
Verified User
I'm extremely cautious when it comes to predicting the results of political elections. Things can change fast in politics. I am a Trump supporter, and its very important for my country (Australia) that Trump wins in 2020. Australia is a "satellite state" of the US and if a socialist White House and Senate becomes a reality after the November election, then WE will go down the economic "gurgler" with YOU.

I don't take Trump winning the 2020 election for granted. I think he knows he has a fight on his hands. How any US citizen with a grain of common sense could vote for the raft of socialist policies people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are peddling I simply do not know, but it's happening. It's for real.

One US demographic grouping, the Millennials are likely to come out in big numbers for any socialist Democratic Presidential candidate who is given the chance to take on Trump in November. In the case of Millennials, I DO know why a recent poll showed that 70 % of them - (and BTW their are 75 million millennials in America at the moment would vote socialist. Its because they are ignorant with respect to history as it used to be taught in high schools and colleges. They do not know that socialist regimes have already been "trialled" in countries all over the world in: the Soviet Union for 70 odd years; in Red China; in North Vietnam and North Korea. They do not know that these socialist states became totalitarian dictatorships and that they shot, hanged, stabbed, starved, tortured, their own people to death. They don't know that the final body - count was around 120,000,000. The only thing that Millennials seem to know about the political history of the 20th century are the words: "Hitler"; "NAZI" and "Fascist" and they only know these words because they are standard terms of abuse apply to any one they encounter who is a Republican/Conservative.

On many college campuses across America socialist and communist symbols have become trendy over recent years. Soviet "Hammer and Sickle" banners are hung on the facade of buildings, stickers with the "Thoughts of Chairman Mao" are plastered everywhere, as though it's all some kind of clever game. Meanwhile, miniature, 21st - century Bolsheviks with green hair and revolutionary berets called Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) patrol the grounds and buildings of universities clamping down on politically incorrect behaviours amongst the student body.

A few days ago I was having lunch in the city and there were a group millennial girls sitting at a table opposite me. One of them was wearing a Che Guevara T-Shirt. She must have been about 22 years old or so; she was very pretty with long, neatly-combed blonde hair, quietly spoken with a polite "accent", orthodontically perfect like a US cable TV talk shoe host, wearing a pair of brand new Dr Martens and some very expensive looking, classy jewellery. I thought to myself what delightful girl she was she looked so well-mannered, I was sure that she: "wouldn't say bum for a Rosy apple; no doubt she was 100% upper middle class, dad was probably a specialist orthopaedic surgeon or a corporate lawyer, and mum probably sat on the Board of Governors at a local grammar school for girls.

All of this nothwithstanding, so intensely do I loathe socialism, I was minded to approach this girl and tell her in a diplomatic manner that Che Guevara was not the heroic socialist freedom - fighter she had been told he was. I didn't do this because it would have been very bad-mannered of me and doubtless made those girls think I was a crank. Still, the irony of this very civilised young girl walking around with a large image of Che Guevara on her T-Shirt was jarring. The truth is that Che Guevara was a socialist sociopath, a callous, murdering tyrant . "Comrade Che" was a stone-killer. When a group of civilians - adults and children - who had been cooperating in any way with the enemy were capture and bought to him, his preferred method of executing them was to make them stand in a line, then he would then go to the top of the line and one by one calmly shoot each captive in the face with a hand gun until they were all dead.

The disconcerting popularity of "Uncle" Bernie Sanders among young people and the celebrity status that socialist maniacs like AOC have achieved on social media is , in large part, as I say, a consequence of the astonishing ignorance that Millennials have of history (its not their fault, BTW< those responsible are their neo-Marxist/Postmodern teachers and college lecturers, but that's another story). The irony is tat socialism has a way of redistributing power away from the "the 99%" and putting it into the hands of central planners a teeny fraction of 1% at the top. (read AOC's "Green New Deal " resolution for a text book example of this).

Millennials need to know that there is an indisputable correlation between big government which is a universal hallmark of every different version of socialism whether you call it: communism; utopianism; collectivism; progressivism; communitarianism or democratic socialism - AND CORRUPTION, CRONYISM, CENSORSHIP, COERSION, TERROR and DEATH. - that keeps turning up through history. There has never EVER been a successful socialist administration - NEVER.

If you are a Millennial reading this maybe I can help explain socialism to you by using a "Star Trek" metaphor. Socialism alway generates big government , I mean really big government that you could call "BORG" government (Remember the BORG is a formidable collection of species that function as drones ruled by a collectivist (socialist) hive mind. It fuels itself by devouring everything in its path.

The BORG's goal is to "achieve perfection", if you're in its path, it first greets you by stating: "Resistance is futile". It then absorbs you and erasesyour identity. And thus it propels and gorges itself throughout the universe.

The irony in the era we live in of bloating government, is that the BORG is still considered a villain in pop culture. Why ? The BORG acts just like any blob bureaucracy: it comes, it sees, it conquers. (And) more young Americans seem tempted with the idea of womb-to-tomb care by a BORG-like state. The dirty little secret, which they may or may not see, is that being a wholly owned creature ( a slave) of the state ultimately means becoming a tool of the state, which must "help" more individuals, who can become tools, etc. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE !

My final advice to any Millennials who might be reading this post is that there are a number of common traits that all socialist ideologies have in common, and I would like to draw your attention to the most pernicious one which is a profound opposition to personal liberty and complete contempt for the individual. A socialist government increasingly attempts to to mutilate, to curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. The socialist believes that the state must not only act as the director of society, but must also act as the master of each man and not just master, but trainer and keeper. Socialism is a political ideology that reduces free men to slaves.

The State of New Hampshire's Democratic Party, as you probably know chose a self-identified socialist, Bernie Sanders to be their next President. The State of New Hampshire is famous for its motto: "LIVE FREE OR DIE". I guess they should change that motto now to: "HAND OUT OR DIE" or something similar. 73,000 Democrats voted for Bernie Sanders, that 73,000 socialists, 73,000 spineless chickens who are a disgrace to their country.

So Millennials when the Nov 2020 election comes around remember your vote is very important, you will be voting to either "LIVE FREE" or to "DIE" . If you choose to vote socialist you are choosing death, the death of the human soul that is called statist slavery.

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I'm extremely cautious when it comes to predicting the results of political elections. Things can change fast in politics. I am a Trump supporter, and its very important for my country (Australia) that Trump wins in 2020. Australia is a "satellite state" of the US and if a socialist White House and Senate becomes a reality after the November election, then WE will go down the economic gurgler with YOU.

I don't take Trump winning the 2020 election for granted. I think he knows he has a fight on his hands. How any US citizen with a grain of common sense could vote for the raft of socialist policies people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are peddling I simply do not know.

One US demographic grouping, the Millennials are likely to come out in big numbers for any socialist Democratic Presidential candidate who is given the chance to take on Trump in November. In the case of Millennials, I DO know why a recent poll showed that 70 % of them - (and BTW their are 75 million millennials in America at the moment would vote socialist. Its because they are ignorant with respect to history as it used to be taught in high schools and colleges. They do not know that socialist regimes have already been "trialled" in countries all over the world in: the Soviet Union for 70 odd years; in Red China; in North Vietnam and North Korea. They do not know that these socialist states became totalitarian dictatorships and that they shot, hanged, stabbed, starved, tortured, their own people to death. They don't know that the final body count was around 120,000,000. The only thing that Millennials seem to know about the political history of the 20th century are the words: "Hitler"; "NAZI" and "Fascist" and they only know these words because they are standard terms of abuse apply to any one they encounter who is a Republican/Conservative.

On many college campuses across America socialist and communist symbols have become trendy over recent years. Soviet "Hammer and Sickle" banners are hung on the fadcade of buildings, stickers with the "Thoughts of Chairman Mao" are plastered everywhere, miniature, 21st - century Bolsheviks with green hair and revolutionary berets called Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) patrol the grounds and buildings of universities clamping down on politically incorrect behaviours amongst the student body.

A few days ago I was having lunch in the city and there were a group millennial girls sitting at a table opposite me. One of them was wearing a Che Guavera T-Shirt. She must have been about 22 years old or so; she was very pretty with long, neatly-combed blonde hair, quietly spoken with a polite "accent", orthodonticaly perfect like a US cable TV talk shoe host, wearing a pair of brand new Dr Martens and some very expensive looking, classy jewellry. I thought to myself what delightful girl she was she looked so well-mannered, I was sure that she: "wouldn't say bum for a tosy apple; no doubt she was 100% upper middle class, dad was probably a specialist orthopaedic surgeon or a corporate lawyer, and mum probably sat on the Board of Governors at a local Grammer School for girls.

All of this nothwithstanding, so intensely do I loathe socialism, I was minded to approach this girl and tell her in a diplomatic manner that Che Guavera was not the heroic socialist freedom - fighter she had been told he was. I didn't do this because it would have been very bad-mannered of me and doubtless made those girls think I was a crank.

The reason you actually know nothing about socialism is because you listened to dim witted fat asses like Boss Limbaugh and Donald Trumpf.

Vladimir Lenin, Bolsheviks, and Soviet communists despised democratic socialists, and took extraordinary measures to imprison them, repress them, and execute them.
I'm extremely cautious when it comes to predicting the results of political elections. Things can change fast in politics. I am a Trump supporter, and its very important for my country (Australia) that Trump wins in 2020. Australia is a "satellite state" of the US and if a socialist White House and Senate becomes a reality after the November election, then WE will go down the economic "gurgler" with YOU.

I don't take Trump winning the 2020 election for granted. I think he knows he has a fight on his hands. How any US citizen with a grain of common sense could vote for the raft of socialist policies people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are peddling I simply do not know, but it's happening. It's for real.

One US demographic grouping, the Millennials are likely to come out in big numbers for any socialist Democratic Presidential candidate who is given the chance to take on Trump in November. In the case of Millennials, I DO know why a recent poll showed that 70 % of them - (and BTW their are 75 million millennials in America at the moment would vote socialist. Its because they are ignorant with respect to history as it used to be taught in high schools and colleges. They do not know that socialist regimes have already been "trialled" in countries all over the world in: the Soviet Union for 70 odd years; in Red China; in North Vietnam and North Korea. They do not know that these socialist states became totalitarian dictatorships and that they shot, hanged, stabbed, starved, tortured, their own people to death. They don't know that the final body - count was around 120,000,000. The only thing that Millennials seem to know about the political history of the 20th century are the words: "Hitler"; "NAZI" and "Fascist" and they only know these words because they are standard terms of abuse apply to any one they encounter who is a Republican/Conservative.

On many college campuses across America socialist and communist symbols have become trendy over recent years. Soviet "Hammer and Sickle" banners are hung on the facade of buildings, stickers with the "Thoughts of Chairman Mao" are plastered everywhere, as though it's all some kind of clever game. Meanwhile, miniature, 21st - century Bolsheviks with green hair and revolutionary berets called Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) patrol the grounds and buildings of universities clamping down on politically incorrect behaviours amongst the student body.

A few days ago I was having lunch in the city and there were a group millennial girls sitting at a table opposite me. One of them was wearing a Che Guevara T-Shirt. She must have been about 22 years old or so; she was very pretty with long, neatly-combed blonde hair, quietly spoken with a polite "accent", orthodontically perfect like a US cable TV talk shoe host, wearing a pair of brand new Dr Martens and some very expensive looking, classy jewellery. I thought to myself what delightful girl she was she looked so well-mannered, I was sure that she: "wouldn't say bum for a Rosy apple; no doubt she was 100% upper middle class, dad was probably a specialist orthopaedic surgeon or a corporate lawyer, and mum probably sat on the Board of Governors at a local grammar school for girls.

All of this nothwithstanding, so intensely do I loathe socialism, I was minded to approach this girl and tell her in a diplomatic manner that Che Guevara was not the heroic socialist freedom - fighter she had been told he was. I didn't do this because it would have been very bad-mannered of me and doubtless made those girls think I was a crank. Still, the irony of this very civilised young girl walking around with a large image of Che Guevara on her T-Shirt was jarring. The truth is that Che Guevara was a socialist sociopath, a callous, murdering tyrant . "Comrade Che" was a stone-killer. When a group of civilians - adults and children - who had been cooperating in any way with the enemy were capture and bought to him, his preferred method of executing them was to make them stand in a line, then he would then go to the top of the line and one by one calmly shoot each captive in the face with a hand gun until they were all dead.

The disconcerting popularity of "Uncle" Bernie Sanders among young people and the celebrity status that socialist maniacs like AOC have achieved on social media is , in large part, as I say, a consequence of the astonishing ignorance that Millennials have of history (its not their fault, BTW< those responsible are their neo-Marxist/Postmodern teachers and college lecturers, but that's another story). The irony is tat socialism has a way of redistributing power away from the "the 99%" and putting it into the hands of central planners a teeny fraction of 1% at the top. (read AOC's "Green New Deal " resolution for a text book example of this).

Millennials need to know that there is an indisputable correlation between big government which is a universal hallmark of every different version of socialism whether you call it: communism; utopianism; collectivism; progressivism; communitarianism or democratic socialism - AND CORRUPTION, CRONYISM, CENSORSHIP, COERSION, TERROR and DEATH. - that keeps turning up through history. There has never EVER been a successful socialist administration - NEVER.

If you are a Millennial reading this maybe I can help explain socialism to you by using a "Star Trek" metaphor. Socialism alway generates big government , I mean really big government that you could call "BORG" government (Remember the BORG is a formidable collection of species that function as drones ruled by a collectivist (socialist) hive mind. It fuels itself by devouring everything in its path.

The BORG's goal is to "achieve perfection", if you're in its path, it first greets you by stating: "Resistance is futile". It then absorbs you and erasesyour identity. And thus it propels and gorges itself throughout the universe.

The irony in the era we live in of bloating government, is that the BORG is still considered a villain in pop culture. Why ? The BORG acts just like any blob bureaucracy: it comes, it sees, it conquers. (And) more young Americans seem tempted with the idea of womb-to-tomb care by a BORG-like state. The dirty little secret, which they may or may not see, is that being a wholly owned creature ( a slave) of the state ultimately means becoming a tool of the state, which must "help" more individuals, who can become tools, etc. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE !

My final advice to any Millennials who might be reading this post is that there are a number of common traits that all socialist ideologies have in common, and I would like to draw your attention to the most pernicious one which is a profound opposition to personal liberty and complete contempt for the individual. A socialist government increasingly attempts to to mutilate, to curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. The socialist believes that the state must not only act as the director of society, but must also act as the master of each man and not just master, but trainer and keeper. Socialism is a political ideology that reduces free men to slaves.

The State of New Hampshire's Democratic Party, as you probably know chose a self-identified socialist, Bernie Sanders to be their next President. The State of New Hampshire is famous for its motto: "LIVE FREE OR DIE". I guess they should change that motto now to: "HAND OUT OR DIE" or something similar. 73,000 Democrats voted for Bernie Sanders, that 73,000 socialists, 73,000 spineless chickens who are a disgrace to their country.

So Millennials when the Nov 2020 election comes around remember your vote is very important, you will be voting to either "LIVE FREE" or to "DIE" . If you choose to vote socialist you are choosing death, the death of the human soul that is called statist slavery.


:thumbsup: I don't think it is a millennial issue, but anyone with an IQ below room temperature which is what is required to buy the Marxist dogma we are seeing out of the PHONY media, the Democratic Party of the Jackass and our leftist controlled educational establishment.
The reason you actually know nothing about socialism is because you listened to dim witted fat asses like Boss Limbaugh and Donald Trumpf.
Vladimir Lenin, Bolsheviks, and Soviet communists despised democratic socialists, and took extraordinary measures to imprison them, repress them, and execute them.

Ironic from a tool who thinks Medicare for All, a massive economy destroying green deal and Government dependency are great ideas. :rolleyes:
Since Deputy Dawg knows nothing about socialism and less about liberty, I'm glad I've got him on Ignore! :)

When it comes to politics, everything boils down to the one choice you must make, Taffy Girl: "LIVE FREE OR DIE". If you want DIE (spiritually/morally) just vote socialist.

It's not JUST a Millennial issue but they are a significant part of the problem. They make up somewhere around 37% of the electorate in the the US and I tend to believe the polls that are saying a lot of them (70%) would vote socialist against Trump. I think the Global Financial Crisis that happened in 2008 is another factor that is responsible for a rise in the percentage of the general population who have said they would, if they had the opportunity, socialist in November. vote. A lot of Americans were hurt by the fall-out from the GFC and they blame "capitalism", but the story was far more complex than that. There are also the ethnic minority groups like Blacks and Hispanics to consider, it doesn't matter how much Trump improves their unemployment rates, etc; the majority of both groups would automatically vote for a Democrat socialist in the November election as opposed to Trump.

Trump is taking the possibility of a socialist challenge in the 2020 election increasingly seriously. If he does end up going head - to - head with someone like Bernie Sanders, i think he will have a fight on his hands. As you say, anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see that the policies people like Sanders are putting forward are suicidal madness, but 73,000 Democratic Party members voted for him in New Hampshire. That worries me because I simply cannot understand it.

I'm extremely cautious when it comes to predicting the results of political elections. Things can change fast in politics. I am a Trump supporter, and its very important for my country (Australia) that Trump wins in 2020. Australia is a "satellite state" of the US and if a socialist White House and Senate becomes a reality after the November election, then WE will go down the economic "gurgler" with YOU.

I don't take Trump winning the 2020 election for granted. I think he knows he has a fight on his hands. How any US citizen with a grain of common sense could vote for the raft of socialist policies people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are peddling I simply do not know, but it's happening. It's for real.

One US demographic grouping, the Millennials are likely to come out in big numbers for any socialist Democratic Presidential candidate who is given the chance to take on Trump in November. In the case of Millennials, I DO know why a recent poll showed that 70 % of them - (and BTW their are 75 million millennials in America at the moment would vote socialist. Its because they are ignorant with respect to history as it used to be taught in high schools and colleges. They do not know that socialist regimes have already been "trialled" in countries all over the world in: the Soviet Union for 70 odd years; in Red China; in North Vietnam and North Korea. They do not know that these socialist states became totalitarian dictatorships and that they shot, hanged, stabbed, starved, tortured, their own people to death. They don't know that the final body - count was around 120,000,000. The only thing that Millennials seem to know about the political history of the 20th century are the words: "Hitler"; "NAZI" and "Fascist" and they only know these words because they are standard terms of abuse apply to any one they encounter who is a Republican/Conservative.

On many college campuses across America socialist and communist symbols have become trendy over recent years. Soviet "Hammer and Sickle" banners are hung on the facade of buildings, stickers with the "Thoughts of Chairman Mao" are plastered everywhere, as though it's all some kind of clever game. Meanwhile, miniature, 21st - century Bolsheviks with green hair and revolutionary berets called Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) patrol the grounds and buildings of universities clamping down on politically incorrect behaviours amongst the student body.

A few days ago I was having lunch in the city and there were a group millennial girls sitting at a table opposite me. One of them was wearing a Che Guevara T-Shirt. She must have been about 22 years old or so; she was very pretty with long, neatly-combed blonde hair, quietly spoken with a polite "accent", orthodontically perfect like a US cable TV talk shoe host, wearing a pair of brand new Dr Martens and some very expensive looking, classy jewellery. I thought to myself what delightful girl she was she looked so well-mannered, I was sure that she: "wouldn't say bum for a Rosy apple; no doubt she was 100% upper middle class, dad was probably a specialist orthopaedic surgeon or a corporate lawyer, and mum probably sat on the Board of Governors at a local grammar school for girls.

All of this nothwithstanding, so intensely do I loathe socialism, I was minded to approach this girl and tell her in a diplomatic manner that Che Guevara was not the heroic socialist freedom - fighter she had been told he was. I didn't do this because it would have been very bad-mannered of me and doubtless made those girls think I was a crank. Still, the irony of this very civilised young girl walking around with a large image of Che Guevara on her T-Shirt was jarring. The truth is that Che Guevara was a socialist sociopath, a callous, murdering tyrant . "Comrade Che" was a stone-killer. When a group of civilians - adults and children - who had been cooperating in any way with the enemy were capture and bought to him, his preferred method of executing them was to make them stand in a line, then he would then go to the top of the line and one by one calmly shoot each captive in the face with a hand gun until they were all dead.

The disconcerting popularity of "Uncle" Bernie Sanders among young people and the celebrity status that socialist maniacs like AOC have achieved on social media is , in large part, as I say, a consequence of the astonishing ignorance that Millennials have of history (its not their fault, BTW< those responsible are their neo-Marxist/Postmodern teachers and college lecturers, but that's another story). The irony is tat socialism has a way of redistributing power away from the "the 99%" and putting it into the hands of central planners a teeny fraction of 1% at the top. (read AOC's "Green New Deal " resolution for a text book example of this).

Millennials need to know that there is an indisputable correlation between big government which is a universal hallmark of every different version of socialism whether you call it: communism; utopianism; collectivism; progressivism; communitarianism or democratic socialism - AND CORRUPTION, CRONYISM, CENSORSHIP, COERSION, TERROR and DEATH. - that keeps turning up through history. There has never EVER been a successful socialist administration - NEVER.

If you are a Millennial reading this maybe I can help explain socialism to you by using a "Star Trek" metaphor. Socialism alway generates big government , I mean really big government that you could call "BORG" government (Remember the BORG is a formidable collection of species that function as drones ruled by a collectivist (socialist) hive mind. It fuels itself by devouring everything in its path.

The BORG's goal is to "achieve perfection", if you're in its path, it first greets you by stating: "Resistance is futile". It then absorbs you and erasesyour identity. And thus it propels and gorges itself throughout the universe.

The irony in the era we live in of bloating government, is that the BORG is still considered a villain in pop culture. Why ? The BORG acts just like any blob bureaucracy: it comes, it sees, it conquers. (And) more young Americans seem tempted with the idea of womb-to-tomb care by a BORG-like state. The dirty little secret, which they may or may not see, is that being a wholly owned creature ( a slave) of the state ultimately means becoming a tool of the state, which must "help" more individuals, who can become tools, etc. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE !

My final advice to any Millennials who might be reading this post is that there are a number of common traits that all socialist ideologies have in common, and I would like to draw your attention to the most pernicious one which is a profound opposition to personal liberty and complete contempt for the individual. A socialist government increasingly attempts to to mutilate, to curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. The socialist believes that the state must not only act as the director of society, but must also act as the master of each man and not just master, but trainer and keeper. Socialism is a political ideology that reduces free men to slaves.

The State of New Hampshire's Democratic Party, as you probably know chose a self-identified socialist, Bernie Sanders to be their next President. The State of New Hampshire is famous for its motto: "LIVE FREE OR DIE". I guess they should change that motto now to: "HAND OUT OR DIE" or something similar. 73,000 Democrats voted for Bernie Sanders, that 73,000 socialists, 73,000 spineless chickens who are a disgrace to their country.

So Millennials when the Nov 2020 election comes around remember your vote is very important, you will be voting to either "LIVE FREE" or to "DIE" . If you choose to vote socialist you are choosing death, the death of the human soul that is called statist slavery.


Millennials are the future,they are the biggest voting block!
They are going to rule America,maybe not today,but tomorrow!
Some are, yes, but a far greater % and number are the genxrs.

I get a kick of the mislabeling of 'socialism' by dawg and his pack. The millennials as a whole are not intimidated by that at all.

That's why it's so funny that Boomers keep using the word "Socialist" to try to scare Millennials and Zoomers. I wonder if a few decades ago there were old people trying to scare the next generation by saying that the president is a *gasp* Catholic!
Some are, yes, but a far greater % and number are the genxrs.

I get a kick of the mislabeling of 'socialism' by dawg and his pack. The millennials as a whole are not intimidated by that at all.

Jimmy Boy,

Whenever you hear or read some one saying that their preferred political ideology is any one of the following :progressivism; Marxism; communitarianism; utopianism; communism; collectivism; or democratic socialism, they are, for all intents and purposes, SOCIALISTS

For ex, AOC and the other three members of "The Squad" are SOCIALISTS. Bernie Sanders is a SOCIALISTS, the 100 House Democrats who are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are SOCIALISTS. With the exception of Bernie Sanders, none of them ever use the "S Word" to describe their political stance, because the a majority of the sane American public do not have a very high opinion of the "S Word" at all.

So what is SOCIALISM ? What are its fundamental traits? Well, I'll tell you the worst ones...

* ALL SOCIALISTS want BIG, BIG government; note that the Founding Fathers, who were mostly classical libertarians had the exact opposite view, they wanted to keep the size of the American government pared down as SMALL as it could possibly be.

* ALL SOCIALS believe that the state must act as the director of society, and furthermore the master, trainer and keeper of each citizen. The socialist state is meddling, intrusive, bossy, restrictive, omnipresent , it doesn't trust you to make responsible decisions for yourself so IT makes the decision for you and you do as you are told. As far as the socialist state is concerned you are not a unique, individual human being; rather you are a biological "unit" whose role is to perform whatever functions it is instructed to perform, and that is all. it is in The English author George Orwell wrote a famous novel called "Nineteen Eighty Four" The story is about a fictional totalitarian state called "Oceania" where the ruling IngSoc (IngSoc stands for "English Socialism") party is controlled by a small ruling political elite who are in turn subservient to the ultimate leader who is a dictator called "Big Brother" (In the same sort of way that Adolph Hitler christened himself the "Fuhrer", which mean "leader" in English). To continue. "Big Brother" and the small ruling class elites in IngSoc weild total power "for its own sake" over the people of "Oceania". In the novel, Orwell tells us that the political ideology of the "IngSoc" party is "Oligarchic Collectivism", but this just means totalitarian (or despotic) socialism.

"Big Brother" and his clique of top-ranking political officials in IngSoc could well be liked to the sinister Pol Pot and his close advisors in the inner circle of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge in the later half of the 1970's,, or to the evil Mao Zedong and his trusted communist party mandarins, who orchestrated the bloody nightmare that was the "Cultural Revolution in Red China during the 1960's. There is a long list of atrocities that were perpetrated by totalitarian social regimes during the 20th century. George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty Four in England in 1949, well before the Cultural Revolution in Red China or "Year Zero" in Pol Pot's Cambodia or the Vietnam war; also he, like the rest of the world would not learn the horrible truth that Joseph Stalin was a genocidal maniac who slaughter, torture, starved to death untold millions of his own people until 1956 when Nikita Kruschev

(To be continued) The poxy system wiped out half of my completed post :(
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So what is SOCIALISM ? What are its fundamental traits? Well, I'll tell you the worst ones. A SOCIALISTS wants BIG, BIG government,

What else? Can you name some specific BIG government policies that Socialists want?
Trying to police the world is certainly BIG government. So by that logic, both parties are Socialist.