ami going to die??


on indefiniate mod break
guys I had a lot of drinks tonight and I just took motrin not to long ago and now i dont fell good but it might be in my head
on the pluss side im drinking shitloads of water now.

someone posted this on another forum:

"To be honest, I am not so sure if there is any medication usage that permits taking alcohol at the same time. Motrin is a very strong analgesic. Its ant inflammation role is enabled by suppressing the secretion of prostaglandins. Those are substances that have a major role in the stomach mucus. So, usage of this medication destroys that mucus, which is not a good thing of course, but alcohol only intensifies that effect, which is even worse (bringing ulcers and bleeding as a result). "
Don't take meds when you're drunk, take them hungover. And BC Powder is the best.

And to answer your question, yes, you're going to die.
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