Americans Better Stop Dreaming About


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With the border situation worsening, inflation beginning, and more worries over foreign policy building, Democrats are not in a good position. Without a GOP civil war to save them, their path to retaining their majorities in 2022 becomes a very tall task, and once Republicans take over again, Joe Biden’s life is going to turn to misery.

Donald Trump Blows Up the Last, Great Hope for Democrats in 2022
By Bonchie
Mar 22, 2021 6:00 PM ET

The Supreme Court, media mouths, mail-in ballots, grotesque voting machines, and every method Democrats have been using to rig elections for a century stole the presidency and both Houses of Congress last year. The conspiracy, and the conspirators, that stole the elections in 2020 are ready, willing, and positioned to do it again in 2022. In short:

With the border situation worsening, inflation beginning, and more worries over foreign policy building, Democrats are not in a good position. Without a GOP civil war to save them, their path to retaining their majorities in 2022 becomes a very tall task, and once Republicans take over again, Joe Biden’s life is going to turn to misery.

All these observations are from your perspective, Poppies.

From the perspective of reality, there is no consensus on anything in America.
We're not looking for the same things.
We don't want the same things.
We're not socially compatible with one another.
We're not a melting pot, not a mosaic, and not a sustainable republic.

But the right is infinitely more stupid than the left because they actually believe that they are a majority.
They don't travel. They don't mingle. They're nowhere to be found in the nation's great cultural centers.
They're a monolith of white anti-intellectuals without degrees, but far worse than their ignorance is their unwillingness to learn.

If we attempt to preserve the republic as it is now, the republic will fail and be replaced with total anarchy.
If we partition into ideologically compatible states, we'll have right wing third world banana republics
but also modern progressive republics which will return North America's position of leadership in the world.

What we cannot sustain is Blue states supporting parasitic Red ones.
What we cannot sustain is Blue states supporting parasitic Red ones.

To NiftyNiblick: Is this the way parasite-Blue-states will support wealth-producing-Red-states?

President Joe Biden’s White House team is drafting a massive $3 trillion infrastructure spending deal, according to reports, but most of the spending will be directed toward social welfare programs.

The New York Times previewed the spending plan on Tuesday, reporting despite the president’s interest in infrastructure, it would also focus on reducing carbon emissions, addressing economic inequality, and promoting equity.

Only $1 trillion of the proposal would be spent on actual infrastructure priorities, according to the report, such as roads, bridges, rail lines, ports, electric grid improvements, and charging stations for electric cars.

Other priorities include investments in wind and solar power, 5G telecommunications, rural broadband, and worker training. The proposal also includes the development of one million “affordable and energy-efficient” housing units.

Bloomberg News reports Biden’s team is planning $400 billion in “green spending.” Other reported spending measures in the proposal include tuition reductions among minorities, health-care initiatives, and money for child care and eldercare.

The Washington Post reports the proposal includes plans for free community college and universal prekindergarten,

It’s possible Democrats will split up the massive spending bills, in an effort to draw more Republican support for infrastructure, the Times reports, but the big hurdle is Biden’s effort to raise taxes to pay for part of the spending measure.

Trump was no better:

Republicans are unlikely to support a tax hike, meaning Democrats could shift to passing a funding measure through budget reconciliation requiring only 51 votes that they used to pass the $1.9 trillion coronavirus spending bill.

Reports: Team Biden Planning $3 Trillion Infrastructure, Climate, and Welfare Bill
by Charlie Spiering
23 Mar 2021

That is why I said AMERICANS in this thread’s title rather than say REPUBLICANS.
Democrats could shift to passing a funding measure through budget reconciliation requiring only 51 votes that they used to pass the $1.9 trillion coronavirus spending bill.

Socialized medicine was been around a long time. The public overwhelmingly rejects socialized medicine every time it rears its ugly head. They rejected Hillarycare in 1994. The public rejected socialized medicine a second time in 2010 when the filthy piece of garbage in the White House lied like hell to get the ACA passed:

Berry recounted meetings with White House officials, reminiscent of some during the Clinton days, where he and others urged them not to force Blue Dogs “off into that swamp” of supporting bills that would be unpopular with voters back home.

“I’ve been doing that with this White House, and they just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

January 25, 2010
Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is "me"

Now another lying filthy piece of garbage lives in the White House throwing money at Obamacare in an effort to save it under the guise of combating coronavirus —— which is itself a scam being sold by media liars, bureaucrats, and parasites in the medical industry:

Former President Barack Obama spoke Monday about how the Affordable Care Act has benefitted Americans and how the Democrats' $1.9 trillion relief package, which Biden signed into law earlier this month, has strengthened the law.

Biden's moves on Obamacare attract new signups -- and a second look from red states
By Tami Luhby
CNN Mar 22, 2021

NOTE: Trump loves to brag about his tax cut, while the three trillion dollars he signed into legislation to contain a non-existent pandemic was not enough. No amount of money will ever be enough to satisfy the Parasite Class.
Pelosi: ‘I Feel Very Confident that the Democrats Will Hold the Majority After the Next Election’
by Jeff Poor
29 Apr 2021

Diarrhea Mouth’s confidence is rooted in experience:

The conspiracy, and the conspirators, that stole the elections in 2020 are ready, willing, and positioned to do it again in 2022.