American Conservatives See A Communist Under Every Bed


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because there is one.

Conservative Americans saw Communists for what they are long before WW II began; nevertheless, A Communist under every bed was created to pooh-pooh the truth after WW II ended. That dismissive Leftist slogan was effective in large part because the Soviet Union was America’s ally during WW II. After all, how could a wartime ally become so bad in such a short time?

The truth is: American Communists went nuts the day Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. Prior to June 22, 1941 Hitler was a prince of a fellow to Communists the world over because of the non-aggression pact two dictators agreed to in 1939.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. a few days after Pearl Harbor all Communist efforts in America —— political pressure, media and Hollywood propaganda, etc. —— were directed towards stampeding FDR into establishing a second front. FDR allocated ninety percent of America’s resources to fighting the war in Europe even though Japan attacked the U.S.

As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of the countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not stop Hitler anyway; so he thought he got a good deal with the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was basically correct. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union Germany would have won hands down.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet and American Communists would have remained neutral for the duration.

Prior to “Operation Barbarossa” FDR’s Communists wanted no part of a European war fought against Soviet Communism.

Now jump to the year 2,000 before Roman Catholic Cardinals elected a Communist pope:

Mrs Dodd, who converted to the Faith at the end of her life, was personally acquainted with this diabolic project since, as a Communist agent, part of her brief was to encourage young radicals (not always card-carrying Communists) to enter Catholic seminaries. She alone had encouraged nearly 1,000 such youngsters to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders! One monk who attended a Bella Dodd lecture in the early 1950s recalled:

"I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world's greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world's religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its only effective opponent. The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church…. to label the 'Church of the past' as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an 'openness to the world,' and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church."

November 2000

It is impossible to imagine what the Freepublic would have said about Pope Francis 21 years ago?

Put Communists in foreign countries aside and remember that there was always an internal threat of Communism in this country. The U.S. military was no exception.

Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first.

If Biden was president three years ago this guy would be a five star general today:


WATERTOWN, N.Y. — The images Spenser Rapone posted on Twitter from his West Point graduation were intentionally shocking: In one, the smirking cadet opens his dress uniform to expose a T-shirt with a blood-red image of socialist icon Che Guevara. In another, he raises his fist and flips over his cap to reveal the hand-scrawled message: "Communism will win."

Less than a year after Rapone's images drew a firestorm of vitriol and even death threats, the second lieutenant who became known as the "commie cadet" is officially out of the U.S. Army with an other-than-honorable discharge.

Top brass at Fort Drum's 10th Mountain Division accepted Rapone's resignation Monday after an earlier reprimand for "conduct unbecoming of an officer."

Army boots West Point grad who touted communist revolt
June 20, 2018, 7:37 AM EDT / Updated June 20, 2018, 7:37 AM EDT
By Associated Press

This observation is a mixed bag:

A few politically astute Americans always identified the United Nations as this country’s most dangerous enemy from within. My point is: Senator McCarthy was right. Indeed, Communists were infiltrating every branch of the armed services. Such men were fairly easy to identify as the years passed. In the decades since the Army-McCarthy hearings congressional Democrats & RINO advanced the careers of military officers they could “trust.”

Happily, it only takes one member of Congress to denounce all of the Communists in the swamp.

Republican Candidate For Congress In Texas: ‘Commies In DC’ Are Ruining America (VIDEO)
By Mike LaChance
Published March 25, 2021 at 11:06pm

Foolishly assuming the election will not be rigged, will Congressman Dan Rodimer get a fair shake from the MSM? ANSWER: ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Media Communists will treat him worse than they treated Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957). Media mouths portrayed Senator McCarthy as a clown with this slogan “Reds under the beds”. The truth is: McCarthy was vindicated long after he died:

p.s. Conservatives should enjoy this book by M. Stanton Evans (1934 – 2015)


1 : generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity There was room for an ample garden. 2 : generously sufficient to satisfy a requirement or need They had ample money for the trip.

There are many types of colonial house styles stemming from British Colonial (most common in the US), Dutch colonial, French colonial and Spanish Colonial.

All deliveries are designed for the rear and not to get in the way.

Prior to June 22, 1941 Hitler was a prince of a fellow to Communists the world over because of the non-aggression pact two dictators agreed to in 1939.

It’s the 1930s all over again. American communists are now treating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the same slavish reverence once reserved for Stalin and the mighty Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).

Communist Party USA Affirms Loyalty to Beijing
Trevor Loudon
March 26, 2021 Updated: March 26, 2021

I fully expect

to sign a non-aggression pact with Xi Jingping:

Prior to June 22, 1941 Hitler was a prince of a fellow to Communists the world over because of the non-aggression pact two dictators agreed to in 1939.

China getting a calling card from Major Kong is the thing today’s dictators fear the most:

American Socialists got away with a lot throughout the Cold War because they played upon a realistic fear sensible Americans understood. Today’s young American parasites turning to Socialism would do well to remember that Major Kong will drop in on China if Socialists get the war they expect to win.
1 : generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity There was room for an ample garden. 2 : generously sufficient to satisfy a requirement or need They had ample money for the trip.

There are many types of colonial house styles stemming from British Colonial (most common in the US), Dutch colonial, French colonial and Spanish Colonial.

All deliveries are designed for the rear and not to get in the way.

do any of your posts make sense?
@post 1

Stalin signed the non aggression pact with Hitler to buy himself some breathing room. He thought war with fascist Germany was probably inevitable, but he felt like he needed 5 more years to rebuild to officer corps he had purged in 1937-38, and to rearm the Red Army with modernized weapons.

The only American leader to ever directly launch a military expedition against the USSR was Democratic President Woodrow Wilson.

FDR and Churchill were entirely justified drawing up a Faustian bargain with Stalin. Hitler was the aggressor and most imminent threat against western Europe and North America.

There were a small faction of starry-eyed leftists in UK and USA looked to USSR in the 1920s for inspiration. Including George Orwell. But after the Moscow show trials, the Great Purge, and the Great Terror of the 1930s, that naivete wore off.

It was Russian liberals and democratic socialists who first took up arms to resist the Bolshevik coup in the Russian civil war, while conservative Russian aristocrats and landed gentry fled the country in a panic.
because there is one.

Conservative Americans saw Communists for what they are long before WW II began; nevertheless, A Communist under every bed was created to pooh-pooh the truth after WW II ended. That dismissive Leftist slogan was effective in large part because the Soviet Union was America’s ally during WW II. After all, how could a wartime ally become so bad in such a short time?

The truth is: American Communists went nuts the day Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. Prior to June 22, 1941 Hitler was a prince of a fellow to Communists the world over because of the non-aggression pact two dictators agreed to in 1939.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. a few days after Pearl Harbor all Communist efforts in America —— political pressure, media and Hollywood propaganda, etc. —— were directed towards stampeding FDR into establishing a second front. FDR allocated ninety percent of America’s resources to fighting the war in Europe even though Japan attacked the U.S.

As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of the countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not stop Hitler anyway; so he thought he got a good deal with the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was basically correct. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union Germany would have won hands down.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet and American Communists would have remained neutral for the duration.

Prior to “Operation Barbarossa” FDR’s Communists wanted no part of a European war fought against Soviet Communism.

Now jump to the year 2,000 before Roman Catholic Cardinals elected a Communist pope:

Mrs Dodd, who converted to the Faith at the end of her life, was personally acquainted with this diabolic project since, as a Communist agent, part of her brief was to encourage young radicals (not always card-carrying Communists) to enter Catholic seminaries. She alone had encouraged nearly 1,000 such youngsters to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders! One monk who attended a Bella Dodd lecture in the early 1950s recalled:

"I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world's greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world's religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its only effective opponent. The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church…. to label the 'Church of the past' as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an 'openness to the world,' and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church."

November 2000

It is impossible to imagine what the Freepublic would have said about Pope Francis 21 years ago?

Put Communists in foreign countries aside and remember that there was always an internal threat of Communism in this country. The U.S. military was no exception.

Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first.

If Biden was president three years ago this guy would be a five star general today:

WATERTOWN, N.Y. — The images Spenser Rapone posted on Twitter from his West Point graduation were intentionally shocking: In one, the smirking cadet opens his dress uniform to expose a T-shirt with a blood-red image of socialist icon Che Guevara. In another, he raises his fist and flips over his cap to reveal the hand-scrawled message: "Communism will win."

Less than a year after Rapone's images drew a firestorm of vitriol and even death threats, the second lieutenant who became known as the "commie cadet" is officially out of the U.S. Army with an other-than-honorable discharge.

Top brass at Fort Drum's 10th Mountain Division accepted Rapone's resignation Monday after an earlier reprimand for "conduct unbecoming of an officer."

Army boots West Point grad who touted communist revolt
June 20, 2018, 7:37 AM EDT / Updated June 20, 2018, 7:37 AM EDT
By Associated Press

This observation is a mixed bag:

A few politically astute Americans always identified the United Nations as this country’s most dangerous enemy from within. My point is: Senator McCarthy was right. Indeed, Communists were infiltrating every branch of the armed services. Such men were fairly easy to identify as the years passed. In the decades since the Army-McCarthy hearings congressional Democrats & RINO advanced the careers of military officers they could “trust.”

Happily, it only takes one member of Congress to denounce all of the Communists in the swamp.

Republican Candidate For Congress In Texas: ‘Commies In DC’ Are Ruining America (VIDEO)
By Mike LaChance
Published March 25, 2021 at 11:06pm

Foolishly assuming the election will not be rigged, will Congressman Dan Rodimer get a fair shake from the MSM? ANSWER: ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Media Communists will treat him worse than they treated Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957). Media mouths portrayed Senator McCarthy as a clown with this slogan “Reds under the beds”. The truth is: McCarthy was vindicated long after he died:

p.s. Conservatives should enjoy this book by M. Stanton Evans (1934 – 2015)

More john birch crap
The only American leader to ever directly launch a military expedition against the USSR was Democratic President Woodrow Wilson.

To Cypress: You are mixing oranges and apples. Wilson abandoned strict neutrality for two reasons:

1. Make the world safe for democracy.

2. U.S. foreign policy dictated by Peace Without Victory.

In order to justify WWI Wilson had choose a side. He chose Great Britain over Germany in a European war being fought between two colonial empires.

Wilson’s motives had nothing to do with Communism although his decisions gave Communism a foothold in world affairs as well keeping Communism alive to this day.

See this thread if you want more about Wilson and WWII

One observation. Technology makes a preemptive war of self-defense a necessity when it is waged against an aggressive country threatening this country militarily. Germany was not a threat in 1917. World War Two was inevitable because of Wilson policies before and after World War One.
Sweat Cheeks

She looks cute in jeans.

You need to stop smoking. It's not doing you or anyone else any good.
I'm not sure what your relationship is with the Serbian guy. I'm the one
that takes you out to dinner. They have some kind of rivalry with the Zips
on the other corner. It has nothing to do with me. I can straighten you
both out. Or maybe you two can straighten me out. You know where I'm
cumming from? ;-) ;-)


Put Communists in foreign countries aside and remember that there was always an internal threat of Communism in this country. The U.S. military was no exception.

Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first.

I doubt if any of these generals voted for Hillary Clinton or for China Joe Biden:

It was said during our Mideast military adventures, and has been considered a truism of war, that you can’t really win a conflict without “boots on the ground.” For it’s difficult to completely subdue a people from afar. It may not be too different with battles for civilization.

I stated in 2012, addressing a long-developing reality, that the culture war was over as the Left had achieved social dominance. “What is occurring now is a pacification effort,” I wrote — one designed to stamp out the “conservative” guerrilla-group diehards.

Other than its intensification, the only thing that has changed about this effort in the last decade is that it has a new name: “cancel culture.” With GoogTwitFace (Big Tech) having upped its bias and dropped its mask and corporate America joining academia, the media and entertainment on the Dark Side, these entities act as a malevolent monolith silencing dissident voices from Maine to Maui. But it would be naïve to think the Left, which craves power and wants total control, will be satisfied with its current soft authoritarianism.

This brings us to two developments that could cause the raising of eyebrows if not militias. Consider: If you heard about a Third World country in which the leadership was purging the military of political opponents, would you assume it was just an exercise in ideological nepotism? Or would you suppose the leaders wanted a military of devoted fellow travelers who would, when asked, unflinchingly turn their guns on domestic opponents of the regime who couldn’t be cowed by other methods?

Now, should the assumption be different just because the military purge occurs in a developed country?

Just such an event has been taking place in the U.S. for at least a decade. It began under Barack Obama, who not only tried to socially re-engineer the military but also engaged in a widely noted purge of top military brass.

President Trump didn’t (couldn’t?) do enough to reverse this process, and now it has been kicked into high gear. Having largely corrupted the armed forces’ upper echelons, the Left now aims for rank-and-file ideological conformity. Thus do we hear about how we must stamp out the imaginary boogeyman du jour, “white supremacy,” from the military. Preposterously, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin even issued, in early February, a 60-day stand-down order to address the alleged internal threat it poses.

Of course, white supremacists are about as common as straight, happily married women at a NOW convention; why, I’m well into middle age and I don’t know that I’ve ever met one. This isn’t to say there aren’t liberals delusional enough to believe the threat is real; that they’re detached from reality is partially why leftists are so dangerous.

Yet it’s clear there’s a different motivation among the Machiavellian leftists. It hasn’t escaped the Left’s notice that the military traditionally leaned Republican. Moreover, even if this has changed somewhat, having armed forces that are obedient to the ruling party to the point of wickedness isn’t possible with dissidents in the ranks. (Besides, “fragging” is a real thing.)

So you need a purge. You do this by conjuring up a boogeyman — in our case “white supremacy” — and then characterizing it as a widespread, existential threat. This now means defining Trump support, patriotism, opposition to illegal migration and, really, any deviation from the Left’s agenda at all as reflecting white supremacy.

It’s an old tactic: Portray already persecuted minorities or political opponents as the persecutors so you can leverage even more control over them. It’s how you create your own Enabling Act moment.

Pre-election polls showing that military members favored Joe Biden over Donald Trump indicate how the armed forces have already been partially transformed (this is true even if the polls were manipulated, and some of what they reflect is general societal “leftward” drift). Yet controlling the military is only part of the equation. You must also own the other boots on the ground: the police.

As soon as the talk of dismantling/defunding/“re-imagining” law enforcement began last year, I pointed out that while much of the movement was driven by blind passion, there’s only one rational reason to want to nix the police. “Certain leftists want to eliminate the police,” I wrote June 7, “because they want to become the police.”

Power-mongers attack those whose power they crave. Leftists want centralized control over local police just as they now have control over the intelligence agencies. They especially want this because law enforcement is generally, it appears, even more conservative than the military (its members are older, for one thing).

In this vein, it hasn’t eluded leftists that certain sheriffs are engaging in nullification efforts, having vowed not to enforce some new anti-gun and/or COVID-related laws. Remember that sheriffs are elected by an area’s local population and, with most counties being conservative (Trump won 83 percent of counties, or about 2,600, in 2016), such nullification isn’t surprising; moreover, expect more resistance to radical leftism in a good portion of this 83 percent of the nation.

The worst result of a thief in the White House is that Biden is doing more to kill this country than Hillary Clinton could have done.

So while the Left is quickly gaining monolithic federal control by virtue of large population centers that vote (and steal votes) heavily for Democrats, controlling Middle America with its more patriotic police is a different matter.

That is, unless the Left can institute federal police. Ergo, the “re-imagining” of law enforcement.

Once your sheriff is an Antifa/BLM-sympathizing ideologue installed by D.C. (District of Communism) and hailing from 1,000 miles away — with no local community ties — he’ll happily “discipline” the white supremacists lurking around every corner.

If the Left can co-opt the military and police, it will have seized our country’s last two remaining (relatively) “conservative” institutions. It will also have what’s necessary to quash that impediment to total coast-to-coast hegemony: America’s framework and tradition of state and local control.

Leftists know that the Left-Right divide is intensifying and that more “conservative” states — such as Florida, South Dakota and South Carolina — are increasingly beating their own path. They know that increased nullification of federal dictates lies ahead (heck, leftists wrote the book on it with their violation of federal immigration and drug laws). And they know that as their philosophical soulmate Mao put it, “Power grows out the barrel of a gun.”

There’s no question that certain leftists have thought about using boots on the ground to conclude their pacification effort. Remember that Bill Clinton might have once said: “I loathe the military” back when leftist protesters were calling Vietnam-era soldiers “baby killers” and that today’s socialist rabble spew venom at police. But they don’t in principle hate either institution.

And just as they’ve flipped from hating to liking the intelligence services because they now control them, so would they love the military and police — and use them with zeal — upon seizing them.

Also note that so-called “leftism” is not an ideology (how could it be? Its “principles” change continually). Rather, it currently represents movement toward moral disorder. And leftists are morally disordered people, the worst of them being vice-ridden, amoral and driven by base appetites such as power lust. As I wrote in “The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past,” perhaps the best way to prepare yourself for contending with them is to “pretend you’re dealing with Satan.”

Vanguard leftists are above nothing and beneath contempt. If you read the worst possible intentions into whatever they do, you won’t too often go wrong.

May 12, 2021
How the Left Plans To Put Boots on the Ground to Subdue Middle America
By Selwyn Duke
The worst result of a thief in the White House is that Biden is doing more to kill this country than Hillary Clinton could have done.

Macron is killing France:

Three weeks ago, over a thousand active and retired members of the French military (including twenty retired generals) signed their names to a letter warning President Macron that "multiculturalism," "racial war," and "fanatic partisans" are destroying French society and leading the country to "civil war." The blunt message caused a tizzy — not just in France, but across Europe. The French government and the French media immediately condemned the unsolicited warning (with Macron and the minister in charge of the armed forces, Florence Parly, promising punishment for those involved), but the French people did not. Subsequent polling showed that 58% "support the words of the soldiers," 73% believe France that is disintegrating, 84% feel that violence is increasing, and 49% think the military should "restore order." In their letter, servicemembers warned, "The hour is grave, France is in peril," and to the great consternation of Macron and his government, the French people overwhelmingly agreed.

Now we have a letter in the United States from 124 retired generals and admirals warning Americans in a strikingly similar tone: "Our nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty."

The flag officers take aim at the Democrats' "tyrannical government," their "full-blown assault on our Constitutional rights in a dictatorial manner," and their "population control actions," including "censorship of written and verbal expression." After enumerating what can only be called "a long train of abuses," including the government's intentional creation of a crisis at the southern border and intentional destruction of America's newly won energy independence, the administration's decision to give aid and comfort to Iran's regime of terror, and the Democrats' use of the military as "pawns" to intimidate conservatives while coddling Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists, the retired U.S. generals and admirals warn Americans as bluntly as the French generals warned France: "The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake."

While the American letter ends with an exhortation for citizens to get involved in local, state, and national politics in order to "Save America" and "hold those currently in office accountable," it is clearly asking Americans to do more than simply vote responsibly. Only four words are underlined in the whole text: "all," as in "all Americans," is underlined once, and "act" is underlined three separate times. This is not a run-of-the-mill letter reminding Americans about the importance of elections; this is a modern version of Thomas Paine's Common Sense urging Americans to action.

So within a three-week period, esteemed former high-ranking members of the French and U.S. militaries have finally decided to sound the alarm that the futures of both countries now hang in the balance. Maybe the spirits of Lafayette and Washington have something yet to say before the West drinks the hemlock of the "Great Reset" and disappears into darkness for good. What an interesting turn of events!

What are we to make of these developments? For one, the battle looming before us is real. For too long, the powers that be have pretended that the expanding encroachments upon our liberties by an ever more intrusive State were the delusions of "conspiracy theorists" and not the realistic concerns of serious individuals. Those same powers scoffed at the idea that flooding the nation with tens of millions of illegal aliens was undermining American cohesion and national security. And they mocked Americans who have fought to protect and preserve American culture in the face of unrelenting public relations campaigns pushing "diversity" and "multiculturalism" as strengths. Now military professionals in both France and the United States are admitting that by failing to defend the achievements and hard won lessons of Western civilization, two of the world's great nation-states are at risk of collapse.

Secondly, the coordinated timing of these two letters should be seen as an acknowledgment that what battles lie ahead will not resemble insular civil conflicts that remain quarantined within the borders of the U.S. or France. Rather, they will be transnational wars waged between freedom-minded peoples seeking limited constitutional government and Marxist-socialists demanding total State control. We are walking into Samuel P. Huntington's nightmarish Clash of Civilizations, where cultural upheaval renders national boundaries inconsequential.

For the French generals, decades of steady Muslim immigration with little integration into French society have produced a nation within a nation at war with itself, a situation that cannot hold.

In the United States, a country that attracts immigrants from all over the world, the abandonment of its founding principles has destroyed the bonds that have given disparate generations of new Americans a common American identity. From whatever lineages an American may trace his past, America's success has depended upon shared futures, where liberty is cherished and individual rights are preserved. By sacrificing America's historic collective identity, unity has been destroyed and replaced by the sheer exercise of power by one faction against another. Without a common political culture or a common political language, America is now many nations within one nation, all at war with each other. The United States is in the midst of civilizational conflict, not because it is made up of peoples who have come from all over the world but because it has forfeited the rule of law and individual conscience for monstrous forms of extra-constitutional government, rule by administrative fiat, and a new state religion of political correctness enforced by "woke" priests.

Two is only the beginning irrespective of MSM’s best efforts to stem the tide:

Finally, these two complementary French and American letters should be seen as implicit promises to the citizens of both nations that they are not alone. Too many people have suffered in silence as their countries have been "fundamentally transformed" against their will. When they do speak up and exercise their rights to assemble and petition their governments for redress of grievances, it is they who come under attack. Four months after protesting for "free and fair" elections in the United States, too many Americans are being held prisoner with shockingly little due process or constitutional protection of any kind. Too many Americans are right now being surveilled and targeted by the U.S. government, not because they have committed or plan on committing a crime, but because their political beliefs conflict with those in power. Time and again, Americans in disbelief at the rapid deterioration of their nation's constitutional protections have rhetorically asked, "Is anyone going to step forward, assume a position of leadership, and fight back?"

Consider these two letters the first official answers to that question. The American letter ends in what can only be seen as a mission directive: "The 'will of the people' must be heard and followed."

May 13, 2021
Are Retired French and American Military Generals Standing Up against Tyranny?
By J.B. Shurk
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." John Kenneth Galbraith

This thread is pained propaganda, it sources are those who find beating a dead dog a useful endeavor as the dog provides an easy target, mirages make easy targets. Target words (communism) have meaning within the club. No substantive reality is necessary, just lots of strange associations. For the serious reader see book linked below.

“The American press exists for one purpose only, and that is to convince Americans that they are living in the greatest and most envied country in the history of the world. The Press tells the American people how awful every other country is and how wonderful the United States is and how evil communism is and how happy they should be to have freedom to buy seven different sorts of detergent.” Gore Vidal

"The trouble with Communism is the Communists, just as the trouble with Christianity is the Christians." H. L. Mencken

'The Rise and Fall of Communism' by Archie Brown
I suppose that in whatever hole the weirdo Flanders lives, they do have beds, but all they have under them is pisspots, from which they keep sending us samples. For some back-country clown who has never a Communist or read any Marx, this bilge is utterly aimless, surely? Do many of your peasants spend their time on these fantasies?
This thread is pained propaganda, it sources are those who find beating a dead dog a useful endeavor as the dog provides an easy target, mirages make easy targets. Target words (communism) have meaning within the club. No substantive reality is necessary, just lots of strange associations. For the serious reader see book linked below.

I suppose that in whatever hole the weirdo Flanders lives, they do have beds, but all they have under them is pisspots, from which they keep sending us samples. For some back-country clown who has never a Communist or read any Marx, this bilge is utterly aimless, surely? Do many of your peasants spend their time on these fantasies?

To midcan5 & Iolo/Penderyn: Assholes:

To define communism in a sentence it is best to use original words by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who wrote that communist doctrine can be summarized as the abolition of private property Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College, told The Epoch Times in an interview.

“The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property,” Marx and Engels, the founders of the communist doctrine, wrote in The Communist Manifesto, a book that forms the basis for communism.

Abolishing private property can only be possible through a war, Kengor said, because private property is “a basic Judeo-Christian law, natural rights, biblical rights: thou shalt not steal. I mean from the cave to the courthouse the right to own property is fundamental to human nature let alone any operating economy anywhere.”

“To abolish private property you’re going to have a war on your hands, you’re going to need guns, you’re going to need gulags,” Kengor said on Epoch Times’ Crossroads program. Therefore communists killed 100 million people to abolish private property, he added.

Some conservatives talk about “how communism distorts markets” and conclude that “communism economically doesn’t work,” Kengor said clarifying that “communism doesn’t work because it’s evil, it’s diabolical.”

WEF Predicts Abolition of Private Property in 2030


A security guard shows the way to a man outside of the Davos Congress Centre under snow ahead of the opening of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2018 annual meeting, in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 22, 2018. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) predicted that in 2030 people will own nothing and “all products will have become services,” according to the organization’s 8 predictions for the world in 2030.

Ida Auken, a Danish Parliament Member, and a WEF’s young leader wrote for the WEF about her vision of life in 2030, “I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.”

“Everything you considered a product, has now become a service,” Auken continued.

“Once in awhile [sic], I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No [sic] where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me,” Auken said but added, “All in all, it is a good life.”

Dr. Antony Mueller, a German professor of economics, wrote for the Mises Institute, “If the WEF projection should come true, people would have to rent and borrow their necessities from the state, which would be the sole proprietor of all goods. The supply of goods would be rationed in line with a social credit points system.”

Karl Marx and the Devil

The Communist Manifesto also demands the abolition of all religions, all morality, and the abolition of the family, Kengor said.

Marx and Engels call in the Manifesto for ”Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.”

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. … [But the family is practically absent] among the proletarians, and in public prostitution,” Marx and Engels explained in the Manifesto.

Marx considered religion to be “the opiate of the masses,” wanted to abolish all religion, and stated that ”communism begins where atheism begins,” Kengor said.

However, Marx himself was not an atheist. Kengor talked about little known facts that Marx wrote about the devil in his chilling and frightening poems and plays citing a stanza from Marx’s poem “The Pale Maiden”written in 1837:

Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.

Kengor believes that this strophe ”is partly autobiographical because his soul was once true to God.”

Marx wrote in another poem “The Player” (also translated as “The Fiddler”) in 1841:

Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab
Unerringly within thy soul.
God neither knows nor honors art.
The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain.

Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword–the Prince of Darkness sold it to me.
For he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.

Kengor commented on the last verse, “what more was communism but kind of a dance of death. I mean you can’t find any ideology in all of history that was responsible for as many deaths as communism: at least 100 million in the last century alone.”

Abolishing of private property and all religion are not the only destructive goals that communists seek. Kengor pointed out what Marx and Engels wrote at the end of The Communist Manifesto: “They [the Communists] openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”

“Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things,” and this is why communists are behind the movement to tear down statues of historical figures such as Saint Junipero Serra, founder of the California missions, or Christopher Columbus, Kengor said.

“This is a very radical destructive ideology,” he added.

Advice to Communism Supporters


Protestors gather in front of Lausanne’s main train station, where a multitudinary demonstration against climate change kicked off in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Jan. 17, 2019. The protest is taking place ahead of the upcoming annual gathering of world leaders at the Davos World Economic Forum. (Ronald Patrick/Getty Images)

Communism has been so redefined today to look like socialism or democratic socialism, but “according to Marx and Engels, socialism was the final transitionary step to communism,” Kengor explained.

Communists and socialists say all the time that “communism is a pretty good idea if you just read the book. It hasn’t been applied correctly yet,” Kengor said.

He advised reading a 10-point plan laid out by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto which not only calls for the abolition of private property but also for the abolition of the right of inheritance and more equal distribution of population across the countryside. This means that communists seek not only redistribution of people’s money and property but also the forcible relocation of people, Kengor continued.

To understand why communism is an “utterly destructive ideology that doesn’t work“ people need to read books about it including The Communist Manifesto, Kengor said.

There are many advocating communism and socialism. Therefore Kengor wrote the book “The Devil and Karl Marx” to help people understand “how incendiary destructive and in some cases diabolical“ communism is.

Paul Kengor: Abolition of Private Property Is at the Core of Communism
By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp
December 31, 2020 Updated: December 31, 2020

Aside from politics, he was a disgusting human being:

Karl Marx Lived In Filth And Neglected His Children
Apr 1, 2014



When Marx and his wife and children were living in London, a visitor wrote a description of their lifestyle in their 3-room flat.

Not only did the Marx children have to endure the hunger of poverty, they were raised in filth, or what his friend described as "a pig-sty".

There was not one good piece of furniture in the flat. There was a chair with a leg missing, a sofa "tattered and torn".

The table where Marx sat on his backside to read and write was covered with pages of his writings, with newspapers and books, his glasses, his inkstand and pen, and his pipe, as well as dirty and chipped tea cups, dirty spoons, and whatever else someone dropped there, such as some children’s playthings and his wife’s sewing.

Everything in his flat, according to his friend, was dirty and covered with dust.

The flat was also in one of the worst sections of London, where the rent was low.

Marx and his wife knew each other as children and married when Marx was twenty-five, not so young in those days of 1843. He would have been considered a grown man, mature and able to assume the responsibilities of husband and father.

Both Marx and his wife came from comfortable homes, hers more prominent. Her father was a Prussian Baron. And she, Jenny, was an educated woman when she married Marx.

Together they had 7 children. Four of those children died young. Only three survived to achieve adulthood.

Every biography of Marx reports that his four children who died young died because of the poverty they had to endure.

The Marx way of life has been described as a hand-to-mouth existance, which generally means you don’t know where your next meal is coming from.

Marx occasionally wrote articles for newspapers and he wrote his long papers and books full of his philosophies about the ’struggle’ of workers, but he never worked a day in his life.

Instead, he sat in his pig-sty and found all sorts of reasons he shouldn’t work.

Mainly, he thought he was too important to work.

Marx wrote that a slave needs a master and the master needs a slave. And that opposites must be equalled. And that a slave cannot be separated from his master.

Care to argue with that nonsense?

I’ve known men like Marx. They’re just plain lazy. As he was. He didn’t want to work, he wanted to sit in the filth at his table and pretend to be thinking important thoughts.

Marx was also a hypocrite. While he wrote with such sympathy for the men who worked in factories, calling them slaves, the money he lived on, the charity he received from his friend Friedrich Engels, came from the Engels family interest in a factory. So the ’slaves’ were supporting the Marx family, while Marx sat and thought.

Watching his children go hungry, seeing them live in filth, is neglect. It is abuse. There was no need for it. He had an education and could have earned an income, and he knew where he had come from, a comfortable life with his parents. He could have provided for his family as his father had provided for him, but obviously that was not important to him.

Karl Marx was not well known in his lifetime. It was only a small circle of fellow Communists who knew who he was by his writings.

An eighth child was born to Marx, but not with his wife. It was an illigitimate child.

As it happened, Jenny, Karl’s wife, received an inheritance and so she hired a housekeeper to oversee their better quarters. His eighth child was born to the housekeeper.

Marx tried to convince his wife that the child had been fathered by his friend Engels, but she didn’t believe him. Let’s add liar to his description.

Eventually, Marx admitted the truth. The child was his son.

No one ever reported the housekeeper’s side of the story. Had she been a willing partner for Marx? Or did he take advantage of her lowly position in his home? Personally, I think he saw her as nothing but a servant and one he could ’have his way’ with.

By any standard, Marx’ life was a failure, as a husband, as a father, as a provider.

His theory of Marxism has been a failure, too. The Soviet Union failed dramatically. Cuba’s people live in poverty. And in North Korea the people truly are slaves to their Marxist beloved leader.

Under Marxism, more than one hundred million people have died, either from being murdered or from starvation.

When a man in his selfishness and laziness is willing to watch his own children die from the poverty he has imposed on them, of course his philosophy will do the same to anyone forced to endure it.

Marx abused his children, his wife, his housekeeper, and Marxism continues to abuse everyone living under a brutally uncaring Marxist government.
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Dunnee go on, and on, and on, and on! Has anyone read through this interminable bilge? Has he ever even read the Manifesto? What is the point of interminable guff about something of which you have been told about by your masters and are afraid to read?
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