America’s Venezuela-Style Election Farce


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America’s Venezuela-Style Election Farce
By Cliff Kincaid
November 10, 2020

America sanctions communists in foreign countries who steal elections. Here, communists commit the fraud and expect to occupy the White House.

The Biden-Harris movement should be considered an army of occupation. President Trump, with more legal votes on election day, should remain in office. Trump has said that he won, and he’s right. We have to protect the president from this coup.

Today’s situation is comparable to the war of 1812, when British forces burned the White House. Later, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in a speech to the U.S. Congress about how the British embassy celebrated that event, would say, “Sorry about that.” People laughed.

We should not be laughing now. Biden-Harris are threatening to burn down our country by taking the White House on the basis of fraudulent votes.


Regarding the election, we already have enough evidence demonstrating that massive fraud took place. People saw it for themselves. The mysterious votes out of nowhere which arrived the early morning after the election and turned several states against Trump constitute the proof we need. This is the kind of thing that happens in Venezuela.

One analyst noted that the U.S. has now become the joke of the world due to the depraved, ignominious, and low-class cheaters carrying out this fraud in front of us. “It was similar to Venezuela,” he noted, “when the governing party halted the vote count when trailing in the night.” At daybreak, he said, “everybody knew that they had come from behind in every state and never looked back! It is typical to cheat at night.”

Back in 2017 the U.S. Treasury actually sanctioned several communist officials in Venezuela for being “associated with undermining electoral processes, media censorship, or corruption….” The U.S. said that state elections in Venezuela “were marked by numerous irregularities that strongly suggest fraud helped the ruling party unexpectedly win a majority of governorships.”

Are you kidding? That is what is happening here. Censorship? Look at Twitter, Google, and YouTube. Corruption? Look at Hunter Biden’s laptop. Irregularities? Start with Philadelphia and Detroit.

We have photos of “vote counting” facilities in Detroit being boarded up and concealed, in violation of the law. That allowed thousands of votes to be secretly brought on to change election outcomes.

The fraudsters have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, by virtue of the crumbs on their smiling faces. They are laughing at us, the American people, thinking they have pulled off a heist and there’s nothing we can do about it.

In addition to what attorney David Evans has documented in Detroit, anybody with even basic curiosity can find stories like this, many the result of the fraudulent mail-in voting schemes:

Butler county Pennsylvania loses untold number of mail-in ballots.

Ballots stolen from mail boxes and discarded on roadsides in Washington town.

Group claims 400,000 ballots sent to residents who moved out of state or died.

Mecklenburg residents receiving double ballots due to labeling glitch.


One disturbing report from attorney David Evans concerned the “rather unusual looking” so-called “police officers” that were used to keep observers and Republican challengers from looking inside the vote-counting places. He explained, “I say unusual because their uniforms were not consistent. Some did not have badges and some were not well groomed.”

Who were these people? …

In the middle of all this stands President Trump, fighting against the Deep State, Big Tech, Big Media, and other forces.

While Trump has an impressive legal team, and they are pursuing actions regarding hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that must be thrown out, one of my readers suggests a legal case should be filed to correct the fraud in all states by highlighting the “glitch” that switched thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. The voting systems need to be scrutinized immediately…

Two months ago, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared, in regard to Venezuela, that “conditions for free and fair elections do not exist” and the U.S. would not recognize a scheduled “electoral farce” there.

America’s November 3 election was a farce, and everybody knows it.

One of my readers responds to the effect, “Are you saying that when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, it was an honest election, but now it’s a rigged election?”

The answer is “Darn tootin.” They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016 and didn’t prepare. They did prepare this time. You’re a sucker if you haven’t figured it out.

Cliff Kincaid is a veteran journalist and media critic, and is the president of America’s Survival, Inc.