American conservatives in their own words


A republican American conservative is defined by certain key words: ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hatred. See YouTube. Hatred of Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton went on for many years and is still a key part of Trump snowflake postings and dialogue. Trump lies daily but the right winger somehow excuses his lies. Why? Lots of good stuff below, American conservatives please continue to watch Fox we wouldn't want your brain to explode.



A Conservative History of the United States - The New Yorker

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative
A republican American conservative is defined by certain key words: ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hatred. See YouTube. Hatred of Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton went on for many years and is still a key part of Trump snowflake postings and dialogue. Trump lies daily but the right winger somehow excuses his lies. Why? Lots of good stuff below, American conservatives please continue to watch Fox we wouldn't want your brain to explode.



A Conservative History of the United States - The New Yorker

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

Mid...this is feeble even by Legion standards. Since when did you become a troll?

You forgot to say you hate conservatards.

Mott, we disagree on tactics, you seem to think that discussion works on the deplorables, I disagree. Eighty plus years of right wing demonization of liberal, the imaginary left, progressives, blacks, the working poor, minorities, democrats, the welfare state etc has created an environment in which reason has little effect. You were alive during the last election and should know that, you were alive when we had the Kenyan Muslim atheist from Hawaii interloper as president right? It's time people of sense called stupid stupid. Dark Money is creating reality for the snowflakes, there needs to be a counter.

See here:

PS hate ain't part ah me, but talking back at harmful idiots is.

The ACA passed but you see where it is today. Read friends read.

"At Noble's instigation, that spring the organization had also quietly paid Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster and pitchman, to conduct market testing on the best ways to attack Obama's health-care proposal. Luntz's political science professor at Penn had been James Piereson, who later ran the Olin Foundation. Luntz had studied the building of the conservative movement and become something like a translator, interpreting elite opinion for the masses. "The think tanks became the creators of the ideas, and I became the explainer of the thoughts," he said. "Mostly what I do is listen and I process." He admitted that as communicators "these guys were impossible." In playing this role, Luntz was one of a long succession of "policy entrepreneurs" who served to popularize the agenda of wealthy backers by "framing" their issues in more broadly appealing language.

Luntz used polls, focus groups, and "instant response dial sessions" to perfect the language of health-care attacks and then tested the lines on average Americans in St. Louis, Missouri. Out of these sessions, Luntz compiled a seminal twenty eight-page confidential memo in April warning that there was no groundswell of public opposition to Obama's health-care plan at that point; in fact, there was a groundswell of public support. By far the most effective approach to turning the public against the program, Luntz advised, was to label it a "government takeover." He wrote, "Takeovers are like coups. They both lead to dictators and a loss of freedom."

"I did create the phrase 'government takeover' of health care. And I believe it," Luntz maintained, noting too that "it gave the Republicans the weapon they needed to defeat Obama in 2010." But most experts found the pitch patently misleading because the Obama administration was proposing that Americans buy private health insurance from for-profit companies, not the government. In fact, progressives were incensed that rather than backing a "public option" for those who preferred a government insurance program, the Obama plan included a government mandate that individuals purchase health-care coverage, a conservative idea hatched by the Heritage Foundation to stave off nationalized health care. Luntz's phrase was so false that it was chosen as "the Lie of the Year" by the nonpartisan fact-checking group PolitiFact. Yet while a rear guard of administration officials tried lamely to correct the record, Luntz's deceptive message stuck, agitating increasingly fearful and angry voters, many of whom flocked to Tea Party protests.

Noble's strategy was carefully targeted. He aimed the attack ads especially at the states of members of the Senate Finance Committee, which was writing the health-care bill and whose support would be needed to vote it out of the committee...."

p 232,233 'Dark Money' by Jane Mayer
A republican American conservative is defined by certain key words: ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hatred. See YouTube. Hatred of Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton went on for many years and is still a key part of Trump snowflake postings and dialogue. Trump lies daily but the right winger somehow excuses his lies. Why? Lots of good stuff below, American conservatives please continue to watch Fox we wouldn't want your brain to explode.



A Conservative History of the United States - The New Yorker

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

These are some real nuts, that gave us Trump?!!

Conservatives are pretty dumb. If they were smart, they would just wait to sell their vote when the DNC van comes around on election day looking for someone to lure into the back of it with a Lincoln or two.
Mott, we disagree on tactics, you seem to think that discussion works on the deplorables, I disagree. Eighty plus years of right wing demonization of liberal, the imaginary left, progressives, blacks, the working poor, minorities, democrats, the welfare state etc has created an environment in which reason has little effect. You were alive during the last election and should know that, you were alive when we had the Kenyan Muslim atheist from Hawaii interloper as president right? It's time people of sense called stupid stupid. Dark Money is creating reality for the snowflakes, there needs to be a counter.

See here:

PS hate ain't part ah me, but talking back at harmful idiots is.

The ACA passed but you see where it is today. Read friends read.

"At Noble's instigation, that spring the organization had also quietly paid Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster and pitchman, to conduct market testing on the best ways to attack Obama's health-care proposal. Luntz's political science professor at Penn had been James Piereson, who later ran the Olin Foundation. Luntz had studied the building of the conservative movement and become something like a translator, interpreting elite opinion for the masses. "The think tanks became the creators of the ideas, and I became the explainer of the thoughts," he said. "Mostly what I do is listen and I process." He admitted that as communicators "these guys were impossible." In playing this role, Luntz was one of a long succession of "policy entrepreneurs" who served to popularize the agenda of wealthy backers by "framing" their issues in more broadly appealing language.

Luntz used polls, focus groups, and "instant response dial sessions" to perfect the language of health-care attacks and then tested the lines on average Americans in St. Louis, Missouri. Out of these sessions, Luntz compiled a seminal twenty eight-page confidential memo in April warning that there was no groundswell of public opposition to Obama's health-care plan at that point; in fact, there was a groundswell of public support. By far the most effective approach to turning the public against the program, Luntz advised, was to label it a "government takeover." He wrote, "Takeovers are like coups. They both lead to dictators and a loss of freedom."

"I did create the phrase 'government takeover' of health care. And I believe it," Luntz maintained, noting too that "it gave the Republicans the weapon they needed to defeat Obama in 2010." But most experts found the pitch patently misleading because the Obama administration was proposing that Americans buy private health insurance from for-profit companies, not the government. In fact, progressives were incensed that rather than backing a "public option" for those who preferred a government insurance program, the Obama plan included a government mandate that individuals purchase health-care coverage, a conservative idea hatched by the Heritage Foundation to stave off nationalized health care. Luntz's phrase was so false that it was chosen as "the Lie of the Year" by the nonpartisan fact-checking group PolitiFact. Yet while a rear guard of administration officials tried lamely to correct the record, Luntz's deceptive message stuck, agitating increasingly fearful and angry voters, many of whom flocked to Tea Party protests.

Noble's strategy was carefully targeted. He aimed the attack ads especially at the states of members of the Senate Finance Committee, which was writing the health-care bill and whose support would be needed to vote it out of the committee...."

p 232,233 'Dark Money' by Jane Mayer
No Mid we disagree on strategy. For one you gain nothing by stooping to the same level as mouth breathers. Secondly I’m more than willing to lose a battle if in the long run I win a war.

Strategically negative ad hom attacks and partisan brinkmanship get you no where. The other side can just easily show you examples of intolerant leftist extremist behaving just as deplorably.

For every moronic mouth breather on the right like Sean Hannity there’s a....ahh...well ok there’s no one on the left as moronic as Sean Hannity, not even Maxine Waters, but you get my point?
I saw a fascinating TV ad last evening on Trump's tax change. The dems need to copy that ad and play it everywhere. Sane people need to speak up and counter the nonsense that passes for reality today. Money manages the message.

"So I have no peroration or clarion note on which to close. Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the 'transcendent' and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as if they were mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives, and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you expect others to live for you." Christopher Hitchens, 'letters to a young contrarian'

See this author's book on our scotus. Love the bold quote.

David D’Ag - I'll be civil when fascists are gone

And she will face extremely unrealistic expectations and then be excoriated for not making everything perfect in four years.

Those assholes in the top three pictures were indeed Democrats at that time...BUT THEY WERE THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES OF THAT DAY. They became Republicans when the Dem's decided to pass Civil Rights legislation.

Hoist yourself on your own petard if you want...but perhaps it would be better to grow a brain before you go too much further.
Mid...this is feeble even by Legion standards. Since when did you become a troll?

You forgot to say you hate conservatards.

I agree with Mid on this Mott.

Playing nice with the American conservatives in JPP is a fool's errand. Never bring a knife to a gun fight!
Those assholes in the top three pictures were indeed Democrats at that time...BUT THEY WERE THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES OF THAT DAY. They became Republicans when the Dem's decided to pass Civil Rights legislation.

Hoist yourself on your own petard if you want...but perhaps it would be better to grow a brain before you go too much further.

You seem to forget prominent KKK Democrats such as Jessie Helms. Sorry dick head those liberal talking points have been debunked numerous times.
Those assholes in the top three pictures were indeed Democrats at that time...BUT THEY WERE THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES OF THAT DAY. They became Republicans when the Dem's decided to pass Civil Rights legislation.

Hoist yourself on your own petard if you want...but perhaps it would be better to grow a brain before you go too much further.

Robert Byrd became a Republican?
Number four of twenty lessons - On Tyranny, by Timothy Snyder

#4 "Take responsibility for the face of the world"

"The symbols of today enable the reality of tomorrow, Notice the swastikas and the other signs of hate. Do not look away, and do not get used to them. Remove them yourself and set an example for others to do so.''

"Life is political, not because the world cares about how you feel, but because the world reacts to what you do. The minor choices we make are themselves a kind of vote, making it more or less likely that free and fair elections will be held in the future. In the politics of the everyday, our words and gestures, or their absence, count very much. A few extreme (and less extreme) examples from the twentieth century can show us how.

In the Soviet Union under the rule of Joseph Stalin, prosperous farmers were portrayed on propaganda posters as pigs-a dehumanization that in a rural setting clearly suggests slaughter. This was in the early 1930s, as the Soviet state tried to master the countryside and extract capital for crash industrialization. The peasants who had more land or livestock than others were the first to lose what they had. A neighbor portrayed as a pig is someone whose land you can take. But those who followed the symbolic logic became victims in their turn. Having turned the poorer peasants against the richer, Soviet power then seized everyone's land for the new collective farms. Collectivization, when completed, brought starvation to much of the Soviet peasantry. Millions of people in Soviet Ukraine, Soviet Kazakhstan, and Soviet Russia died horrible and humiliating deaths between 1930 and 1933. Before it was over, Soviet citizens were butchering corpses for human meat.

In 1933, as the starvation in the USSR reached its height, the Nazi Party came to power in Germany. In the euphoria of victory, Nazis tried to organize a boycott of Jewish shops. This was not very successful at first. But the practice of marking one firm as "Jewish" and another as "Aryan" with paint on the windows or walls did affect the way Germans thought about household economics. A shop marked "Jewish" had no future. It became an object of covetous plans. As property was marked as ethnic, envy transformed ethics. If shops could be "Jewish," what about other companies and properties? The wish that Jews might disappear, perhaps suppressed at first, rose as it was leavened by greed.... " p33,34