America Is No-Vacation Nation?


Verified User

Thats funny, I spent a number of years in the hospitality industry, and can name quite a few cities that would not exist but for the Americans taking vacations.

I have never worked a job where I did not get paid vacation.
My Dad, who worked in construction his entire life, NEVER got a single paid vacation. Neither did any of my uncles that worked in the same trades and neither did many of my female kin that worked as waitresses and nurses their entire lives without paid vacations. Even my mother that worked as a private duty registered nurse never got a paid vacation. Many millions of Americans NEVER get paid vacations. Facts is facts, WB, your situation notwithstanding.

I almost get as much vacation as a teacher, but my retirement isn't as juicy as PETA promises.
My Dad, who worked in construction his entire life, NEVER got a single paid vacation. Neither did any of my uncles that worked in the same trades and neither did many of my female kin that worked as waitresses and nurses their entire lives without paid vacations. Even my mother that worked as a private duty registered nurse never got a paid vacation. Many millions of Americans NEVER get paid vacations. Facts is facts, WB, your situation notwithstanding.


That's funny because MY dad did construction for 45+ years and got at least 1 week (and as many as 4 weeks) paid vacation every year. In fact there hasn't been a job I've had (and all are trades based except the Marines) where I didn't get at least two weeks.
I get 20 annual days(vacation), 11 sick days(I use 3-4 on average...But the gall bladder surgery this year took a toll), and 4 personal days.

I don't use it all(except for personal days, because they don't accumulate from year to year).

When I retire....I will get paid for 100% for the accumulated annuals and 33% of the accumulated sick days.
Some very simple points are either ignored or at least taken in a completely disrespectful sense. Deplorable. I got mine and I just don't get it why everybody else didn't get it, too? Is that your pitiful response to a serious problem?

Some very simple points are either ignored or at least taken in a completely disrespectful sense. Deplorable. I got mine and I just don't get it why everybody else didn't get it, too? Is that your pitiful response to a serious problem?


It's my response to your anecdotal evidence. Beyond that, I wouldn't read too much into it. But since you asked, yes essentially I don't really care about other peoples vacation time.
First off....I am a civil servant.

I understand that private sector employees get screwed quite often since unions have become taboo in this country, and I do care. But as long as people just choose to throw their hands up in the air and not do anything about it, then there's not much to say.

In short, "woe is me" carries no weight. People need to organize and fight for better wages and benefits. Capital may have the money, but the workforce has the numbers.
My Dad and my Mother were both Union members for practically all of their working lives. My Mom died while still working but my Dad passed away a few years after retirement. The Unions for their type work didn't negotiate vacations for them as their work was inconsistent and sometimes irregular. Even after my Dad went into management he was never concerned about any paid vacation. He simply took his time off between jobs as he had always done. As independent as he always was I wouldn't have expected any less from him. But, paid vacations for him and our family would have been a luxury we never had. I think that is what this topic is all about, isn't it?

My Dad and my Mother were both Union members for practically all of their working lives. My Mom died while still working but my Dad passed away a few years after retirement. The Unions for their type work didn't negotiate vacations for them as their work was inconsistent and sometimes irregular. Even after my Dad went into management he was never concerned about any paid vacation. He simply took his time off between jobs as he had always done. As independent as he always was I wouldn't have expected any less from him. But, paid vacations for him and our family would have been a luxury we never had. I think that is what this topic is all about, isn't it?


What exactly is this topic about, if not for better working conditions, wages and benefits?

Petula, what exactly IS your point? Because I seem to be missing it. What do you want to see happen? I see you complaining, but I hear no suggestions coming from you.
Steelplate, I'm sorry if I confused you. I am for all that you indicate advocation for. We're reading from the same sheet, I think. It's rather hard for me to believe much in the much ballyhooed American Dream when the genuine working stiffs get screwed so much. I'm no conspiracy nut but I smell a rat in the way American workers are being treated.

My grand-daughter just called me tonight crying because her boss at the local Sonic was cutting her hours and blaming it on Obamacare. She is a full-time university student and is fully covered under her mother and father's health insurance plans. She is totally exempted from any requirement encumbered upon Sonic to provide for her health insurance. But her boss, as do many bosses these days, doesn't care to consider the actual law and relies his decisions on the bullshit he hears from Rush Limpbaugh and FauxNews. I asked her to get a piece of writing from him explaining that his decision was indeed being made on his understanding of the Affordable Care Act. She is scared to death of losing more hours if not her job for even asking. We live in a very pitifully uninformed society. Thanks for your concerns, Steelplate. It's all good.

My Dad, who worked in construction his entire life, NEVER got a single paid vacation. Neither did any of my uncles that worked in the same trades and neither did many of my female kin that worked as waitresses and nurses their entire lives without paid vacations. Even my mother that worked as a private duty registered nurse never got a paid vacation. Many millions of Americans NEVER get paid vacations. Facts is facts, WB, your situation notwithstanding.


The few guys I know who work construction don't get paid vacation and a lot of what they do is seasonal so often there's a long layoff period when the weather gets bad. I guess being temporarily jobless and collecting unemployment is what corporations consider vacation.