Alt Right Claims This Cannot Happen


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We sometimes lose each of the individual deaths in the 200,000+ deaths. The Alt Right likes to claim they are all old, and having other problems, but a surprising number are younger.

28-year-old Texas doctor dies after two month battle with coronavirus
The Independent
Graeme Massie
,The Independent•September 21, 2020

A doctor who contracted Covid-19 treating stricken patients at a Texas hospital has died after a two-month battle with the virus.

Dr Adeline Fagan became infected as she did a coronavirus rotation in the ER and died over the weekend after suffering a “massive brain bleed.”

Dr Fagan, 28, fell ill in early July and quarantined at home for a week after testing positive for Covid-19.

But her family say that her condition worsened and she began to fall over and her lips turned blue, a sign of lack of oxygen, according to

Dr Fagan, who worked in obstetrics and gynaecology in Houston, was admitted as a patient as her condition deteriorated.

Doctors tried to give her an experimental drug and placed her onto life-support with an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine.

“Before we could see if this new drug was effective, her lungs could no longer support her,” her family wrote on her GoFundeMe page.

Dr Fagan spent several weeks in intensive care on a ventilator before suffering a “massive brain bleed” and doctors said she would need emergency surgery.

“The doctor said they have seen this type of event in COVID patients that spend time on ECMO,” they added.

Her family say she was only given a “1 in a million” chance of surviving the procedure, but Dr Fagan died before it could be performed.

“We spent the remaining minutes hugging, comforting, and talking to Adeline. And then the world stopped,” they wrote on Facebook.

Dr Fagan was originally from Syracuse, New York, and was in the second year of her residency.

“We want to sincerely thank all who supported Adeline and us through this difficult time,” her father Brant Fagan wrote in a CaringBridge post.

“You were all there cheering and praying and crying. The numbers of well wishes and caring people humbles us.

“Even in this darkest of times, there are good people willing to share a piece of themselves for the sake of another.

“If you can do one thing, be an “Adeline” in the world.

“Be passionate about helping others less fortunate, have a smile on your face, a laugh in your heart, and a Disney tune on your lips.”
The Alt Right likes to claim they are all old, and having other problems, but a surprising number are younger.
how many? what is your claim?

Do you get the fact she was intubated and got lung damage? she died of complications -it happens
how many? what is your claim?

Do you get the fact she was intubated and got lung damage? she died of complications -it happens

WOW, suddenly DuKKKha is claiming to be a health expert, and claiming it was the treatment not the disease that killed her. Sorry, it was the disease that killed her. The treatment could have saved her.
WOW, suddenly DuKKKha is claiming to be a health expert, and claiming it was the treatment not the disease that killed her. Sorry, it was the disease that killed her. Treatment could have saved her
fucking moron. the intubation got her -COVID only kills when it cause the cytokine storm
or aggrevates co-morbidity factors
The primary symptoms of a cytokine storm are high fever, swelling and redness, extreme fatigue and nausea. In some cases the immune reaction may be fatal.
she WAS TREATED... put down the keypad and do some research on COVID
WOW, suddenly DuKKKha is claiming to be a health expert, and claiming it was the treatment not the disease that killed her. Sorry, it was the disease that killed her. The treatment could have saved her.
But it did not.... so why use her tragic death to attack others?
I'm not sure why 6 full time jobs don't keep you much, there's school to help out with;) WAlt...right?
SALTY's an idiot. trying to politicize a young doctors death with no understanding of the disease and treatment
the lung damage from intubation likely got her. they put her on an ECMO - bypassing the lungs,
but it's a last ditch effort

ECMO is better than intubation since it can save the lungs—and the life. But it’s still a risky gambit for the old/infirm since ECMO doesn’t perfuse the major organs efficiently.

The lefties and their COVID outliers lol. Anything to prop-up the panic.

Hey Alt-Walt, universities have been open nearly a month now. How many college age kids have we lost to the China Virus that came from China and China failed to contain and then lied about it?
Yes, you are a "fucking moron", but we are too polite to say it.
Do you have any idea how much more education these medical doctors have than you?
you still yammering at this?
you fail to understand early intubation does the damage ( i think it aggrevates the soft tissues -but i'm guessing)
we just know early intubation is a last resort, but it was protocol at first

you fail to understand the cytokine storm does the lung and organ damage as the disease progresses
you fail to understand "she was treated"
you fail to understand early use of HCQ impedes RNA replication of COVID

MASSIVE FAIL -because you jumped the shark with your need to politicize a tragic death