American Taliban


Will work for Scooby snacks
Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial column:

It was only a couple of months ago that parents learned that Vanessa Hudgens, star of the Disney hit movie High School Musical had posed for nude photos. Hudgens, 18, who apologized for her bad judgment, appears to have weathered that storm.

Nickelodeon, however, appears to have little alternative but to fire Jamie Lynn Spears. No doubt her co-stars are furious that her indiscretion may cost them their jobs, too.

Just as furious are parents who had hoped that this Spears sister would be different.

Piss off Philadelphia Inquirer. This isn't an "indiscretion". Teens have sex. It's normal. It happens all the time, regardless if puritan society pretends they don't. And bite me, parents who "hoped this Spears sister would be different". Sometimes teens get pregnant. Sometimes they have abortions. Sometimes they have a baby. If they're smart and don't go to Texas public schools, they hopefully are well educated on contraception, and make smart decisions. Is there practically anyone who didn't have sex as a teenager? A 16 year old boy, who is a TV star, probably has more sex than Battleborne; and without facing the consequences of getting fired, or being judged as a bad role model

Piss off Philadelphia Inquirer. This isn't an "indiscretion". Teens have sex. It's normal. It happens all the time, regardless if puritan society pretends they don't. And bite me, parents who "hoped this Spears sister would be different". Sometimes teens get pregnant. Sometimes they have abortions. Sometimes they have a baby. If they're smart and don't go to Texas public schools, they hopefully are well educated on contraception, and make smart decisions. Is there practically anyone who didn't have sex as a teenager? A 16 year old boy, who is a TV star, probably has more sex than Battleborne; and without facing the consequences of getting fired, or being judged as a bad role model

That is true...and applies to anyone over the age of twenty...however since you just had to drag me into this little your case he would have more sex than you do with Lassie!:rolleyes: