Amber alert non essential according to Obama



AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown, Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Website However… (UPDATED)
Oct. 6, 2013 9:19pm Oliver Darcy

UPDATE, 10/7 — 11:50 a.m. ET:

The Department of Justice says they had to take an employee off furlough to re-open the website Monday morning, The Huffington Post reports.

UPDATE, 10/7 — 11:00 a.m. ET:

On Monday morning, service to AMBER Alert’s website was restored. It was immediately unclear when the website was put back online.

Here is how it looked Monday morning:
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown

The AMBER Alert website was back online Monday morning. (Image source:

The official website of the AMBER Alert program has been taken offline, due to the federal government shutdown.

“Due to the lapse in federal funding, this Office of Justice Programs (OJP) website is unavailable,” a message greeting visitors now reads on the website.
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown

(Image Source:

It was immediately unclear when the website was taken down. However, it should be noted that First Lady Michelle Obama’s website for her “Let’s Move” campaign is still up, running and fully functional.

The AMBER Alert program is a voluntary partnership between law-enforcement and broadcasters that issues urgent bulletins following cases of child abductions.
Following the news, users on Twitter reacted:
Cruz stood 21 hours for freedom. Obama won't stand for missing children. #AmberAlert #shutdown
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdownabout 15 hours ago via Twitter for iPadReplyRetweetFavorite
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown
If George W. Bush shut down the Amber Alert system for a political stunt, there would be a 24/7 TV marathon of screaming fury.
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdownabout 15 hours ago via TweetDeckReplyRetweetFavorite
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown
Rick Wilson
Really? Amber Alert website goes dark under government shutdown
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdownabout 16 hours ago via Twitchy on iOSReplyRetweetFavorite
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown
Michelle Malkin
Saving missing children: Non-essential, apparently.
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdownabout 15 hours ago via webReplyRetweetFavorite
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown
Christine Rousselle

Probably not a super idea for the Administration to temporarily disable the Amber Alert system.
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdownabout 16 hours ago via webReplyRetweetFavorite
AMBER Alert Website Goes Offline Amid Government Shutdown
Jeffrey Goldberg
The Amber Alert system has not been offline at all. The federal portion may have been. But most of the Amber Alert system is on state and local systems, so the federal shutdown has not effected it.

The website was effected. The was not
The Amber Alert system has not been offline at all. The federal portion may have been. But most of the Amber Alert system is on state and local systems, so the federal shutdown has not effected it.

The website was effected. The was not

They just don't listen to facts, huh?
And yes, the federal website is back up. See? they listened to all of you howling about how important the website is.

Are you starting to pay attention, maybe? You all are really starting to notice what a problem it is having govt shut down. We need our govt open - it's vital to us in so many different ways. The house needs to pass the clean CR bill.
the longer this goes on, the more the blame will be equally partitioned; Dem's need to be careful not to overplay their hand.

On the other hand (3rd hand?) it will all be over with in the peoples mind as soon as it is.
And yes, the federal website is back up. See? they listened to all of you howling about how important the website is.

Are you starting to pay attention, maybe? You all are really starting to notice what a problem it is having govt shut down. We need our govt open - it's vital to us in so many different ways. The house needs to pass the clean CR bill.

No but the administration wants to inflict as much pain as possible to get their point across.
No but the administration wants to inflict as much pain as possible to get their point across.

They are not surrendering to the extortion by the GOP. That is all.

Its funny, this is the second thread about the Amber Alert system. Both threads were started by neocons who normally crow about state's rights and how the states and local communities can do it better. In this case, what you are complaining about is being mostly done by the states. But you whine about the feds not carrying it.
So are conservatives noticing something? THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS IMPORTANT. It's not a do-nothing entity. It has an impact in so many ways.

Maybe they need to rethink their thoughts about shrinking govt and washing it down the drain...

Pass the clean CR. It's not hard to do.
its understandable......he went missing for most of his youth and no one seems to care.......he probably resents the attention focused on missing children today......
Do you think ANY con here will admit this flat out LIE from the right?


they hope some idiots never figure out its a lie