America's nun population in steep decline


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Looks like there will be no nun's in the United States, by middle of this century?!!

According to a recent study, less than 1% of nuns in America are under 40.

Across the United States, young adults are becoming less religious.

A 2018 and 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that the number of Americans who identify as Christians has dropped 12% over the past decade. The group who described themselves as Catholic, in particular, has also shrunk, leaving a crisis in the Catholic sisterhood. Nuns are growing older and there is a concern that there will be fewer young people looking to join the sisterhood.

According to a recent study, less than 1% of nuns in America are under 40 and the average sister is 80 years old.

Sister Joanne Persch just turned 88. She said that many of her friends who joined her in service in the early 1950s have died. Throughout the painful pandemic and societal upheaval, she said there is still a great need for nuns in America.

“Well, I think it's a big mistake to say that religious life is dying,” said Persch. “And I look around me in our community and I see such vibrant, such life. It's changing and growing into something we can’t even imagine.”

In 2022, there were reportedly fewer than 42,000 nuns in America, which is a 76% decline over 50 years. At the rate sisters are disappearing, one estimate said that there will be fewer than 1,000 nuns left in the United States by 2042, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.


Hey, I like the God Squad, had several older aunts who were Nuns, but in today’s world, you really got to have faith to go that route, plus, the whole gender discrimination implied is tough to swallow

Obviously, religion is fading, has been, but in the Catholic Church a lot of it can be attributed to closing the neighborhood Catholic schools, as a kid they were everywhere, now, sparse, always felt that they needed the money to pay off the law suits so education was the trade off.
Looks like there will be no nun's in the United States, by middle of this century?!!

According to a recent study, less than 1% of nuns in America are under 40.

Across the United States, young adults are becoming less religious.

A 2018 and 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that the number of Americans who identify as Christians has dropped 12% over the past decade. The group who described themselves as Catholic, in particular, has also shrunk, leaving a crisis in the Catholic sisterhood. Nuns are growing older and there is a concern that there will be fewer young people looking to join the sisterhood.

According to a recent study, less than 1% of nuns in America are under 40 and the average sister is 80 years old.

Sister Joanne Persch just turned 88. She said that many of her friends who joined her in service in the early 1950s have died. Throughout the painful pandemic and societal upheaval, she said there is still a great need for nuns in America.

“Well, I think it's a big mistake to say that religious life is dying,” said Persch. “And I look around me in our community and I see such vibrant, such life. It's changing and growing into something we can’t even imagine.”

In 2022, there were reportedly fewer than 42,000 nuns in America, which is a 76% decline over 50 years. At the rate sisters are disappearing, one estimate said that there will be fewer than 1,000 nuns left in the United States by 2042, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.


This does not surprise me. Religious life as a vocation has been in decline for many years. The Church really needs to rethink celibacy as well.
In Christianity, nuns are found in the Roman Catholic, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran, and Anglican traditions, as well as other Christian denominations.
This does not surprise me. Religious life as a vocation has been in decline for many years. The Church really needs to rethink celibacy as well.

I agree, that celibacy requirement is archaic, as long as the nun's are serving the lord, nun's should be allowed to marry and have families too?!!
Hey, I like the God Squad, had several older aunts who were Nuns, but in today’s world, you really got to have faith to go that route, plus, the whole gender discrimination implied is tough to swallow

Obviously, religion is fading, has been, but in the Catholic Church a lot of it can be attributed to closing the neighborhood Catholic schools, as a kid they were everywhere, now, sparse, always felt that they needed the money to pay off the law suits so education was the trade off.
Religion always fades in a material world. That's why our masters are steering us back to a systemic collapse and world war.
In a related news, the flying nuns are in decline as well.


I watched reruns of The Flying Nun when I was a child. I remember that she was a flying nun associated with an orphanage in Puerto Rico, but have no memory of any of the plots, or how being a flying nun could have moved any of the plots. Did a couple walking down the street, saw a nun fly by, and decided to adopt a child from the orphanage, or something?
I watched reruns of The Flying Nun when I was a child. I remember that she was a flying nun associated with an orphanage in Puerto Rico, but have no memory of any of the plots, or how being a flying nun could have moved any of the plots. Did a couple walking down the street, saw a nun fly by, and decided to adopt a child from the orphanage, or something?

It was not closed captioned when it came out. So I can't answer your question.
It was not closed captioned when it came out. So I can't answer your question.

There is a joke in there somewhere, but I cannot see it yet. They were able to do the greater miracle of having a flying nun, but not the lessor miracle of having the deaf hear, or even of having closed captions... I do not know.

On the bright side, almost everything professionally done, and quite a bit of the not professionally done stuff has closed captions now, at least in the USA. Things are getting better.
There is a joke in there somewhere, but I cannot see it yet. They were able to do the greater miracle of having a flying nun, but not the lessor miracle of having the deaf hear, or even of having closed captions... I do not know.

On the bright side, almost everything professionally done, and quite a bit of the not professionally done stuff has closed captions now, at least in the USA. Things are getting better.

Now we have AI translator for Youtube videos (no clue why some of them are not enabled) and the apps that will translate any languages in real time for you.