American Taliban: How War, Sex, Sin, and Power Bind Jihadists and the Radical Right


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“We all agree with the Taliban.”—Rush Limbaugh, October 9, 2009

America’s primary international enemy—Islamic radicalism—insists on government by theocracy, curtails civil liberties, embraces torture, represses women, wants to eradicate homosexuals from society, and insists on the use of force over diplomacy. Remind you of a certain American political party? In American Taliban, Markos Moulitsas pulls no punches as he compares how the Republican Party and Islamic radicals maintain similar worldviews and tactics. Moutlitsas also challenges the media, fellow progressives, and our elected officials to call the radical right on their jihadist tactics more forcefully for the good of our nation and safety of all citizens.

Why the national religion visceral imagery reads more like a "serve the Pope or die" tautology diatribe as there's about as much of a statistical probability SCOTUS Christian Nation "man is God" granted standing to thieving US Constitution arsonists for the Bicentennial & those burning Bush's 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" patriot health care plan acknowledgement other than a veritable plethora of fabricated misnomer immaculate conceptions just as Taliban avoidance - acceptance in Afghanistan.
The more at you look at the ideologies between the Taliban and the American Christian right, the more in common you find..

The Rise of the American Taliban

Americans are rightly horrified by the religious extremism of groups like ISIS and the Taliban in the Middle East, but the fact is, religious extremism is also a very real threat right here and right now in the U.S. And our history proves that, if religious extremists and religious hard-righters are allowed to get in positions of power, the results are pretty ugly.
wasn't tim mcveigh connected to an ultra right wing so-called religious movement? and look at how little regard for human life he had.