Am I the only one??


Am I the only one looking forward to when the liberals are finally able to elect a President and the Right is able to use the same tactics, that the liberals are now using against President Trump, to totally destroy the time spent in office?


To hear the liberals cry and lament about how unfair it is?

Am I the only one looking forward to when the liberals are finally able to elect a President and the Right is able to use the same tactics, that the liberals are now using against President Trump, to totally destroy the time spent in office?


To hear the liberals cry and lament about how unfair it is?


to be honest, while I understand your point, I would never reduce myself to the hypocritical insufferable nature of the modern day liberal. I am not going to cry when a liberal becomes president again, or bang on the doors of the united states supreme court like I have a case of aspbergers. or live my life in fear that the sky is falling. I will keep on keeping on and be a man and suck it up. Liberals are infantile children and america haters, they are nothing to mimic.