Joe Biden famously said “You do not work for us. We work for you.” The fact is that Americans have been working exclusively for Democrat parasites like the Bidens since the LBJ years.
NOTE: Democrats claim impeaching President Trump is their constitutional duty to save the country. In truth, Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to save their tax dollars incomes. Americans who believe the party of liars are being measured for coffins by morticians in television and Hollywood.
Everything Democrat parasites say and do they say and do for one constituent group or another. I have yet to find one thing Democrats did that benefitted every American.
I have no trouble finding all of the “work” Democrats did to abolish individual freedoms. All of it made possible with tax dollar welfare programs enriching the Parasite Class. Indeed, the Parasites Class absorbing the nation’s wealth is the Democrat Party’s governing masterpiece.
Free healthcare for everybody, including illegal aliens, will be the The Democrat Party’s crowing achievement. Not even environmental scams can top tax dollar healthcare for all. Go back to shoving black teachers on white children and you will see the same strategy being used with healthcare. Force white patients to see black doctors or do without treatment.
This is the final battle parasites are fighting with tax dollars:
Before the ACA was passed I said it was an affirmative action program. “You can keep your own doctor” was an obvious lie at the time. Forcing white patients to see non-white doctors irrespective of the doctor’s competence was the goal. The predicted shortage of doctors guarantied that medical schools would lower standards in order to rush “non-white doctors” into the system.
Forcing white patients to see non-white doctors is the one thing Republicans and Democrats will never relinquish in any healthcare plan. You can bet your ass that any so-called Republican healthcare law will include the “We’s all God’s chillun” commandment.
Not only will many Americans be forced to go to government doctors like Joseph Mengele, the attitude among everybody in the healthcare industry will shift to where the poor and the frightened will be treated like dirt and/or guinea pigs. Today, Americans can still refuse recommended treatment, medication, and surgery. Signing up for the ACA has one ironclad guarantee: Your Right of refusal will disappear with compassion. See the Eric Hoffer quote following my signature.
Parenthetically, butchers seldom lost their licenses, or did jail time, before the ACA. What the hell do you think it is like now that 98 percent of the ACA is still on the books? Not only will butchers and run of the mill incompetent doctors and nurses get more protection under the ACA, every filthy immigrant parasite flocking to jobs in socialized medicine that harms a patient intentionally, or unintentionally, will have the additional protection of their labor union. The ranks, and the coffers, of the SEIU are expected to overflow after millions of parasites start paying dues with tax dollars.
Forcing white patients to see non-white doctors is the one thing Republicans and Democrats will never relinquish in any healthcare plan. You can bet your ass that any so-called Republican healthcare law will include the “We’s all God’s chillun” commandment.
Not only will many Americans be forced to go to government doctors like Joseph Mengele, the attitude among everybody in the healthcare industry will shift to where the poor and the frightened will be treated like dirt and/or guinea pigs. Today, Americans can still refuse recommended treatment, medication, and surgery. Signing up for the ACA has one ironclad guarantee: Your Right of refusal will disappear with compassion. See the Eric Hoffer quote following my signature.
Parenthetically, butchers seldom lost their licenses, or did jail time, before the ACA. What the hell do you think it is like now that 98 percent of the ACA is still on the books? Not only will butchers and run of the mill incompetent doctors and nurses get more protection under the ACA, every filthy immigrant parasite flocking to jobs in socialized medicine that harms a patient intentionally, or unintentionally, will have the additional protection of their labor union. The ranks, and the coffers, of the SEIU are expected to overflow after millions of parasites start paying dues with tax dollars.
NOTE: Black racists never suggest that black doctors emigrate to Third World Countries in Africa and treat black sick natives who need the most help. Staying here and treating white patients is the what black racists have been after since the first Hillarycare was rejected in 1993.
I can also find all of the work Democrats did for America’s enemies. The United Nations, the Soviet Union, the Vietnam War, the Iran Nuclear Deal, and Communist China is the proudest work Democrats ever did for parasites and foreign enemies.
Bottom line: Biden can easily prove his ridiculous claims by identifying anything that tax dollar Democrats ever did for private sector taxpayers.
Finally, crooks went into the first government and every government thereafter. Crooks belong to the broader criminal class; whereas, parasites are a distinct class. Crooks cannot destroy a nation. Crooks do not proselytize recruits. Parasites are worse than crooks because they create more parasites as well as drain a nation’s wealth without contributing a single thing to society or to a nation’s culture. If you doubt me, name one government parasite that contributed anything of value before or after they got rich on tax dollars.
Incidentally, an individual parasite priest at least tends to the sick on occasion, while Socialist priests in government get rich and richer ordering everybody else to care for the sick with tax dollars.
p.s. Race hustler Elijah Cummings was laid out like he was a beloved political leader gone to heaven. Black and white race hustlers were the only ones that went to the viewing because they had to.