America's White Christian experiment is almost over

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
In 2013, Calvin TerBeek noted the central role that demographics play in this shift:
A significant explanatory factor of why evangelicalism is in decline is demographics: nearly half of evangelicals are over the age of 50, and over 80 percent are white. In contrast only 17 percent of evangelicals are in the 18-29 age demographic. Meanwhile, those claiming no religious affiliation has risen to 20 percent -- much of the so-called "nones" are Millenials.

In 2014, Fred Clark discussed the accuracy of Spencer's predictions, noting that what had originally appeared to be "a pretty audacious claim" was increasingly supported by demographic trends.

The remaining white Christians in power are in a panic, working desperately to salvage some of the issues with which they once forcibly divided the nation.

They’re not going down without a fight – or rather, not so much a fight (they’ve already lost), more like a long groan, lashing out anywhere they can, a dying animal determined to cause as much damage as possible before fading into irrelevance. in America, it seems we’re finally wrestling free of a toxic, severely limiting view that’s poisoned us, very slowly, for decades. We are not, in fact, some meek and flailing nation, seeking salvation from a ruthless christian man God but being told – wow, what a horrible teaching – we can never attain it. We are, with any luck and grace, becoming a true rainbow coalition, a messily divine mix, merely needing to realize just how shockingly blessed we already are.
Why is there so much white Christian support for Trump? It could be because they are a declining demographic, and are fearful of the reality this brings.
Why is there so much white Christian support for Trump? It could be because they are a declining demographic, and are fearful of the reality this brings.

I was brought up a Christian, and I really can't see what these persons use the name for, since they have, as far as I can see, no Christian characteristics at all.
As I've said all along, the last gasps of the Christian beast has breathed life into Trump and his merry cadre of lunatics. Christians are the gravest threat to this nation, bar none.
Why is there so much white Christian support for Trump? It could be because they are a declining demographic, and are fearful of the reality this brings.

Some of them would embrace the Antichrist himself if they thought it would keep them in power.
As I've said all along, the last gasps of the Christian beast has breathed life into Trump and his merry cadre of lunatics. Christians are the gravest threat to this nation, bar none.

I think you're using too broad a brush there. Not all Xtians are a threat, in the least. It's the Dominionists that are the problem.
I think you're using too broad a brush there. Not all Xtians are a threat, in the least. It's the Dominionists that are the problem.

Evangelicals. I actually find the faith itself a threat. Especially when an entity can exist, rape and pillage children and get away with it, and yet they act as if they are a moral authority. I am painting with a broad brush because tacit support of any church is support of a hideous theocratic agenda.
Evangelicals. I actually find the faith itself a threat. Especially when an entity can exist, rape and pillage children and get away with it, and yet they act as if they are a moral authority. I am painting with a broad brush because tacit support of any church is support of a hideous theocratic agenda.

Any Church? The society of Friends, for instance? This is not sensible, surely?
Any Church? The society of Friends, for instance? This is not sensible, surely?

Allow me to refine; any church that pushes a public policy agenda or desires to be involved in legislation, which tend to be socially conservative platforms for bigotry and hatred.
Of course guano and his fellow nutters don't care about "brown" Islam.

Good luck living under that you fucking retards.