considered one of the worst possible punishments. But if you want to choose it, feel free. Completely remove yourself from all societies protection. Take your precious negative liberty, of just one amongst many organizations not being able to harm you, and cast aside ALL of the wretched positive liberties you have no need of.

You don't need society? Society does not need you!
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