America's sweeping tide of diversity

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Why it matters: Even before the 2020 census gets underway, recent population data makes it quite clear that rapidly expanding diversity will be the overarching theme of this century's demographic shift.

What's happening: Nationally, Hispanics and Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial minority groups, increasing by 18.6% and 27.4%, respectively, between 2010 and 2018, according to an analysis by the Brookings Institution demographer Bill Frey, whose 2018 book "Diversity Explosion" outlined the country's majority-minority future.

They're moving beyond the large metro areas that have historically been popular with immigrants (New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco) to smaller cities across the country, including the Midwest and Northeast.
Black Americans are returning to the South, with Atlanta, Charlotte, Orlando and Dallas seeing big gains since 2010. Phoenix, Las Vegas and Seattle also registered substantial growth in their black populations.
Meanwhile: The nation's white population has grown only 0.1% since 2010 and is projected to decline over the next decade.


The map above appears to have large "white" areas where racial minorities are not highly represented. But these are small, less-populated areas where the white population is stagnating.
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The map above appears to have large "white" areas where racial minorities are not highly represented. But these are small, less-populated areas where the white population is stagnating.

the flyover shit hole parts of the country
Since 2010, 96% of all U.S. counties saw declines in shares of white population — and those declines aren't likely to be offset by white immigration from other countries or increased U.S. birth rates going forward.
While the map shows large swaths of “white counties”—where no racial minority is highly represented—many of these are small, less urban, and sparsely populated areas where the white population is stagnating. In fact, these counties—which span large sections of the middle of the country—are home to just 30% of the nation’s residents. In contrast, 35% of U.S. residents live in counties where two or more minorities are highly represented, with the remainder living in areas where one minority group is highly represented. Yet increasing diversity is prevalent everywhere—since 2010, 96% of all U.S. counties registered declines in their white population shares.
the flyover shit hole parts of the country

Those shit holes are urban sewers dominated by Democrats. Diversity is a lame argument. It isn't about diversity; it is about education and love of country.

I think you have serious issues with facts and basic math. The math suggests that whites are not a dying demographic and that they will continue being a majority long after you are dead.

White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 60.4%
Hispanic or Latino, percent(b) 18.3%
Black or African American alone, percent(a) 13.4%
Asian alone, percent(a) 5.9%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent(a) 1.3%
Brown privilege, Guano doing what he does best!!

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its what you evil racists fear most

that you will get treated like you treated people of color all your life

the Jews were MURDERED by the millions

They are the first to stand up against racism and evil

Remember your racist assholes hung white jewish men next to black men back in the day

beset people are the most set on not allowing YOUR evil to survive asshole
In less than one year, the 2020 census will record just how much more racially diverse the nation has become, continuing the “diversity explosion” that punctuated the results of the 2010 census. While less authoritative than the once-a-decade national headcount, recently released U.S. Census Bureau estimates for 2018 make plain that racial minority populations—especially Hispanic, Asian and black Americans—continue to expand, leaving fewer parts of the country untouched by diversity.
Rural America is dying

Rural areas are overwhelmingly white -- only 2.3 percent of the population in rural counties is foreign born, to nearly 15 percent in urban counties, according to census data. And then there is the issue of opioids. Higher death rates for 18- to 64-year-olds in rural counties are often attributed at least in part to the opioid epidemic, which has ravaged many rural areas in the U.S.