American fighter in Ukraine describes the "pure evil" of Russia's war

cancel2 2022

Here is the reality of this war, the Russians have committed many war crimes not least using white phosphorus indiscriminately.

An American who volunteered to fight against Russia in Ukraine described the carnage he saw on the front lines — saying the battle for Ukrainians is against "pure evil."

"Anybody in the West that asks Ukraine to just do peace talks, they need to go through these villages. They need to see what's been done to these people," said the man, who wants to be known only by his call sign, Elvis.

"This is nothing like any conflict in the past 70 to 80 years," he told CBS News. "This war is not sustainable, for either side."

Originally from Tennessee, Elvis fought in Ukraine because he was horrified by Russia's invasion of the country. While there, he said he repeatedly witnessed Russian forces using white phosphorus munitions — something Russia previously denied.

"It comes down extremely slow, but there's nothing you can do, and everything it touches just incinerates," Elvis said, describing one incident where he witnessed between 20 and 30 Ukrainian fighters "burning alive" before some committed suicide to end their suffering.

"A lot of guys have suicide pistols, and you'd hear them scream, and then they would say goodbye and then blow their own heads off," he said.

White phosphorus is a wax-like chemical substance that ignites instantly when it comes into contact with oxygen. Its primary function in weaponry is to burn brightly, and it is used in incendiary munitions by militaries around the world, including the United States, often to illuminate targets as part of tracer munitions at night.

But it can be extremely dangerous when used as a weapon, causing deep burns, even through bone.

"There are certain weapons that I've seen used on the battlefield in Ukraine that — okay, it's war, I get it — but there's certain weapons that are used that, if the rest of world could see what they cause, what that looks like when someone dies because of that, there would be a lot bigger outcry," Elvis said.

The fighter said he has been traumatized by his experience on the battlefield, and that he's worried one of his fellow fighters may commit suicide because of what they went through together.

But he believes Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion is a righteous war. And he wants more to be done to stop the conflict.

"If China invaded the U.S., hypothetically, leveled Los Angeles, leveled Seattle, Portland, massacred thousands, do you think the U.S. would just sue for peace? No," he said.
Here is the reality of this war, the Russians have committed many war crimes not least using white phosphorus indiscriminately.

An American who volunteered to fight against Russia in Ukraine described the carnage he saw on the front lines — saying the battle for Ukrainians is against "pure evil."

"Anybody in the West that asks Ukraine to just do peace talks, they need to go through these villages. They need to see what's been done to these people," said the man, who wants to be known only by his call sign, Elvis.

"This is nothing like any conflict in the past 70 to 80 years," he told CBS News. "This war is not sustainable, for either side."

Originally from Tennessee, Elvis fought in Ukraine because he was horrified by Russia's invasion of the country. While there, he said he repeatedly witnessed Russian forces using white phosphorus munitions — something Russia previously denied.

"It comes down extremely slow, but there's nothing you can do, and everything it touches just incinerates," Elvis said, describing one incident where he witnessed between 20 and 30 Ukrainian fighters "burning alive" before some committed suicide to end their suffering.

"A lot of guys have suicide pistols, and you'd hear them scream, and then they would say goodbye and then blow their own heads off," he said.

White phosphorus is a wax-like chemical substance that ignites instantly when it comes into contact with oxygen. Its primary function in weaponry is to burn brightly, and it is used in incendiary munitions by militaries around the world, including the United States, often to illuminate targets as part of tracer munitions at night.

But it can be extremely dangerous when used as a weapon, causing deep burns, even through bone.

"There are certain weapons that I've seen used on the battlefield in Ukraine that — okay, it's war, I get it — but there's certain weapons that are used that, if the rest of world could see what they cause, what that looks like when someone dies because of that, there would be a lot bigger outcry," Elvis said.

The fighter said he has been traumatized by his experience on the battlefield, and that he's worried one of his fellow fighters may commit suicide because of what they went through together.

But he believes Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion is a righteous war. And he wants more to be done to stop the conflict.

"If China invaded the U.S., hypothetically, leveled Los Angeles, leveled Seattle, Portland, massacred thousands, do you think the U.S. would just sue for peace? No," he said.

Russia is using banned weapons and is committing war crimes.
Russia is using banned weapons and is committing war crimes.

As the U.S. Russia Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin Mohammed pedophilia "man is God" annihilation of Ukraine - loving Christian Nation party of "serve the Pope or die" is about to retake the House of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" after decades of SCOTUS Islamidiotocracy of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom Mohammed pedophilia drug trafficking enforcement in survival of the fittest fascists where if one cross is a swastika then all the crosses are Mohammed pedophilia swastikas of Rehnquist's Fourth Reich July 9/11 Freudian slip, McHeil's Navy & their crooks on Capital Hill Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisitions.
Here is the reality of this war, the Russians have committed many war crimes not least using white phosphorus indiscriminately.

An American who volunteered to fight against Russia in Ukraine described the carnage he saw on the front lines — saying the battle for Ukrainians is against "pure evil."

"Anybody in the West that asks Ukraine to just do peace talks, they need to go through these villages. They need to see what's been done to these people," said the man, who wants to be known only by his call sign, Elvis.

"This is nothing like any conflict in the past 70 to 80 years," he told CBS News. "This war is not sustainable, for either side."

Originally from Tennessee, Elvis fought in Ukraine because he was horrified by Russia's invasion of the country. While there, he said he repeatedly witnessed Russian forces using white phosphorus munitions — something Russia previously denied.

"It comes down extremely slow, but there's nothing you can do, and everything it touches just incinerates," Elvis said, describing one incident where he witnessed between 20 and 30 Ukrainian fighters "burning alive" before some committed suicide to end their suffering.

"A lot of guys have suicide pistols, and you'd hear them scream, and then they would say goodbye and then blow their own heads off," he said.

White phosphorus is a wax-like chemical substance that ignites instantly when it comes into contact with oxygen. Its primary function in weaponry is to burn brightly, and it is used in incendiary munitions by militaries around the world, including the United States, often to illuminate targets as part of tracer munitions at night.

But it can be extremely dangerous when used as a weapon, causing deep burns, even through bone.

"There are certain weapons that I've seen used on the battlefield in Ukraine that — okay, it's war, I get it — but there's certain weapons that are used that, if the rest of world could see what they cause, what that looks like when someone dies because of that, there would be a lot bigger outcry," Elvis said.

The fighter said he has been traumatized by his experience on the battlefield, and that he's worried one of his fellow fighters may commit suicide because of what they went through together.

But he believes Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion is a righteous war. And he wants more to be done to stop the conflict.

"If China invaded the U.S., hypothetically, leveled Los Angeles, leveled Seattle, Portland, massacred thousands, do you think the U.S. would just sue for peace? No," he said.

I notice that he does not say which side is the most to blame for this.

Russia's goal is to destroy Ukraine, and not just physically.

It seems to be working.
Russia is using banned weapons and is committing war crimes.

White Phosphorous is allowed in warfare as a smoke agent to build smoke screens as it does this very rapidly. It is not supposed to be intentionally used as a casualty agent however. So, if the Russians are using it to cover their movement or to blind enemy observers by creating a smoke screen, it is perfectly legal for them to use WP. If in that use, they cause casualties, that's considered collateral damage and not a war crime. Only the intentional use of WP to cause casualties is against current conventions on warfare.
I notice that he does not say which side is the most to blame for this.

Russia's goal is to destroy Ukraine, and not just physically.

It seems to be working.

It was supposed to have been a walk in the park, a 3 day stroll for the Russians, almost 1 year ago. Nothing that Putin has done is working, but at least we know that he has a 3rd rate military, at best.