Americans need a strong policy regarding disinformation & hate speech


Nemo me impune lacessit
The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.
The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

The Police State deepens.

God Help Us.
The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

Nothing like bringing back the police state and eliminating the First Amendment. Can't have those pesky doubters and facts contrary to the party line being heard out...

I also like the list.

Snopes is biased to the Left is horribly biased to the Left.
Politifact might as well be part of the Democrat party brand for all the difference it makes. Hell, there's an entire website dedicated to fact checking Politifact:
Not many "hatespeech" laws in America, brah. That's just a term and tactic globalists/commies/SJWs use to suppress free speech.

Hatespeech laws were struck down in America. You didn't know? Unconstitutional.

I smell a dirty sock. Set account up in June 2019 and this is the 1st post.
The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

So the New York Times and Main Stream Media and Google, Facebook, and Twitter, amirite?

How about fake polls designed to sway public voting?

I say OP is Margot. Nice troll!

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The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

There is no Biden-Harris administration, bitch!
Harris is working with a dope boy and Biden is working with diminished mental capacity.

Cocksucking faggot doublenigger goatfucker!
The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

Amazing how bored you right wingers are to make up this stupid crap.
The Trumpers are letting their true feelings show while they still can.

Soon, this kind of hate speech and perversion of the facts will not be permitted.

Internet Service Providers, including every major cellular communications company, are all participating in the planning.

The Biden-Harris Transition Team is going to work with them and Internet hosting companies to identify and swiftly act upon hate speech and harmful disinformation in order to save our Democracy.

Individuals who violate the code of conduct will be subject to account closure. We know who they are. Their devices have been identified, and attempts to reach the World Wide Web will be denied by every major online provider.

Websites that permit hate speech and dangerous disinformation will not be able to find web hosting and will have no access to the Internet.

Social media will be onboard, as well, just as we have seen recently.

You have been warned.
The Biden-Harris Transition Team is formulating the incoming Administration's policy on hate speech and disinformation, which will be implemented by Executive Order in January, 2021.

We are painfully aware that bad actors who hide behind Internet anonymity weaken our society. For example, in the prelude to the stolen 2016 election, Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories on multiple platforms like this one, hoping they would go viral. They did. Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies, all supposedly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The Russians believe that our free press and its undoubted balance and fairness will continue to enable Moscow to slip destructive ideas into our national consciousness.

Well, no more!

Discredited outlets that advocate or disseminate inaccurate information will find themselves sanctioned, and if need be, will be subject to punitive administrative action, including fines and/or loss of access to the Internet and the airwaves.

The Internet will be cleaned up under the Biden-Harris Administration. As leading Constitutional scholars like former President Barack Obama know, the framers of the First Amendment could not have envisioned a world where harmful lies and dangerous ideas could be spread so widely.

Therefore, one of the most important priorities of the new Administration will be to clamp down on all disinformation.

The universally respected members of the International Fact-checking Organization will become the official advisors to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Their bias-free and impartial membership includes such stalwart, non-partisan sources as-

  • Snopes
  • Politifact
  • The American Press Institute
These organizations will guide the Federal Communications Commission and other agencies as they repair the damage done to our Democracy by the outgoing Trump Administration.

Inflammatory and false speech undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law.

In addition to federal policy updates, the Biden-Harris Administration is working with state governments to formulate standardized hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All speech is not equal. When truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails.

So what you're saying is the American people are so stupid that they need you leftist shit eaters to filter the news for them. And you'll be scratching your ass if you lose wondering why. Its amazing you people can wipe your noses and not cause yourself brain damage.

I like the last line best if all. That "truth" you speak of is that the same truth that the lying racist groping imbecile Joe prefers over facts?
Nothing like bringing back the police state and eliminating the First Amendment. Can't have those pesky doubters and facts contrary to the party line being heard out...

I also like the list.

Snopes is biased to the Left is horribly biased to the Left.
Politifact might as well be part of the Democrat party brand for all the difference it makes. Hell, there's an entire website dedicated to fact checking Politifact:

Yet the stupid cunts wi claim trump is the tyrant. Everytime the left accuses trump of something they are actually the perpetrators of it.
So what you're saying is the American people are so stupid that they need you leftist shit eaters to filter the news for them. And you'll be scratching your ass if you lose wondering why. Its amazing you people can wipe your asses and not cause yourself brain damage.

I like the last line best if all. That "truth" you speak of is that the same truth that the lying racist groping imbecile Joe prefers over facts?

Your hate speech and disinformation don't matter, because Trump is going to be gone soon.

Your lies have been logged and reported.