America loses another great talent!


Shaken, not stirred!
The sad passing of Soupy Sales!. I feel bad for the young folk that will never know what live television was, and how outrageous and entertaining it could be for kids and parents.

Soupy Sales was light years ahead of his time. He never got the true recognition he deserved, IMHO.

Wow, you're giving away your age. I'd say Soupy got plenty of recognition. Martin and Lewis were probably the only comedians more famous than him in the 50's and 60's.
The only thing I remember Soupy Sales on is the Tic Tac Toe game show that my grandmother loved to watch so much.
All the great ones are dying off and we are left with the self centered, not so bright, no talent ones living in the Hollyweird gutter..shame
Wow, you're giving away your age. I'd say Soupy got plenty of recognition. Martin and Lewis were probably the only comedians more famous than him in the 50's and 60's.

You misunderstand.......I watched his TV show when I was a kid! After he got the shaft for his "after new years" stunt....he never got another platform on radio or TV that would have returned him to his former stature. He floated around in "legendary" status....last time I caught him was years ago pairing with IMUS when he was let back on the NYC airwaves. A shame.

And yeah, I'm an official middle aged duffer!:rolleyes:
All you guys need to do a couple of google video searches on Soupy. The man was out of his mind funny.....a LOT of the jokes were more aimed at adults than the kids.