America’s greatest terrorist threat comes from within

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Over the past two years, white supremacists have plainly been emboldened.

When I visit a synagogue or Jewish community center in my congressional district, I usually pass by armed security. Inside, people sometimes share heartfelt concerns about boycotts of Israel or the controversy over remarks about Israel by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. But those aren’t the reasons for the guard at the gate.

From time to time, I also attend Friday prayers at local mosques. Recently, there have been state police officers standing watch outside.

Political debates in the United States can be untethered from facts, but threats to life focus minds on reality. The reality today is that when it comes to organized violence, Jewish and Muslim Americans, as well as members of other minority groups, face the same threat: white-supremacist terrorism.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, the overwhelming majority of terrorist killings in the United States since 2009 have been committed by white people motivated by a specific ideology: the belief that America belongs to them, and must be protected from “globalist” (read: Jewish) elites and immigrants of all kinds.

Over the past two years, white supremacists have plainly been emboldened. The evidence can be seen in the crackpot conspiracy theories spreading virally on social media, the “Unite the Right” marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia, and swastikas suddenly appearing in schools. (Summit, New Jersey, a city inside my district, has had six such incidents in the past five months). Anti-Semitic incidents, including bomb threats, assaults and cemetery desecrations, rose by 60 percent from 2016 to 2017.

In the past, every authoritative voice in the country would be communicating to these people that they are isolated in their crazy beliefs. Now, they find validation in the president of the United States, who, on the day of the New Zealand attacks, referred to an immigrant “invasion” of the United States, and who seems incapable of calling white-supremacist attacks terrorism. These bigots hear politicians and cable-news hosts attacking the FBI, alleging “deep state” coups and calling fact-based journalism “fake news,” reinforcing their mistrust of authority and conspiratorial thinking.
For years now if we've gone to a stadium or concert or any other venue with a lot of other ppl, we've had to go through metal detectors and had our bags searched. Supposedly this was to prevent outside terrorists from doing something horrendous. Seems like it's our home-grown haters who are heavily armed thanks to the gun-humpers we should really fear. I.e., as in Las Vegas.
For years now if we've gone to a stadium or concert or any other venue with a lot of other ppl, we've had to go through metal detectors and had our bags searched. Supposedly this was to prevent outside terrorists from doing something horrendous. Seems like it's our home-grown haters who are heavily armed thanks to the gun-humpers we should really fear. I.e., as in Las Vegas.

yes America's enemy within, enabled by trump
Our nation is filled with sickness. Example: A few weeks ago I saw a story on our former town's NBC affiliate's FB page about the refugees coming into Mexico over a bridge from C. America. It wasn't the story that shocked me; it was the reader comments. Both males and females were posting: "Just shoot them all!" "Why don't they get machine guns and just mow them down?!" "Drop a bomb on them, that'll stop them," and so on. The photo accompanying the story had a group of brightly-dressed Hispanic-appearing people with packs on their backs, carrying babies and toddlers, while little kids appeared here and there around their legs. Most of the adults were women. What. The. Fuck.

The terrorists have won. We have met the enemy and he is us.
Our nation is filled with sickness. Example: A few weeks ago I saw a story on our former town's NBC affiliate's FB page about the refugees coming into Mexico over a bridge from C. America. It wasn't the story that shocked me; it was the reader comments. Both males and females were posting: "Just shoot them all!" "Why don't they get machine guns and just mow them down?!" "Drop a bomb on them, that'll stop them," and so on. The photo accompanying the story had a group of brightly-dressed Hispanic-appearing people with packs on their backs, carrying babies and toddlers, while little kids appeared here and there around their legs. Most of the adults were women. What. The. Fuck.

The terrorists have won. We have met the enemy and he is us.

And I am sure those same people run to their church every Sunday
Over the past two years, white supremacists have plainly been emboldened.

When I visit a synagogue or Jewish community center in my congressional district, I usually pass by armed security. Inside, people sometimes share heartfelt concerns about boycotts of Israel or the controversy over remarks about Israel by Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. But those aren’t the reasons for the guard at the gate.

From time to time, I also attend Friday prayers at local mosques. Recently, there have been state police officers standing watch outside.

Political debates in the United States can be untethered from facts, but threats to life focus minds on reality. The reality today is that when it comes to organized violence, Jewish and Muslim Americans, as well as members of other minority groups, face the same threat: white-supremacist terrorism.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, the overwhelming majority of terrorist killings in the United States since 2009 have been committed by white people motivated by a specific ideology: the belief that America belongs to them, and must be protected from “globalist” (read: Jewish) elites and immigrants of all kinds.

Over the past two years, white supremacists have plainly been emboldened. The evidence can be seen in the crackpot conspiracy theories spreading virally on social media, the “Unite the Right” marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia, and swastikas suddenly appearing in schools. (Summit, New Jersey, a city inside my district, has had six such incidents in the past five months). Anti-Semitic incidents, including bomb threats, assaults and cemetery desecrations, rose by 60 percent from 2016 to 2017.

In the past, every authoritative voice in the country would be communicating to these people that they are isolated in their crazy beliefs. Now, they find validation in the president of the United States, who, on the day of the New Zealand attacks, referred to an immigrant “invasion” of the United States, and who seems incapable of calling white-supremacist attacks terrorism. These bigots hear politicians and cable-news hosts attacking the FBI, alleging “deep state” coups and calling fact-based journalism “fake news,” reinforcing their mistrust of authority and conspiratorial thinking.

Yet it was the communist hate group "Antifa" that attempted to plan coordinate and attack law enforcement agents at our southern border in collusion with foreign agents and drug cartels. Another inconvenient truth......groups like the KKK...etc., are products of the democrat party, not the conservative party. :thinking: In fact the democrat party had a member in Congress as recently as 2010 that was a self confessed former leader of this democrat hate group (the so called white supremacist KKK)… you can't pass through any part of WVA without seeing his name plastered on countless bridges and highways in honor of this self confessed WHITE SUPERMACIST.
I don't know if they go to church or not, but we have a 78% chance of correctly assuming that they identify as Christians.

There is a 100% chance that history reveals that WHITE SUPERMACIST hate groups.....just like the new terrorist arm of the party (Antifa)….were and remain more leftist and socialist than conservative as history actual reveals the fact that these groups all belonged to the DEMOCRAT PARTY (the party that endorsed slavery, jim crow, and refused to allow women and minorities any kind of human rights in relation to voting or property rights)…..the same party that held a 57 day filibuster to stop a up or down vote on the 1964 civil rights bill.

Our nation is filled with sickness. Example: A few weeks ago I saw a story on our former town's NBC affiliate's FB page about the refugees coming into Mexico over a bridge from C. America. It wasn't the story that shocked me; it was the reader comments. Both males and females were posting: "Just shoot them all!" "Why don't they get machine guns and just mow them down?!" "Drop a bomb on them, that'll stop them," and so on. The photo accompanying the story had a group of brightly-dressed Hispanic-appearing people with packs on their backs, carrying babies and toddlers, while little kids appeared here and there around their legs. Most of the adults were women. What. The. Fuck.

The terrorists have won. We have met the enemy and he is us.


never never forget it

the right wing media is in their pocket

Fox news

the likes of Alex Jones

they are with the Russians

whether its due to compromont or hating "big government" like the idiot Timmy McViegh or the Deep state like this new pack of Russian propaganda idiots

The Russians want us to hate each other

some Americans are soooooo fucking weak minded they fall right into the trap
The people who say the Mueller report clears trump are Russians or Fox news viewers with no morals

this happened to America because we allowed a propaganda shit box called FOX pretend they were news for decades
The people who say the Mueller report clears trump are Russians or Fox news viewers with no morals

this happened to America because we allowed a propaganda shit box called FOX pretend they were news for decades

It happens because idiot people vote against their own interest ,and Elect Republicans
It happens because idiot people vote against their own interest ,and Elect Republicans

Yeah.....THE PEOPLE are stupid....right...err....left, we should allow the self professed elite to elect all our government Like all those self professed elites in NY and California...etc.? THE SMART people.....not smelly Walmart folk, not the deplorable blue collar workers. These dumb ass sheep should just remain silent...right...err...left? Communist/fascist much?
Yeah.....THE PEOPLE are stupid....right...err....left, we should allow the self professed elite to elect all our government Like all those self professed elites in NY and California...etc.? THE SMART people.....not smelly Walmart folk, not the deplorable blue collar workers. Communist/fascist much?
