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“The news that the Obama DOJ gave immunity to Heather Samuelson, Hillary Clinton’s lawyer responsible for the infamous deletion of 33,000 emails, further confirms the sham FBI/DOJ investigation of the Clinton email scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is curious that Ms. Samuelson changed her story about what she knew and when about the Clinton email system. Attorney General Barr can’t reopen the Clinton email investigation fast enough.”

Judicial Watch: Justice Department Granted Immunity To Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer Who Destroyed 33,000 Emails
JUNE 28, 2019


If Hillary Clinton was really the smartest woman in the world she would have turned over ALL of her emails on black construction paper.

Hillary was not going to sit down and go over a half a million emails. As with most people, many were personal. So she hired a lawyer to go through them and admonished him to save any that he had questions about.. Damn Trump bitches about her server not being secure enough while he does government business on Twitter.