American Evan Lysacek Steals Gold from Russia...

I just can't get excited about figure skating. Its only "just OK" when there is some finely tuned female ass and thighs to watch flinging themselves around. :)
I don't like any "sport" where you have to have judges. Too subjective for me. I like timed events or competitions between teams. Yes, I would rather watch curling than figure skating ... or ... snow boarding, though I do find myself watching just to see if the US can win. I just can't see that much difference between performances even with some "expert" telling me what those differences are. Proud of the US skater though.

I will also say this: I think that if our US women snow boarders would concentrate more on their routines and less on whether thier i-pod is playing a certain song we could have gotten the gold there too.
Probably no more so than yours with your autographed photo of Lance Armstrong in his skin tight bike suit....

Just sayin', Hoopy.... :pke:
Can't say I have one of those but I do have a pic of Greg LeMond soaking wet in lycra as he crosses the finish line in the 89 worlds. :)
