APP - American Exceptionalism

My country is the best at everything, my country, can do no wrong. Exceptionalism is believing your country is #1 in all areas and that it is superior to other nations in all regards. They do not look at statistics and believe we are falling behind in medicine, education, and production. We may have good work ethics, but so does Germany, Japan and many other nations. They do not believe that our immigrants are the ones who drive innovation and new business. Exceptionalism see all our policies as advancing Democracy, and that a just so not the case. It is the belief that my country is never wrong, even when it is very Wrong.

This is from another forum thread, and is Rana explaining her view of what "American Exceptionalism" means.

I personally believe this is one of the most inaccurate understandings of the term, and wanted to use it to begin a serious dialogue on what "American Exceptionalism" means. I can think of no more appropriate place than here, on the APP board. I will refrain from personally insulting Rana's viewpoints further, but I do think it is a good indicator of how far off the left is, when it comes to understanding the meaning of the term.

From MY understanding of AE, it's not about any of the things mentioned here. To the contrary.

It is about our foundation and fundamental principle of our great nation. Most simply put, we are a free nation who proclaim individual freedom endowed by a power superior to man. This one unique thing makes us "exceptional" as a nation. It does not mean that we are ordained or called to fight the battle for this belief elsewhere, but we should in all cases, support what we fundamentally stand for. It's hypocritical for the US to say All Men Are Created Equal, then exclude some men because of geography.
This is from another forum thread, and is Rana explaining her view of what "American Exceptionalism" means.

I personally believe this is one of the most inaccurate understandings of the term, and wanted to use it to begin a serious dialogue on what "American Exceptionalism" means. I can think of no more appropriate place than here, on the APP board. I will refrain from personally insulting Rana's viewpoints further, but I do think it is a good indicator of how far off the left is, when it comes to understanding the meaning of the term.

From MY understanding of AE, it's not about any of the things mentioned here. To the contrary.

It is about our foundation and fundamental principle of our great nation. Most simply put, we are a free nation who proclaim individual freedom endowed by a power superior to man. This one unique thing makes us "exceptional" as a nation. It does not mean that we are ordained or called to fight the battle for this belief elsewhere, but we should in all cases, support what we fundamentally stand for. It's hypocritical for the US to say All Men Are Created Equal, then exclude some men because of geography.
Really? So that's why our government supported brutal dictators like Pinochet? Shaw Pahlovi? Marcos? Chiang Kai Shek? Pol Pot? Franco? just to name a very few. If those are your values then ya'll need to start walking the talk.

Now you may feel that your freedom has been endowed by a power superior to men but those of us who live in a reality based world believe our freedom has been endowed by the rule of law.
Really? So that's why our government supported brutal dictators like Pinochet? Shaw Pahlovi? Marcos? Chiang Kai Shek? Pol Pot? Franco? just to name a very few. If those are your values then ya'll need to start walking the talk.

Now you may feel that your freedom has been endowed by a power superior to men but those of us who live in a reality based world believe our freedom has been endowed by the rule of law.

As I pointed out, not everyone knows and understands American Exceptionalism. Apparently, that includes you too.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator, certain inalienable rights..."

Does not state that our rights come from laws. Or from men in robes. Or from Senators and Representatives. Or from a President.