APP - American politics since 1994

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
One observation I have had in watching politics over the last twenty some odd years is that it is impossible to know where the electorate as a whole sits politically.

You can't use JPP as a proxy because there are too many hyper partisans on each side to understand what most people are thinking.

Look at how many times control of the House of Representatives and Senate of flipped since 1994. How many times, has each party controlled both branches albeit for a small period of time.

Each time a political party regains control of a brand of government their side immediately crows that it is a validation of their strongly held beliefs and portends an end to the other party. Karl Rove famously said that there would be a GOP dominance and proceeded to watch the House and Senate fall. After the election of Obama, liberals across the country thought conservatism and the GOP were dead forever. The democrats proceeded to get decimated across the country. Now we are seeing the GOP lose seats.

What does this all mean?

Well, it is probably very complex and I don't pretend to speak for all voters, but what it means to me is that the country as a whole doesn't know what it wants and is full of contradictions. One one level they live their lives very conservatively, believe in low taxes, small government. Yet, they claim to oppose socialized medicine, but love their Social Security and Medicare.

Partisans of each side make a huge mistake trying to read too much into any one single election or election cycle and trying to predict longer term trends based on those results. Is it highly probable that the GOP loses the House in November? Probably especially if they recruit candidates like Connor Lamb.

The irony of Lamb is that if you stripped away the D from his name, to a person every JPP liberal on this board would crucify him for his positions. So what does that say about the party? They have done this before. Remember when Rahm Emanuel recruited candidates like Lamb so Nancy Pelosi could become Speaker? Well it got her elected Speaker, and then they proceeded to push though a left wing agenda out of step with most Americans and the democrat party proceeded to get clobbered.

Many on this board from the left seem to only care about the democrat party taking control of the House so that they can push though impeachment of President Trump. While that would probably make the JPP partisans on the left extremely happy and give them some measure of revenge for Bill Clinton, it would be a huge mistake for their party.

Barring some real high crime/misdemeanor, the American people are not going to have the stomach for an impeachment of President Trump. It would cost the democrat party big league