My favourite American Founder is George Washington, before I tell you the serious reasons why, I'll explain one of the more frivolous ones. After he was made the Commander-in-Chief of America's Continental army, George Washington was ,of course, immediately a respected public figure in the 13 colonies. When he began to win battles against the British, and earned a reputation for his remarkable, personal courage on the battlefied, he became a "celebrity" in American society. I mean "celebrity", in the sense that "Oprah", for example, is still a big celebrity in the US today. I don't know why, but millions of Americans are still evidently infatuated with her and think she's just the "Dog's Bollocks." (As far as I'm concerned Oprah Winfrey is just a fat, fatuous, brainless, Black blob who bores me to tears every time I am forced to watch more than 10 mins of her on television). Anyway, getting back to George Washington... As Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, Washington was frequently invited to social events organized by the upper - class elites of American society. They might be dances or banquets or musical recitals, but only the "quality", the "upper crust" (for example, other Founders, people like Ben Franklin and his family) were invited to attend. What I like about Washington is that it when he attended these classy shin-digs he developed a reputation that was kind of like the one Donald Trump had(i.e. for being a profligate and wanton "PUSSY - GRABBER")
But George Washington was not a "pussy-grabber", rather, was a compulsive "BREAST - SQUEEZER" When he was seated in conversation with attractive, young women at posh, social events, George had the habit of (unpredictably) reaching across the table and squeezing/kneading these young girls' bosoms - as though he were testing them to see whether or not they had a satisfactorily firm texture (like you do with certain fruits at the supermarket before you buy them). Of course, no one ever said a word about this behaviour to Washington - especially not the girls who'd had their breasts groped/squeezed - because Washington was a great hero, (he was also 6 feet 4 inches tall), and if he wanted to squeeze a few titties, well, he'd certainly earned the right!
I think George Washington's Tittie - Squeezing habit was just JUST 2 COOL 4 SKOOL !

Life was so much more fun before modern Political Correctness, wasn't it ? PC is such a miserable po-faced doctrine; it always brings to mind the drab, gray cheerlessness of communist East Germany I experienced when I visited East Berlin in the early 1980's.
It also reminds me of the Ayatollah Khomeini when he became the ruler of Iran after the Islamic revolution of 1979. The Ayatollah was a TOTAL ass-hole; he was an ultra-conservative, hard-line rag-head who made even the Prophet Muhammad seem like a modern-day liberal Democrat. Anyway, in 1979 he had 15 minutes of fame in the West, after he told an American media journalist who had been permitted to interview him in Tehran, that: "ISLAM HAS NO SENSE OF HUMOUR That, actually, is a dead- accurate observation, because middle-Eastern Muslims are, as you know, a primitive, brutal, low - IQ, uncivilized collection of the dregs of humanity. On the other hand, White Northwestern European descended peoples, like the English, the Australians and White Americans, have a robust and healthy "good sense of humour". Take, for instance, the iconic 1979 English comedy film: " Life of Brian" (which I think was a "Monty Python" effort) the whole movie is intentionally designed to take the piss out of the West BIG TIME, for some of the idiotic things that it's done. But countless millions of Westerners thought it was hilarious, and it is still popular to this day. And that's the point - when a people can sit down and laugh at themselves; laugh at some of the foolish things that their own culture/civilization has done in the past, without demanding that the "offending" film be immediately banned or ordering that the producer, director and actors all have their heads cut off, it means that the people are members of a genuinely civilized and relatively intelligent culture/society. Put it this way...imagine you are adressing a hall full of Black Americans, and before you begin speaking on your topic, you decide to break the ice by relating a funny, satirical, anecdote about Black culture in America. What do you think the response would be ? I think you'd probably have to run for your life lest you be strung up by the testicles. Right ?
So, as for the serious reasons that George Washington was my favourite Founder...
(1) He was a member of the Federalist Party during his first tern in Office. The Federalist Party were (a) a traditionalist conservative political party, and (b) also an American nationalist party. So Washington wanted to keep America a nation that had a unified, homogenous, White Northwestern culure , which basically meant he wanted to keep America a predominantly White Anglo - Protestant nation. I totally agree. America was founded and subsequently developed (rapidly) into the most prosperous and powerful nation in Western civilization. In 1965, over 80% of America's population were either the descendents of its original English Protestant stock or some other Northwest European Protestant ethmic group. In 1965, America was the world's wealthiest and mightiest nation. 1965, unfortunately, was also the year that the socialist, Democrat President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, signed America's death warrant: the "Immigration and Nationalisation Act 1965" into law. The Immigration and Nationalisation Act (aka the "Hart-Celler" Act) was strongly supported in Congress by liberal ideologues, in particular. Teddy Kennedy and Robert Fitgerald Kennedy, both of whom lied about the demographic ramifications of the Act. The Hart-Celler Act, however, was not concocted and promoted by White liberal Democrats like the foolish Kennedys; it was was chiefly a creation of the American Judeocracy. Emanuel Celler (D-MI), for instance, was a Jew, and it was he who had written the majority of the Act and introduced it to Congress. The ADL, the American Jewish Committee and many other Jewish lobby groups and pressure groups played a major role in supporting the passage of the Act. Anyway, the bottom line is that the IMMIGRATION and NATIONALIZATION flooded the United States with coloured, unskilled migrants from the Third World. This has FATALLY INJURED AMERICA and, unless a miracle occurs, IT WITH DESTROY THE UNITED STATES COMPLETELY in the not too distant future.
George Washington is my favourite American Founder and President because he was not a smart-ass, liberal intellectual like Thomas Jefferson or Tom Paine, rather he was a pragmatic man - a man of action. He was a classic, traditional conservative in that he learned from the past and from experience. As a President, he was not against reform of the status quo but he had the wisdom to know that any proposed policy for large-scale, societal change had to be regarded with extreme caution and should, if implemented, only ever be implemented slowly and incrementally. Finally, he knew implicitly that any multi-racial nation would be nothing but a giant, unstable, political powderkeg that would inevitably self-destruct and annihilate whatever remained of civilized society.
America was dealt its death blow in 1965 when the "Immigration and Nationalisation Act was signed into law by a socialist Democrat , LBJ. Had George Washingtom been in the White House that year, the United States would not be in the situation it is right now, that is, staring down the barrel of a demographic shot gun and asking "What comes next"?
Can America be saved from total "CALIFORNICATION" ? I think that the answer is: "Yes, in theory"; but it would require - just to begin with - finding another George Washington (a modern-day, identical twin of the original, if you like) and installing him in the White House. And the odds on that happening are pretty long, IMHO.
DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

I think George Washington's Tittie - Squeezing habit was just JUST 2 COOL 4 SKOOL !

So, as for the serious reasons that George Washington was my favourite Founder...
(1) He was a member of the Federalist Party during his first tern in Office. The Federalist Party were (a) a traditionalist conservative political party, and (b) also an American nationalist party. So Washington wanted to keep America a nation that had a unified, homogenous, White Northwestern culure , which basically meant he wanted to keep America a predominantly White Anglo - Protestant nation. I totally agree. America was founded and subsequently developed (rapidly) into the most prosperous and powerful nation in Western civilization. In 1965, over 80% of America's population were either the descendents of its original English Protestant stock or some other Northwest European Protestant ethmic group. In 1965, America was the world's wealthiest and mightiest nation. 1965, unfortunately, was also the year that the socialist, Democrat President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, signed America's death warrant: the "Immigration and Nationalisation Act 1965" into law. The Immigration and Nationalisation Act (aka the "Hart-Celler" Act) was strongly supported in Congress by liberal ideologues, in particular. Teddy Kennedy and Robert Fitgerald Kennedy, both of whom lied about the demographic ramifications of the Act. The Hart-Celler Act, however, was not concocted and promoted by White liberal Democrats like the foolish Kennedys; it was was chiefly a creation of the American Judeocracy. Emanuel Celler (D-MI), for instance, was a Jew, and it was he who had written the majority of the Act and introduced it to Congress. The ADL, the American Jewish Committee and many other Jewish lobby groups and pressure groups played a major role in supporting the passage of the Act. Anyway, the bottom line is that the IMMIGRATION and NATIONALIZATION flooded the United States with coloured, unskilled migrants from the Third World. This has FATALLY INJURED AMERICA and, unless a miracle occurs, IT WITH DESTROY THE UNITED STATES COMPLETELY in the not too distant future.
George Washington is my favourite American Founder and President because he was not a smart-ass, liberal intellectual like Thomas Jefferson or Tom Paine, rather he was a pragmatic man - a man of action. He was a classic, traditional conservative in that he learned from the past and from experience. As a President, he was not against reform of the status quo but he had the wisdom to know that any proposed policy for large-scale, societal change had to be regarded with extreme caution and should, if implemented, only ever be implemented slowly and incrementally. Finally, he knew implicitly that any multi-racial nation would be nothing but a giant, unstable, political powderkeg that would inevitably self-destruct and annihilate whatever remained of civilized society.
America was dealt its death blow in 1965 when the "Immigration and Nationalisation Act was signed into law by a socialist Democrat , LBJ. Had George Washingtom been in the White House that year, the United States would not be in the situation it is right now, that is, staring down the barrel of a demographic shot gun and asking "What comes next"?
Can America be saved from total "CALIFORNICATION" ? I think that the answer is: "Yes, in theory"; but it would require - just to begin with - finding another George Washington (a modern-day, identical twin of the original, if you like) and installing him in the White House. And the odds on that happening are pretty long, IMHO.
DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
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