listing had Barack Obama Halloween mask under 'terrorist'



Andrew Malcolm

October 28, 2008

You know that argument the John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign has been relentlessly making that Barack Obama “pals” around with terrorists such as ’60s ex-radical William Ayers?

And they say this reflects on his poor judgment because of other associates such as Rev. Jeremiah Wright and newly-convicted Tony Rezko? …

Anyway, a listing on, one of the largest and most successful online merchandisers in the world, seemed to come down even beyond the Republicans’ side — for a while anyway. With Halloween just days away, they’re making a bundle off a $49.95 Barack Obama mask.

Which was displayed on the “terrorist costume” page.

You read that right!

(UPDATE: Amazon’s listing seems to have caught itself and deleted the Obama mask from the terrorist page. However, before that happened, The Ticket captured a photo. See below.)

…picture for yourself. There’s the Democrats’ presidential candidate smiling right under the headline “Terrorist Costume.” …

View attachment 84

Truth in advertising!!!