Amazing Safety Device

What an awsome idea.

This technology should be implimented into every human run piece of machinery that has ever harmed a human.
That is very cool. Even the clumsiest oaf can now take shop without losing a thumb and pinkie finger.
There is machinery in the work places that are very dangerous to opperate.

What this provides is a safety level that will save peoples lives and limbs.

Some think more profit is far more important than the human element.

Im not one of those people
There is machinery in the work places that are very dangerous to opperate.

What this provides is a safety level that will save peoples lives and limbs.

Some think more profit is far more important than the human element.

Im not one of those people

hey retard you do realize that this safety feature will likely add more money onto the base price and increase profit right?
Any safe guard can fail; but more importantly, to stop debris from hitting you in the face.
Which would stop the images from being effective. They clearly removed it so they had a clear shot for the high speed camera. Don't get all bent about it, they needed to have as effective images as possible to sell you on the excellent invention.
There is machinery in the work places that are very dangerous to opperate.

What this provides is a safety level that will save peoples lives and limbs.

Some think more profit is far more important than the human element.

Im not one of those people

no. what this will do is allow any moron and fucktard to walk in to a machine shop thinking they can build anything when they don't have the skills to even keep their fingers intact. This will lessen the quality of manufactured goods and lower the bar on working skills in the manufacturing economy.
Which would stop the images from being effective. They clearly removed it so they had a clear shot for the high speed camera. Don't get all bent about it, they needed to have as effective images as possible to sell you on the excellent invention.

I'm not "bent"; I just found it ironic that they would exhibit a safety device and in doing so, remove a standard feature.
no. what this will do is allow any moron and fucktard to walk in to a machine shop thinking they can build anything when they don't have the skills to even keep their fingers intact. This will lessen the quality of manufactured goods and lower the bar on working skills in the manufacturing economy.

Not being accident prone doesn't equate to intelligence. Often it's the opposite. Not having people lose their fingers = lower quality goods? In what universe does that make sense?

I know you're of the Reagan generation and are under the delusion that you're some beautiful and unique snowflake, but you aren't. Lot's of skilled people lose their fingers in saw accidents every year. This will lower the price of goods, because companies won't have to pay so much workers comp, without touching the quality of goods.
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great idea, make tablesaws and other major tools way too expensive for ordinary idiots to use.

Hey you mamby bamby jackwagons, this tainwallow suggested it cost too much.,

I dont give a rats ass if it does increase profit, I have no problem with profit as long as it doesnt fuck things up.