Americans Owe Al Gore A Big Thank You


Verified User

Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.

Remember that the court ruled against Gore’s burglary in progress by 7 to 2. Happily, Gore fled the scene of the crime empty-handed.

To this ordinary American’s understanding of simple justice, I cannot see how the Supreme Court can refuse to rule in favor of Trump by 9 to 0.


In short: I cannot imagine the SCOTUS ruling against Trump because he is trying to prevent Biden from walking away with the loot from the biggest heist in history.

Stu Cvrk gets credit for doing the work too dirty for me to watch;

I forced myself to listen to parts of Dementia Joe’s “victory speech” yesterday and found myself shouting at his blatant lies. The most egregious was that he claimed that when all the ballots are counted, he will have received the most in presidential history (paraphrasing). That’s even a bigger lie than Hillary claiming she won the popular vote in 2016. [By the way, how does her claim look in retrospect after what we’ve witnessed in terms of MASSIVE voter fraud and ballot harvesting in Democrat-run swing states over the past two days?]

The reality is that President Trump won in a landslide. Even the Las Vegas betting odds switched to him Tuesday night after he built substantial leads in swing states by midnight on Election Day. Unfortunately, they didn’t account for Dementiacrat ballot harvesting in those states!

Late on Election Day, President Trump was ahead to the point of statistical certainty that he would win Wisconsin, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada (all swing states). Then, the Democrat governors in those states magically stopped the vote counting in the middle of the night:

Election night Tuesday, at about midnight on the East Coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by decent margins. The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win. Then, for some unexplainable reason, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada all seemingly stopped counting votes simultaneously, in unison. They took a “pause” at around 1 a.m. None of those states reported any additional votes for the next three hours.

Somehow, sufficient ballots were “found” to put Biden over the top in several of those states (with more movement toward Biden coming in the rest for those “found ballots”). Many of those bunches of ballots “found” were exclusively marked for Biden – a statistical impossibility.

The turnout in those swing states far exceeded historical norms – another “statistical anomaly” and a clear indication of ballot harvesting and voter fraud. There are no such things as coincidences, especially in politics!

President Trump was up in those swing states by large margins with on average less than a quarter of the votes/ballots remaining to be counted. That Biden was able to make up the difference in those states was statistically impossible, too – another indication of fraud.

The Trump campaign is pursuing different strategies in those swing states (plus Arizona and Georgia) to protect the integrity of the vote – and to expose the fraudulent ballots that were submitted by Democrat operatives on Biden’s behalf.

As an aside, a valid vote is a certified one cast by a registered US citizen. A ballot, on the other hand, is a piece of paper that is not certified and could be filled out by ANYONE for anybody, including on behalf of dead people. Think that’s crazy because you’ve read a number of articles in the legacy media over the past several months (here, here, and here) that claimed to debunk the assertion that “dead people vote”? Well, here’s just one example from one of those mailed-in ballots this year in Michigan:

Essential Fleccas

Turns out 118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.

How long has this been going on?

Try it for yourself:

Do you seriously believe that that fraudulent ballot associated with a dead person is an anomaly and just the only one? Please. And the Democrats harvested those fraudulent ballots in the swing states. That means that the integrity of the vote in those swing states was purposely destroyed by Democrats in their quest for political power. So much for their caterwauling during the impeachment farce about “preserving the integrity of the vote”! Remember that lie as they claimed that President Trump was hopelessly compromised through alleged Russian collusion and that he would allow the Russians to tamper with the 2020 vote?

In considering what to do at this point to “right the ship”, as we like to say in the Navy, let’s consider the following for a moment. President Trump knows that Hillary Clinton didn’t win the popular vote in 2016 (as she has repeatedly claimed since she was beaten) thanks to voter fraud, which has been a bur under his saddle for four long years. He knew that the Democrats would put the 2016 voter fraud on steroids for 2020.

President Trump even told us during the campaign to expect “massive corruption” (“millions of fake ballots”). Here is what he tweeted out back in June.

Donald J. Trump

7:16 AM · Jun 22, 2020

He repeated that over and over during campaign appearances and in public statements. How does that claim look now in the light of massive voter fraud being uncovered across the nation? And that means he knew and EXPECTED that what is happening would indeed transpire, i.e., that massive ballot harvesting andvoter fraud was perpetrated by Democrat operatives in many states.

Knowing what we now know about the fighter who is our president, what is the likelihood that he – knowing what to expect and then telling us he knew it was coming – would not do anything about it, or have any plan to counteract and capitalize on it? Answer: zero. We can’t know for sure yet what is in play, but President Trump has been ahead of the opposition (including those in his own Party), strategy-wise, from the moment he walked down the escalator in 2015 to the present day.

The President doesn’t not convey any sense of worry – even now. He reminds me of the Cheshire cat. What does he know that we don’t know at this point?

Consider this: what if he’s been playing the long game on the issue of voter fraud all along by setting a trap to expose massive Democrat voter fraud in multiple states as a conspiracy/RICO crime with an objective of changing the US voting system to remove any possibility of fraud/corruption?

The Democrats have been hiding behind their claim that strong voter ID is equivalent to voter suppression for years, and many minority Americans in particular have bought into that lie. In reality, that lie has masked the very voter fraud we see in evidence in 2020. It would require exposure of a massive Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in multiple states, as well as its coordination by the DNC and others, for the American people to DEMAND that the problem be fixed. And that is almost certainly what will be exposed in the days and weeks to come!

That is the kind of strategic thinker President Trump is. He thinks BIG! He is not merely focused on the tactical victory of winning this election but is also working to solve a long-standing problem that has corrupted our political system for decades. What a boon to the nation that would be if he can fix that problem!

The notion that the Democrat Party is a “majority party” is a myth that voter fraud has helped them and their sycophants in the media propagate for decades. Remove voter fraud from the equation – and the corruption it exacerbates – and the Democrat Party will be relegated to the radical rump party that it truly is.

Dealing with voter fraud in the US is VERY similar to the strategy that he and his team are implementing to box in Communist China and let the air out of Xi’s balloon (and which has Biden and the China hands so apoplectic because their bribery cash cow is being destroyed). Think big!

I have abiding faith in the President. When he starts to worry about this election – and that worry is visibly in evidence – then I will start to be concerned. The rest is theater. Keep the faith, and support our President!

The end.

It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!
By Stu Cvrk
Nov 05, 2020 7:00 PM ET

William Sullivan nails it. Let me add that Senile Joe’s media do not need imagination:

Imagine, for a moment, that the night of November 3rd, 2020, had gone a bit differently, with the circumstances reversed.

Imagine that the media was champing at the bit to call several states early for Trump, while refusing to call those states in which Biden was comfortably winning, giving the false perception of the comfortable lead that had been suggested by months of Trump’s leading the polls. Then, imagine it had become clear that Joe Biden was surging to a comfortable lead in several closely contested swing states. Now imagine that, after having stopped the counting of legal ballots in those states (due to the lateness of the hour and logistical challenges, we are told), hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appeared in these states, and counted behind the curtain, with limited Democrat oversight, thus shifting the tide in Trump’s favor by the next day.

You don’t have to ponder that scenario long before concluding that the Democrats and the media would be claiming that the outcome of that election is illegitimate, and calling for investigations at the highest levels to audit the results, ensuring that each and every vote was verified as having been legally cast, with appropriate registration, postmark dates, signatures, etc.

I don’t think it’s possible to understate the following assertion: If it is proven that Democratic Party operatives illegally introduced hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots in order to swing an election in their Party’s favor, it will have been the single most dangerous crime in modern American history.

What are we talking about here, after all? We aren’t just talking about the oftentimes phantom “voter suppression” that Democrats notoriously peddle, suggesting that requiring a photo ID or having to stand in line to vote amounts to it. No, we are talking about disenfranchisement of the purest form, and the dissolution of trust in the most fundamental institution of the American republic.

In an almost prophetic moment after states stopped counting votes in key battleground states where he had a significant lead, Trump proclaimed: “We want all voting to stop. We don’t want to find any ballots at 4 A.M. in the morning.”

As expected, the Biden team, enjoying complete and total mainstream media support (interestingly, finding Fox News to be its most steadfast ally in this election), immediately began to lie and spin, suggesting that Trump was trying to “shut down the counting of duly cast ballots.”

That is, in fact, the precise opposite of what Trump said. Trump wanted these states to continue counting the votes that had been duly cast. He said that voting must stop, since the polls had closed, and he did not want any ballots that were “unduly” cast to mysteriously appear.

The examples of this happening are too numerous to list here. But for the sake of time, we’ll limit this discussion to Michigan, where, indeed, hundreds of thousands of new votes appeared overnight, overwhelmingly votes for Biden. As poll watcher and attorney Kelly SoRelle reports from Detroit, three vehicles arrived at around 4 A.M., with “at least 130,000 ballots” which “were not delivered to the precinct before the cut off time” and that “literally 100% of those ballots” were votes for Biden. Amidst all of these allegations, rather than ramping up transparency, efforts have been made to limit access for GOP observers to the process. Nonetheless, there are several reports of ballots being counted despite having no names on them. James O’Keefe has released video of a whistleblower who reports that U.S. postal workers in Michigan were issued directives to back-date late mail-in ballots as received November 3rd, 2020, so they are accepted.”

There are so many crimes suspected to have occurred here that the severity of each of them may be lost in the deluge. But I cannot help thinking about this in the appropriate context, despite the media efforts to downplay the high-level political crimes that are being alleged.

I think about this as it directly relates to the everyday American. My wife and I, for example, aren’t anybody special. Chances are, neither are you. We’re just regular Americans who work hard to provide for our families and raise our children to be good and productive citizens of this free nation, where our lives and liberty are protected as we pursue our own individual happiness. You know, what we used to call the American Dream.

We do not riot in the streets to effect the change we want. We vote. And because we want the American Dream rather than promises of a socialist utopia administrated by government bureaucrats, we voted for Trump.

And if you are a Trump voter living in Michigan, the Democratic leadership of your state, if the above allegations are true, disenfranchised you and at least 129,999 of your political allies that supported the presidential candidate of your choosing.

Here’s another question worth pondering. Did you also vote for Republican Senate candidate John James, who also saw his lead disappear after these thousands of new ballots were introduced under the shroud of darkness? At 3 A.M., James was up by about 60,000 votes. By the following day, the Democratic incumbent had secured the votes needed to represent Michigan in the Senate.

There may be reasonable explanations for all of this. But to say that it isn’t a suspicious set of circumstances suggesting potential corruption can only be a lie, and, again, if the roles were reversed, the media and Democrats would be sparing no time or digital ink in screaming for a fair and thorough investigation.

And that’s all that we Trump supporters and Republicans now demand -- a fair and thorough investigation to discern the truth.

This is not just about Michiganders, to be clear. This crime, if it is proven to be a crime, would have the potential to swindle every American people of their rightfully-elected president, in accordance with the United States Constitution, and possibly shifted the balance of power in Congress. It would be nothing short of a conspiracy to destroy America.

Trump won Michigan by a slim margin of just over ten thousand votes in 2016. If Democratic operatives, colluding with the media and the leadership of the United States Postal Service, conspired to introduce hundreds of thousands of illegitimate votes in battleground states like Michigan, it is quite possibly most dangerous crime in modern American history, and the word “sedition” does not seem too strong a word to describe it. The objective moral chasm between such a crime and Watergate is as vast as the space between mass murder and jaywalking.

Time and evidence will tell, you may be assured. President Trump has beaten back the many other attempted coups that the Democrats and media have foisted upon the American people over these past four years, and if you think he’ll do any less than exploring every nook and cranny for the potential evidence of a crime of this magnitude, you haven’t been paying attention.

November 6, 2020
Is Ballotgate the Single Greatest Crime in Modern American History?
By William Sullivan
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Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.

Remember that the court ruled against Gore’s burglary in progress by 7 to 2. Happily, Gore fled the scene of the crime empty-handed.

To this ordinary American’s understanding of simple justice, I cannot see how the Supreme Court can refuse to rule in favor of Trump by 9 to 0.

In short: I cannot imagine the SCOTUS ruling against Trump because he is trying to prevent Biden from walking away with the loot from the biggest heist in history.

Stu Cvrk gets credit for doing the work too dirty for me to watch;

I forced myself to listen to parts of Dementia Joe’s “victory speech” yesterday and found myself shouting at his blatant lies. The most egregious was that he claimed that when all the ballots are counted, he will have received the most in presidential history (paraphrasing). That’s even a bigger lie than Hillary claiming she won the popular vote in 2016. [By the way, how does her claim look in retrospect after what we’ve witnessed in terms of MASSIVE voter fraud and ballot harvesting in Democrat-run swing states over the past two days?]

The reality is that President Trump won in a landslide. Even the Las Vegas betting odds switched to him Tuesday night after he built substantial leads in swing states by midnight on Election Day. Unfortunately, they didn’t account for Dementiacrat ballot harvesting in those states!

Late on Election Day, President Trump was ahead to the point of statistical certainty that he would win Wisconsin, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada (all swing states). Then, the Democrat governors in those states magically stopped the vote counting in the middle of the night:

Election night Tuesday, at about midnight on the East Coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by decent margins. The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win. Then, for some unexplainable reason, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada all seemingly stopped counting votes simultaneously, in unison. They took a “pause” at around 1 a.m. None of those states reported any additional votes for the next three hours.

Somehow, sufficient ballots were “found” to put Biden over the top in several of those states (with more movement toward Biden coming in the rest for those “found ballots”). Many of those bunches of ballots “found” were exclusively marked for Biden – a statistical impossibility.

The turnout in those swing states far exceeded historical norms – another “statistical anomaly” and a clear indication of ballot harvesting and voter fraud. There are no such things as coincidences, especially in politics!

President Trump was up in those swing states by large margins with on average less than a quarter of the votes/ballots remaining to be counted. That Biden was able to make up the difference in those states was statistically impossible, too – another indication of fraud.

The Trump campaign is pursuing different strategies in those swing states (plus Arizona and Georgia) to protect the integrity of the vote – and to expose the fraudulent ballots that were submitted by Democrat operatives on Biden’s behalf.

As an aside, a valid vote is a certified one cast by a registered US citizen. A ballot, on the other hand, is a piece of paper that is not certified and could be filled out by ANYONE for anybody, including on behalf of dead people. Think that’s crazy because you’ve read a number of articles in the legacy media over the past several months (here, here, and here) that claimed to debunk the assertion that “dead people vote”? Well, here’s just one example from one of those mailed-in ballots this year in Michigan:

Essential Fleccas

Turns out 118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.

How long has this been going on?

Try it for yourself:

Do you seriously believe that that fraudulent ballot associated with a dead person is an anomaly and just the only one? Please. And the Democrats harvested those fraudulent ballots in the swing states. That means that the integrity of the vote in those swing states was purposely destroyed by Democrats in their quest for political power. So much for their caterwauling during the impeachment farce about “preserving the integrity of the vote”! Remember that lie as they claimed that President Trump was hopelessly compromised through alleged Russian collusion and that he would allow the Russians to tamper with the 2020 vote?

In considering what to do at this point to “right the ship”, as we like to say in the Navy, let’s consider the following for a moment. President Trump knows that Hillary Clinton didn’t win the popular vote in 2016 (as she has repeatedly claimed since she was beaten) thanks to voter fraud, which has been a bur under his saddle for four long years. He knew that the Democrats would put the 2016 voter fraud on steroids for 2020.

President Trump even told us during the campaign to expect “massive corruption” (“millions of fake ballots”). Here is what he tweeted out back in June.

Donald J. Trump

7:16 AM · Jun 22, 2020

He repeated that over and over during campaign appearances and in public statements. How does that claim look now in the light of massive voter fraud being uncovered across the nation? And that means he knew and EXPECTED that what is happening would indeed transpire, i.e., that massive ballot harvesting andvoter fraud was perpetrated by Democrat operatives in many states.

Knowing what we now know about the fighter who is our president, what is the likelihood that he – knowing what to expect and then telling us he knew it was coming – would not do anything about it, or have any plan to counteract and capitalize on it? Answer: zero. We can’t know for sure yet what is in play, but President Trump has been ahead of the opposition (including those in his own Party), strategy-wise, from the moment he walked down the escalator in 2015 to the present day.

The President doesn’t not convey any sense of worry – even now. He reminds me of the Cheshire cat. What does he know that we don’t know at this point?

Consider this: what if he’s been playing the long game on the issue of voter fraud all along by setting a trap to expose massive Democrat voter fraud in multiple states as a conspiracy/RICO crime with an objective of changing the US voting system to remove any possibility of fraud/corruption?

The Democrats have been hiding behind their claim that strong voter ID is equivalent to voter suppression for years, and many minority Americans in particular have bought into that lie. In reality, that lie has masked the very voter fraud we see in evidence in 2020. It would require exposure of a massive Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in multiple states, as well as its coordination by the DNC and others, for the American people to DEMAND that the problem be fixed. And that is almost certainly what will be exposed in the days and weeks to come!

That is the kind of strategic thinker President Trump is. He thinks BIG! He is not merely focused on the tactical victory of winning this election but is also working to solve a long-standing problem that has corrupted our political system for decades. What a boon to the nation that would be if he can fix that problem!

The notion that the Democrat Party is a “majority party” is a myth that voter fraud has helped them and their sycophants in the media propagate for decades. Remove voter fraud from the equation – and the corruption it exacerbates – and the Democrat Party will be relegated to the radical rump party that it truly is.

Dealing with voter fraud in the US is VERY similar to the strategy that he and his team are implementing to box in Communist China and let the air out of Xi’s balloon (and which has Biden and the China hands so apoplectic because their bribery cash cow is being destroyed). Think big!

I have abiding faith in the President. When he starts to worry about this election – and that worry is visibly in evidence – then I will start to be concerned. The rest is theater. Keep the faith, and support our President!

The end.

It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!
By Stu Cvrk
Nov 05, 2020 7:00 PM ET

You guys should all cool your engines.

I mean you do have to accept reality right?

The reality is the Trump era is over. So you better start getting past it!

Nothing in this thread has any bearing to to what any of us should be focused on.

My dude, these are the people who believe literally every conspiracy theory that Trump tweets. For all we know, they're going to believe Trump is still president for the next four years.

Yes, Stone said that Joe Biden will never be POTUS only 10 minutes ago!

We may end up having to find a more intelligent Forum to participate in.

This place has gone CRAZYTOWN! LOL!

Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.

Remember that the court ruled against Gore’s burglary in progress by 7 to 2. Happily, Gore fled the scene of the crime empty-handed.

To this ordinary American’s understanding of simple justice, I cannot see how the Supreme Court can refuse to rule in favor of Trump by 9 to 0.

In short: I cannot imagine the SCOTUS ruling against Trump because he is trying to prevent Biden from walking away with the loot from the biggest heist in history.

Stu Cvrk gets credit for doing the work too dirty for me to watch;

I forced myself to listen to parts of Dementia Joe’s “victory speech” yesterday and found myself shouting at his blatant lies. The most egregious was that he claimed that when all the ballots are counted, he will have received the most in presidential history (paraphrasing). That’s even a bigger lie than Hillary claiming she won the popular vote in 2016. [By the way, how does her claim look in retrospect after what we’ve witnessed in terms of MASSIVE voter fraud and ballot harvesting in Democrat-run swing states over the past two days?]

The reality is that President Trump won in a landslide. Even the Las Vegas betting odds switched to him Tuesday night after he built substantial leads in swing states by midnight on Election Day. Unfortunately, they didn’t account for Dementiacrat ballot harvesting in those states!

Late on Election Day, President Trump was ahead to the point of statistical certainty that he would win Wisconsin, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada (all swing states). Then, the Democrat governors in those states magically stopped the vote counting in the middle of the night:

Election night Tuesday, at about midnight on the East Coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by decent margins. The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win. Then, for some unexplainable reason, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada all seemingly stopped counting votes simultaneously, in unison. They took a “pause” at around 1 a.m. None of those states reported any additional votes for the next three hours.

Somehow, sufficient ballots were “found” to put Biden over the top in several of those states (with more movement toward Biden coming in the rest for those “found ballots”). Many of those bunches of ballots “found” were exclusively marked for Biden – a statistical impossibility.

The turnout in those swing states far exceeded historical norms – another “statistical anomaly” and a clear indication of ballot harvesting and voter fraud. There are no such things as coincidences, especially in politics!

President Trump was up in those swing states by large margins with on average less than a quarter of the votes/ballots remaining to be counted. That Biden was able to make up the difference in those states was statistically impossible, too – another indication of fraud.

The Trump campaign is pursuing different strategies in those swing states (plus Arizona and Georgia) to protect the integrity of the vote – and to expose the fraudulent ballots that were submitted by Democrat operatives on Biden’s behalf.

As an aside, a valid vote is a certified one cast by a registered US citizen. A ballot, on the other hand, is a piece of paper that is not certified and could be filled out by ANYONE for anybody, including on behalf of dead people. Think that’s crazy because you’ve read a number of articles in the legacy media over the past several months (here, here, and here) that claimed to debunk the assertion that “dead people vote”? Well, here’s just one example from one of those mailed-in ballots this year in Michigan:

Essential Fleccas

Turns out 118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.

How long has this been going on?

Try it for yourself:

Do you seriously believe that that fraudulent ballot associated with a dead person is an anomaly and just the only one? Please. And the Democrats harvested those fraudulent ballots in the swing states. That means that the integrity of the vote in those swing states was purposely destroyed by Democrats in their quest for political power. So much for their caterwauling during the impeachment farce about “preserving the integrity of the vote”! Remember that lie as they claimed that President Trump was hopelessly compromised through alleged Russian collusion and that he would allow the Russians to tamper with the 2020 vote?

In considering what to do at this point to “right the ship”, as we like to say in the Navy, let’s consider the following for a moment. President Trump knows that Hillary Clinton didn’t win the popular vote in 2016 (as she has repeatedly claimed since she was beaten) thanks to voter fraud, which has been a bur under his saddle for four long years. He knew that the Democrats would put the 2016 voter fraud on steroids for 2020.

President Trump even told us during the campaign to expect “massive corruption” (“millions of fake ballots”). Here is what he tweeted out back in June.

Donald J. Trump

7:16 AM · Jun 22, 2020

He repeated that over and over during campaign appearances and in public statements. How does that claim look now in the light of massive voter fraud being uncovered across the nation? And that means he knew and EXPECTED that what is happening would indeed transpire, i.e., that massive ballot harvesting andvoter fraud was perpetrated by Democrat operatives in many states.

Knowing what we now know about the fighter who is our president, what is the likelihood that he – knowing what to expect and then telling us he knew it was coming – would not do anything about it, or have any plan to counteract and capitalize on it? Answer: zero. We can’t know for sure yet what is in play, but President Trump has been ahead of the opposition (including those in his own Party), strategy-wise, from the moment he walked down the escalator in 2015 to the present day.

The President doesn’t not convey any sense of worry – even now. He reminds me of the Cheshire cat. What does he know that we don’t know at this point?

Consider this: what if he’s been playing the long game on the issue of voter fraud all along by setting a trap to expose massive Democrat voter fraud in multiple states as a conspiracy/RICO crime with an objective of changing the US voting system to remove any possibility of fraud/corruption?

The Democrats have been hiding behind their claim that strong voter ID is equivalent to voter suppression for years, and many minority Americans in particular have bought into that lie. In reality, that lie has masked the very voter fraud we see in evidence in 2020. It would require exposure of a massive Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in multiple states, as well as its coordination by the DNC and others, for the American people to DEMAND that the problem be fixed. And that is almost certainly what will be exposed in the days and weeks to come!

That is the kind of strategic thinker President Trump is. He thinks BIG! He is not merely focused on the tactical victory of winning this election but is also working to solve a long-standing problem that has corrupted our political system for decades. What a boon to the nation that would be if he can fix that problem!

The notion that the Democrat Party is a “majority party” is a myth that voter fraud has helped them and their sycophants in the media propagate for decades. Remove voter fraud from the equation – and the corruption it exacerbates – and the Democrat Party will be relegated to the radical rump party that it truly is.

Dealing with voter fraud in the US is VERY similar to the strategy that he and his team are implementing to box in Communist China and let the air out of Xi’s balloon (and which has Biden and the China hands so apoplectic because their bribery cash cow is being destroyed). Think big!

I have abiding faith in the President. When he starts to worry about this election – and that worry is visibly in evidence – then I will start to be concerned. The rest is theater. Keep the faith, and support our President!

The end.

It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!
By Stu Cvrk
Nov 05, 2020 7:00 PM ET

Actually Gore had the election stolen from him...but yeah, it was a shitshow!

Jeb! stole the election for his brother.

But the time they figured out who was president, nobody gave a fuck and it was January.

Somehow Democrats thought it would be a good idea to create a scenario like that and amplify it times 7.

They planned it ..

You know kinda like the shitshow of the Ken Starr hearings?..and then Democrats did it too with nothing for evidence. All bad.

I cringed every day of the Starr/Trump impeachment hearings. Total waste of time and taxpayer money.
The reality is the Trump era is over.

To Geeko Sportivo: Hold the phone, Jerome.

To this ordinary American’s understanding of simple justice, I cannot see how the Supreme Court can refuse to rule in favor of Trump by 9 to 0.

Note that President Trump is arguing to stop write-in ballots FOR EVERY WANNABE PRESIDENT before it is too late.

If the justices are on the square every justice must rule that mail-in ballots are unconstitutional because mail-in ballots will decide every future election. Voting in person on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November will become a relic from a bygone America. In short: Losers from either party in every election will win if they can produce more phony write-in ballots than the other guy.
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Tom Fitton makes a valid point:

"No one's been in court to enforce that law," he said. Instead we have the (Trump) campaign, arguing for a better seat to watch the three-card monte game in which they are the mark.


Fitton said the campaign is arguing in court for allowing monitors to observe the vote count, essentially "fighting to watch the fraud take place."​

Fitton’s insights make me think that Trump is following bad advice from big government agents provocateurs on his staff. Trump should be pushing the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of mail-in ballots.

Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.
NOTE: The SCOTUS should also take a closer look at the cemetery vote. JFK stole an election with that vote decades before Democrats added mail-in ballots to their repertoire.

A little leeway is required. It is not easy for Biden’s constituents to get to a mail box on time.

This might mean something if Trump ever gets to the Supreme Court:

On Friday the Republican Party of Pennsylvania filed an emergency application to SCOTUS in their ongoing challenge to last-minute changes to Pennsylvania election law that allowed ballots received after Election Day to be counted, asking that SCOTUS order each county to segregate ballots received after 8:00 PM on Election Day pending further rulings as to whether those ballots should be counted.

In the filing, PA Republicans noted that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State issued a “guidance” to the counties directing them to segregate, secure, and not canvass or otherwise process ballots received after Election Day, but that numerous counties (at least 25) wouldn’t confirm that they had, in fact, done so. County Boards of Elections argued that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State didn’t have the authority to order them to do so and that the guidance was, in fact, just guidance.

Let me close with short walk down memory lane:

Now that 56 years have passed, more journalists have openly talked about the fraud in the 1960 campaign. In the 2016 CNN documentary Race for the White House, ex-Newsweek editor Evan Thomas noted, "As time goes on, it leaks out that, in one black district, there were more votes cast than there were people living in the district. It was corrupt." Narrator Kevin Spacey explained, "As the dead of Illinois cast their votes for Kennedy, there are more allegations of fraud in Texas."

Speaking of Fraud, Andrea Mitchell Admits 1960 Election 'Obviously' ‘Stolen’ From Nixon
By Scott Whitlock | October 17, 2016 | 4:41 PM EDT

Remember that Eisenhower backed a challenge to JFK’s robbery, but he, Nixon, said no because he did want the country to look like a banana republic. Try to name one United Nations-loving Democrat today, or ever, that put this country first.
To Geeko Sportivo: Hold the phone, Jerome.

Note that President Trump is arguing to stop write-in ballots FOR EVERY WANNABE PRESIDENT before it is too late.

If the justices are on the square every justice must rule that mail-in ballots are unconstitutional because mail-in ballots will decide every future election. Voting in person on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November will become a relic from a bygone America. In short: Losers from either party in every election will win if they can produce more phony write-in ballots than the other guy.

I am not going to argue with you just yet.

No Sir, I may just wait until the investigations are over. Because every Polling station and every state are going to insure that their methods of verifying mail-in ballots are at 100% effective and every ballot counted was in fact legal. If there were holes in any of the verifying processes, we are going to know within a couple of weeks- AS WE ALWAYS DO! AND JUST FOR THE RECORD- THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THAT THERE HAS EVER BEEN ANY notable or sizeable FRAUD DISCOVERED WITH MAIL-IN ABSENTEE BALLOTS!

If we don't hear of any shenanigans, I will be the first one to say- GET A LIFE- FUCK THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES- PUT YOUR BIG BOY PANTS ON AND DEAL WITH THE OUTCOME and see a doctor about your paranoid state!
. . . every Polling station and every state are going to insure that their methods of verifying mail-in ballots are at 100% effective and every ballot counted was in fact legal.

Trump should be pushing the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of mail-in ballots.

To Geeko Sportivo:
Declaring mail-in ballots unconstitutional will suffice:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources are reporting that Trump has dealt a killer blow in his ongoing war against his sworn enemy, the U.S. Post Office. In a move of sheer, mind-blowing brilliance, Trump directed the Post Office to put his face on every single stamp, forcing the Democrats to reverse course and abolish the institution once and for all.

The new stamp, dubbed "The Trump-Stamp," to be used on all pieces of mail features a smiling Donald Trump, with the caption "GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER."

Don Lemon broke the news in a tearful address to the nation last night. "Our democracy is over," he said. "It doesn't exist anymore. I will never send another piece of mail ever again, and neither should you or else you're a racist."

Antifa and BLM responded by marching on local post offices and burning them down. Enthusiastic Trump supporters quickly bought up all the stamps. They are now selling for $3,000 apiece online.

Brilliant Trump Puts Himself On All Postage Stamps, Forcing Democrats To Push For Abolishing USPS
August 17th, 2020

To Geeko Sportivo:
Declaring mail-in ballots unconstitutional will suffice:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources are reporting that Trump has dealt a killer blow in his ongoing war against his sworn enemy, the U.S. Post Office. In a move of sheer, mind-blowing brilliance, Trump directed the Post Office to put his face on every single stamp, forcing the Democrats to reverse course and abolish the institution once and for all.

The new stamp, dubbed "The Trump-Stamp," to be used on all pieces of mail features a smiling Donald Trump, with the caption "GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER."

Don Lemon broke the news in a tearful address to the nation last night. "Our democracy is over," he said. "It doesn't exist anymore. I will never send another piece of mail ever again, and neither should you or else you're a racist."

Antifa and BLM responded by marching on local post offices and burning them down. Enthusiastic Trump supporters quickly bought up all the stamps. They are now selling for $3,000 apiece online.

Brilliant Trump Puts Himself On All Postage Stamps, Forcing Democrats To Push For Abolishing USPS
August 17th, 2020

You win the eccentric award today! WHOOPEEEEEE!
Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.

Thank you guv:

Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD) noted Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that during the 2000 election, former Vice President Al Gore was given 37 days to run the process of legal challenges to the election.
Therefore, she said we should “afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration.”

Partial transcript as follows:

NOEM: What I think is going on here, George, is that this is all premature. This is a premature conversation because we have not finished counting votes. There are states that have not been called, and back in 2000, Al Gore was given his day in court. We should give President Trump his day in court. Let the process unfold because, George, we live in a republic.

We are a government that gets its power from the consent of the governed. That is the people. They give their consent on Election Day. Election Day needs to be fair, honest, and transparent, and we need to be sure that we had an honest election before we decide who gets to the White House the next four years.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Governor Noem, do you have any evidence it wasn’t an honest election? You had a tweet earlier this week saying it was rigged. Do you have any evidence at all of widespread fraud?

I’ve spoken with Republican secretaries of state in Georgia, in Arizona. I’ve spoken with Republican officials across the country. They have come up with zero evidence of widespread fraud.

NOEM: And that is not true. That is absolutely not true. People have signed legal documents, affidavits stating that they saw illegal activities. And that is why we need to have this conversation in court. The New York Times itself said that there were clerical errors.

STEPHANOPOULOS: No widespread fraud, Governor. That’s very different.

NOEM: If you look at what happened in Michigan, that we had computer glitches that changed Republican votes to Democrat votes. You look in Pennsylvania, dead people voted in Pennsylvania. So, George, I don’t know how widespread it is. I don’t know if it will change the outcome of the election. But why is everybody so scared just to have a fair election and find out?

We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president. Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for President Trump the same consideration?


NOEM: If Joe Biden —


NOEM: If Joe Biden really wants to unify this country, he would wait and make sure that we can prove we had a fair election.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Governor Noem, Al Gore, was behind by about 500 votes in one state, Florida. Joe Biden is ahead in all the close states by multiple —

NOEM: And look at how many more moving parts we have today.

STEPHANOPOULOS: 10,000 votes in Georgia, 27,000 votes in Nevada. Almost 20,000 votes in Arizona. More than 30,000 votes in Pennsylvania. That is not close. That is not within the margin that — that elections are usually turned around on.

NOEM: And many, many more states are in play this time around. And that’s what I think is interesting is this declaration from some individuals saying it was an overwhelming victory for Joe Biden. It simply wasn’t because you have so many of these states that are still in play. All I’m asking for, George, is that we don’t break this country. When you break the process on which we elect our leaders, you will break America forever.

So this isn’t just about this election. This is about every election in the future. And the fact that the American people, the everyday people who get up and work hard, that are suffering through this pandemic, that have tragically lost family members, that they need to know at least — at least America still functions, and we care about doing things right.

STEPHANOPOULOS: It starts with providing evidence. You still have not provided it, but I’m afraid we’re out of time today. Governor Noem, thanks for your time.

NOEM: Let the process work, and we will.

SD Gov. Noem: ‘We Gave Al Gore 37 Days to Run the Process’ — Trump Voter Deserve Same Consideration
by Pam Key
8 Nov 2020

Georgie the Greek would not admit there was fraud if Biden admitted it with a Bible in each hand.

Incidentally, in 2016 Greek George and his wife said they would leave the country if Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Hopefully, they will leave this time if Trump gets a fair shake.

Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.

Remember that the court ruled against Gore’s burglary in progress by 7 to 2. Happily, Gore fled the scene of the crime empty-handed.

To this ordinary American’s understanding of simple justice, I cannot see how the Supreme Court can refuse to rule in favor of Trump by 9 to 0.

In short: I cannot imagine the SCOTUS ruling against Trump because he is trying to prevent Biden from walking away with the loot from the biggest heist in history.

Stu Cvrk gets credit for doing the work too dirty for me to watch;

I forced myself to listen to parts of Dementia Joe’s “victory speech” yesterday and found myself shouting at his blatant lies. The most egregious was that he claimed that when all the ballots are counted, he will have received the most in presidential history (paraphrasing). That’s even a bigger lie than Hillary claiming she won the popular vote in 2016. [By the way, how does her claim look in retrospect after what we’ve witnessed in terms of MASSIVE voter fraud and ballot harvesting in Democrat-run swing states over the past two days?]

The reality is that President Trump won in a landslide. Even the Las Vegas betting odds switched to him Tuesday night after he built substantial leads in swing states by midnight on Election Day. Unfortunately, they didn’t account for Dementiacrat ballot harvesting in those states!

Late on Election Day, President Trump was ahead to the point of statistical certainty that he would win Wisconsin, NC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada (all swing states). Then, the Democrat governors in those states magically stopped the vote counting in the middle of the night:

Election night Tuesday, at about midnight on the East Coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by decent margins. The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win. Then, for some unexplainable reason, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada all seemingly stopped counting votes simultaneously, in unison. They took a “pause” at around 1 a.m. None of those states reported any additional votes for the next three hours.

Somehow, sufficient ballots were “found” to put Biden over the top in several of those states (with more movement toward Biden coming in the rest for those “found ballots”). Many of those bunches of ballots “found” were exclusively marked for Biden – a statistical impossibility.

The turnout in those swing states far exceeded historical norms – another “statistical anomaly” and a clear indication of ballot harvesting and voter fraud. There are no such things as coincidences, especially in politics!

President Trump was up in those swing states by large margins with on average less than a quarter of the votes/ballots remaining to be counted. That Biden was able to make up the difference in those states was statistically impossible, too – another indication of fraud.

The Trump campaign is pursuing different strategies in those swing states (plus Arizona and Georgia) to protect the integrity of the vote – and to expose the fraudulent ballots that were submitted by Democrat operatives on Biden’s behalf.

As an aside, a valid vote is a certified one cast by a registered US citizen. A ballot, on the other hand, is a piece of paper that is not certified and could be filled out by ANYONE for anybody, including on behalf of dead people. Think that’s crazy because you’ve read a number of articles in the legacy media over the past several months (here, here, and here) that claimed to debunk the assertion that “dead people vote”? Well, here’s just one example from one of those mailed-in ballots this year in Michigan:

Essential Fleccas

Turns out 118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984.

How long has this been going on?

Try it for yourself:

Do you seriously believe that that fraudulent ballot associated with a dead person is an anomaly and just the only one? Please. And the Democrats harvested those fraudulent ballots in the swing states. That means that the integrity of the vote in those swing states was purposely destroyed by Democrats in their quest for political power. So much for their caterwauling during the impeachment farce about “preserving the integrity of the vote”! Remember that lie as they claimed that President Trump was hopelessly compromised through alleged Russian collusion and that he would allow the Russians to tamper with the 2020 vote?

In considering what to do at this point to “right the ship”, as we like to say in the Navy, let’s consider the following for a moment. President Trump knows that Hillary Clinton didn’t win the popular vote in 2016 (as she has repeatedly claimed since she was beaten) thanks to voter fraud, which has been a bur under his saddle for four long years. He knew that the Democrats would put the 2016 voter fraud on steroids for 2020.

President Trump even told us during the campaign to expect “massive corruption” (“millions of fake ballots”). Here is what he tweeted out back in June.

Donald J. Trump

7:16 AM · Jun 22, 2020

He repeated that over and over during campaign appearances and in public statements. How does that claim look now in the light of massive voter fraud being uncovered across the nation? And that means he knew and EXPECTED that what is happening would indeed transpire, i.e., that massive ballot harvesting andvoter fraud was perpetrated by Democrat operatives in many states.

Knowing what we now know about the fighter who is our president, what is the likelihood that he – knowing what to expect and then telling us he knew it was coming – would not do anything about it, or have any plan to counteract and capitalize on it? Answer: zero. We can’t know for sure yet what is in play, but President Trump has been ahead of the opposition (including those in his own Party), strategy-wise, from the moment he walked down the escalator in 2015 to the present day.

The President doesn’t not convey any sense of worry – even now. He reminds me of the Cheshire cat. What does he know that we don’t know at this point?

Consider this: what if he’s been playing the long game on the issue of voter fraud all along by setting a trap to expose massive Democrat voter fraud in multiple states as a conspiracy/RICO crime with an objective of changing the US voting system to remove any possibility of fraud/corruption?

The Democrats have been hiding behind their claim that strong voter ID is equivalent to voter suppression for years, and many minority Americans in particular have bought into that lie. In reality, that lie has masked the very voter fraud we see in evidence in 2020. It would require exposure of a massive Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in multiple states, as well as its coordination by the DNC and others, for the American people to DEMAND that the problem be fixed. And that is almost certainly what will be exposed in the days and weeks to come!

That is the kind of strategic thinker President Trump is. He thinks BIG! He is not merely focused on the tactical victory of winning this election but is also working to solve a long-standing problem that has corrupted our political system for decades. What a boon to the nation that would be if he can fix that problem!

The notion that the Democrat Party is a “majority party” is a myth that voter fraud has helped them and their sycophants in the media propagate for decades. Remove voter fraud from the equation – and the corruption it exacerbates – and the Democrat Party will be relegated to the radical rump party that it truly is.

Dealing with voter fraud in the US is VERY similar to the strategy that he and his team are implementing to box in Communist China and let the air out of Xi’s balloon (and which has Biden and the China hands so apoplectic because their bribery cash cow is being destroyed). Think big!

I have abiding faith in the President. When he starts to worry about this election – and that worry is visibly in evidence – then I will start to be concerned. The rest is theater. Keep the faith, and support our President!

The end.

It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!
By Stu Cvrk
Nov 05, 2020 7:00 PM ET

Seriously I voted for trump but I dont buy that anyone is trying tom steal the election , the real thief is the pandemic and the riots thats my Opinion, more people simply voted for blow hole joe.

im sure there was some voter fraud ballots that should not of been counted some lost and the usual dead people voting. there was no mass fraud