Amazing anybody supports Trump

They hate America, and want revenge. trump, himself, has said he is that vengeance on America.
Grand jury people in Georgia said if the people heard the phone calls and saw the evidence they did, there would not be so much separation in America. It won't impact this board. Our rights are deep cultists. Trump can do whatever he wants and they will back him.
Why do they hate America?

That I do not fully understand. They keep posting how badly they have been treated by modern America, but then say their lives are great.

What I have seen is trump voters are in demographic collapse. While the rest of America was having longer life expectancies before the pandemic, trump voters were collapsing. It was so bad that America's average was being brought down. If treated as a single issue, there were far more excess deaths from it than from AIDS.

Is it a single issue? The direct cause of death is so varied that it took years to even notice. Sometime the deaths are collectively called "deaths of despair", because they pretty much all are deaths decided by the dying. It is suicide, homicide, drug overdoses, car accidents(often involving drinking), excess cancers and organ failures(caused by drugs and alcohol), etc. Whatever it is, it is tightly correlated with voting for trump.

So I put these together and see a lot of people very angry with their lives, and the amount of deaths in their lives, and seeking revenge on the rest of us for it.
To be amazed by Trumps support requires either being retarded or......

No, there is no other way to get there.
The pimps of war, leaping from fiasco to fiasco, cling to the chimera of U.S. global supremacy. The dance macabre will not stop until we publicly hold them accountable for their crimes, ask those we have wronged for forgiveness and give up our lust for uncontested global power. The day of reckoning, vital if we are to protect what is left of our anemic democracy and curb the appetites of the war machine, will only come when we build mass anti-war organizations that demand an end to the imperial folly threatening to extinguish life on the planet.