America's Engines Revving in 2013

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
This morning I caught the news report on the current downturn in the Dow. I noticed that the two engines of America are up this year: Defense and Housing!! Defense is up a LOT - Boeing, Raytheon, and someone else are up about 30% each. Building houses is all the rage again as well.


This morning I caught the news report on the current downturn in the Dow. I noticed that the two engines of America are up this year: Defense and Housing!! Defense is up a LOT - Boeing, Raytheon, and someone else are up about 30% each. Building houses is all the rage again as well.



Keep telling us how you get rich by investing in America's biggest flaws kid.
Boeing isn't, strictly speaking, a defense contractor. Nor is Raytheon. If you were to go by that metric, almost everyone is a defense contractor.
Boeing isn't, strictly speaking, a defense contractor. Nor is Raytheon. If you were to go by that metric, almost everyone is a defense contractor.

But we can go to war with other countries, say it's an accident and then rebuild their nation. It's fool proof! *Iraq* We will get so rich!
Note; Halliburton, one of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve who we owe so much money to, owns a Construction company. And they are the ones contracted rebuilding Iraq.

Corporate, corporate, corporate.