America fights to take charge of UN peacekeepers around world


Atheist Missionary
America fights to take charge of UN peacekeepers around world

The United States is lobbying to put an American, possibly a general, in charge of all UN peacekeeping operations in a move that could offer Washington an exit strategy in Iraq.

The unprecedented US bid for the top UN peacekeeping post would place an American in command of the 95,000 UN peacekeepers in trouble spots from Lebanon to Sudan.

The American lobbying effort is set to prove hugely controversial. If successful, the change would amount to a radical remaking of the organisation, bringing it closer to its origin in the Second World War as a US-led alliance.

It is also stirring memories of the disastrous UN peace operation, led by the US, in Somalia in 1993, which ended in chaos and killing on the streets of the capital, Mogadishu.,,3-2435289,00.html

This is not good. The US record with peacekeeping is not good, and the tactics used in Iraq show that the US military has still not learned how to peacekeep effectively. The US military is trained and dedicated to conventional warfighting, and its recent attempts to train for counter-insurgency / peacekeeping have seen it taking training from the IDF, probably the worse occupational force on the planet.
With their excellent track record in peacekeeping operations, i really can't think of a better candidate.

What we need is some cigar chomping cove who's guaranteed to wear sunglasses indoors and has an obsession with "kicking ass". Throw in a big ol' cowboy hat and a weight problem and we're smokin', baby.
Hmm, I guess the Bush Anti UN attitude is just a competetion thing. Bushies would love the UN if the US ran it. err neocons in the US ran it.
The US military needs to move away from the IDF style of peacekeeping / counter insurgency and then I wouldn't have much of a problem with this.
I still have a problem with this. I feel as Bush once stated that the USA should not be the police force of the world.
I feel as Bush once stated that the USA should not be the police force of the world.

It shouldn't, the UN should. The US government struggles to recognise that it is part of a team with the UN, and not running the show. It struggles to relinquish control of troops it commits to UN as other nations do...
I guess rather than struggle with a bit of loss of power the USA prefers to take over ?

No nation likes to see their troops under the command of someone from another nation, British forces wouldn't like to be under a French General (Brit troops can't run away that but sometimes you have to just get on with it.

Demanding that you run the show just doesn't work.