Am I a prepper ?


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So people would call me a prepper but I dont think I am really.
I live in Florida close to the coast no far from the cape.
I do have a generator some stored fuel, thousands of rounds of ammo and a very co plete first aid kit which includes med locals inject able for pain inncase I need to do stiches etc a freezer full of meats a couple pantry's full of canned and dried good a alternative cooking method and some water purification supply's and freeze dried food .

Now Florida is very prone to hurricanes and I have been in my share of them, even working outside during a couple.
Any one who lives i Florida can tell you how important a generator is and fresh water and a small fuel supply .
its also important to keep food on hand as stores will not be open for some time.

Now I buy a lot of foods when they are on sale such as rib roasts , I usually wait till just before x mass when it goes on sale as low as 5.99 a lb and I but several of them. have them cut into the size of roasts we need and also some very nice steaks , I do this not so much for prepping but to save money, I do the same with bacon , sirloin steaks roasts and ground sirloin, corned beef colossal shrimp, but I buy a lot of shrimp from cape Canaveral straight off the shrimp boats , I usually stock up and try to keep at least 30 lbs on hand .

So this isn't really prepping but wise spending of money . I keep enough on hand according to its freezer life . I keep another freezer full of frozen veggies and home made sauce and boxed meals such as salisbury steak , white castle sliders french fries etc I also keep meats with limited shelf life in this freezer.

First aid kit is just common sense in fl in a hurricane there may be no one able to get to you , and as for ammo well I reload and shoot a lot . I decided after watching how things went in New Orleans after a hurricane I need to just not load for when I went shooting but for emergency's plus any time a democrats get elected and start talking about gun restrictions taxing ammo and other suck bull shat I should stock up and the best way to do that is to make it myself.

I also keep a supply of cash on hand I wont say how much here but its substantial , ATMs and banks may not be open for some time in emergency's.

So Am I a prepper or just a wise person who is prepared . I guess many of the liberals here who hate me will say something derogatory about this at least the really stupid ones .

I live in Cali for several years and Kentucky both were earth quake zones I lived in the remote mountains 60 miles away from a wall mart where the snow fall was often measured in feet not inches and power outages were common and medical care was a very long way off as was any law enforcement , often response time was 45 min to a few hours .

I have learned we are responsible for ourselves in a emergency , there may be no one to help . I so see my self as a prepper but as a man who can and will take care of my family and my self and be able to offer help to friends or neighbors in a emergency .