Amputee actor in Boston bombing



First of all this pic was taken less than a week after the bombing.

Having a limb shredding by a bomb and then having an amputation is not something you can just get up an walk away from in a couple of days.
Having a limb shredding by a bomb and then having an amputation is not something you can just get up an walk away from in a couple of days.

Supposedly this victim lost a lot of blood. Again, this is not something you can just get up an walk away from in a couple of days.

No apparent signs of any other injures.

In other pics, she's already putting weight and pressure on the injured amputated limb.

I know she's posing for pictures, but I can't imagine putting on tight pants on over her just amputated leg.

Boy ran away with torn clothes.

AWARD-WINNING PHOTO: Man with torn cloths, but no sign of any cuts or wounds. Is this really possible?
This video may tell you how they could show you with torn clothes.

Another cover up team? 1. A man gets up, pulls at / rips his shorts, then sits down again. What is his story?
2. The woman in black appears to take a photo of Bauman, then put her camera away, then start helping people. That seems odd to me.
So lets hear it KATSUNG...

Who REALLY did it???


776. My view on Boston bombing (6/21/2013)

1. I think Tarmalan Tsarnaev was a recruited informant of FBI whom was used to infiltrate the Chechen rebel group.

Former FBI Employee: Bombers Could Have Been Recruited By FBI
April 24, 2013

Former FBI employee Sibel Edmonds believes the pursuit of truth will eventually lead to a far more secret agenda by the US, which she reveals to RT.

2. Tarmalan was discovered by Russian intelligence. He lost his value as an informant. That was why he and his brother were sacrificed when the Feds needed some scapegoat in Boston bombing case.

3. Since Tsarnaev brothers were framed as suspects in Boston bombing case, they have to be dead so no one could challenge the truth of government story.

4. The fate of Tsarnaev brothers.

On April 18, FBI released the photo of suspects while Tsarnaev brothers were arranged in a meeting trap which later was described as a carjacking (As informants they had to answer any call from the Feds). To justify their death, the Feds also created a mysterious death of a MIT police. As a result, Tarmalan was pronounced dead, though other news showed a naked man arrested by police was Tarmalan.

- Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of the alleged bombers, claims the men were “framed by the authorities” and that the video of a naked man being arrested on the night the suspects were captured, which authorities claim was an unrelated individual who was later released, was in fact Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The video shows an uninjured man being led to a squad car, whereas police claim Tsarnaev was badly injured when he was captured and later died in the hospital.

However, Dzhokhar managed to escape for some time. To prevent a witness speaking out the truth, the Feds activated 10,000 police to search the escapee. Such unprecedented action may indicate how scary the Feds were to the truth. You also can see due to the scare of truth, they made Dzhokhar unspeakable. Some news said Dzhokhar was shot in the throat and had tongue damage. Some news said his throat was cut by knife.

Anyhow, the Feds need “confession” to justify a framed case. So unspeakable Dzhokhar admitted
"the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack," according to “U.S. officials familiar with the interviews." The sources said that Tsarnaev had "acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15."

5. Turning point. The brothers’s parents are in Russia. They revealed the lie of FBI that they knew nothing about Tarmalan before bombing. The parents aggressively accused “set up” plot by FBI. At last, to quite the parents of Dzhokhar, there was a compromise.

Dzhokhar contradicts reports of confession, claims innocence

By Ralph Lopez Jun 2, 2013
Last Friday the AP reported:

"The remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has recovered enough to walk and assured his parents in a phone conversation that he and his slain brother were innocent, their mother told the Associated Press."

6. Scapegoat in FBI.
Tsarnaev bothers should be dead in Boston bombing plot. Dzhokhar survives which brings a lot of embarrassment for FBI. Some people have to take responsibility.

FBI Agents Killed in Virginia Were Investigating the Boston Bombing
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two FBI agents died in a “fall” from a helicopter in Virginia this week. Days later it has emerged that these agents were involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.\

777. My view on Boston bombing (continuation) (6/26/2013)

7. Possible witness was eliminated.

Falsely Identified ‘Boston Bomber’ Found Dead In River

Paul Joseph Watson April 25, 2013
One of the individuals identified by 4chan users as a possible Boston bombing accomplice has been found dead in the Providence River.

Tripathi’s possible connection to the Boston bombing was first raised by users of the 4chan website when it was pointed out that his image bore a similarity to one of the suspects first named by the FBI who later turned out to be Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev.

8. Attempt to frame Tsarnaev brothers in another case.

To exchange the silence of Tsarnaev brothers’ parents, the FBI had to let “unspeakable” Dzhokhar call his mother to claim he and his brother were innocent. But how can the Feds now keep on detain innocent Dzhokhar(he may know too much of the truth) and justify the murder of Tarmalan? The Feds obviously intend to frame them in a 2011 triple murder case.

The FBI says that, just before the attack, Todashev had admitted to a role in a 2011 triple murder and was about to sign a written confession.

Like Tamerlan Tsarnaev's mother, Ibragim Todashev had expressed his feelings that the older Tsarnaev brother had been "set up" by the FBI to take the blame for the Boston bombings. On May 30th, CBS News reported:

"FBI agents interrogated the younger Todashev twice before the night he was shot, his father said. Todashev told him that he thought Tsarnaev had been set up to take blame for the bombings."

According to other reports, Todashev had also expressed fears that he himself was being "set up." The Atlantic Wire wrote last week:

Read more:

Todashev alleged the set up on Tsarnaevs and was also afraid of being set up on himself before he was shot to death.

9. Todashev was murdered.

Officials: Man who knew Boston bombing suspect was unarmed when shot
By Sari Horwitz and Peter Finn, Washington Post Published: May 29

Initial reports citing anonymous law-enforcement individuals provided conflicting accounts of what happened. Some law enforcement officials said Todashev wielded a knife and others suggested that he attempted to grab the FBI agent’s gun.

One law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Wednesday that Todashev lunged at the agent and overturned a table. But the official said Todashev did not have a gun or a knife. A second official also said Todashev was unarmed.
An official said that according to one account of the shooting, the other law enforcement officials had just stepped out of the room, leaving the FBI agent alone with Todashev, when the confrontation occurred.

10. Boston bombing was a failed false flag case. The punishment for the murderer is retirement. Or is it a reward, compare to that two agents fell from a helicopter ?

Boston FBI boss, key bomb probe figure, steps down

Chief of FBI's Boston office, key figure in marathon bombing investigation, stepping down
By Denise Lavoie, AP Legal Affairs Writer | Associated Press – Tue, Jun 11, 2013.

Richard DesLauriers, who's been special agent in charge of the office since July 2010, said he will leave next month after more than 26 years with the FBI. He said he has accepted a position as vice president of corporate security with Penske Corp., a transportation services company, in Bloomfield Hills, Mich DesLauriers, 53, four years younger than the mandatory retirement age for FBI agents, said he first learned of the Penske job in March but delayed his decision because of the bombing investigation


When the bomb exploded, there was a sound so loud that a lot of people covered up their ears with hands. The sound source was from mid-way of the building. you can see from some people's sight. But was it possible the bomber throwing a backpack(with pressure pot inside) into the air? Or from the midway of the building? I don't agree with this explanation. I think it was a sound produced by another party to distract public's attention so actor teams could do their job without being watched.

, “Smith then offers up the theory that the explosion was in what he assumes to be a hotel, and that it could possibly have been the result of a gas leak in the kitchen. His confusion is entirely understandable given that there was a noticeable lack of any indication that there had been an explosion out on the pavement, including a serious shortage of visible victims. Smith then listens in as local Fox reporter Maria Stephanos talks with the anchor for the local Fox affiliate, who is identified only as Mike. Stephanos quickly dismisses the second blast as insignificant. She then goes on to say that the first blast did not occur at ground level, but rather midway up the building. Mike interjects, “So, Maria, again just to make this point, since you were right there, you’re saying from what you could see, it didn’t seem like the explosion happened on the ground but actually happened in the building?” To which Maria quickly responds, “Exactly, Mike, in the middle of a building. I was right there. I turned around and you saw the plume of smoke in the middle of the building.”
(Youtube disabled)
Did you notice that pretty much all the people along the fence line who aren’t running away, beginning with the bald guy with sunglasses and continuing down to the guy in the red jacket and blue cap, are all looking in the same direction? And it’s not at the ground, where the bomb supposedly detonated and where all the alleged victims are laid out. No, they are all looking at a spot about midway up the building, above where all the fake victims are sprawled out. That’s a pretty strange coincidence, isn’t it?

So the bomb went off midway up the building, but it blew off everyone’s legs?! That doesn’t sound quite right. What does sound entirely plausible though is that a smoke bomb was detonated over the heads of the crowd, providing cover for the actors, in full wardrobe and make-up, to swiftly emerge from Lenscrafters to take up their positions on the pavement. And if that sounds crazy to you, blame Fox News. They’re the ones who reported it.
If you think Jeff Bauman and others were performing a stage show at finish line, then it was an organized crime done by the Feds. No others has such an ability to do that. A well organized operation would also set up a field office at finish line to monitor and command the bombing show. That field office likely was in the building to the bombing site where a distract sound was produced to turn away people's attention.

The following pictures also indicate that office had issued instruction to particular force at particular time.


police look up


undercover look up


Carlos looks up

Source :
Keep people away from the criminal site. Only the Feds could take photo information.

They control the security, drove people – potential witnesses away. So their actors could perform without being watched.

go that way.

turn to the right
Nicole Brannock Gross, Victim In Boston Marathon Bombing Photo, Gives CBS Interview With Family
: 05/30/2013

The photograph of Gross, seen around the world, became an instant symbol of the attack. After suffering two breaks in her left leg and an injury to her Achilles tendon, the Boston Globe reported that Gross has been re-learning how to walk.

There are doctor’s appointments and physical therapy sessions for Nicole, who suffered two broken bones in her left leg, a nearly severed Achilles tendon in her right



Nicole Gross’ original location, she is on dark red bricks.


Second location she moved to – two bricks away from blood stain.


Third location - Now she is on blood stain once her left foot was on. This photo has been described as "iconic" by some in the media, it graced the front pages of many papers the day following the bombing. Her name is Nicole Gross and she is reported to have two broken legs, or a broken leg and a broken ankle, depending on the source, yet she is sitting upright in a position that puts strain on the legs and shows no sign of pain nor does she grab at her injured legs. I have highlighted one square to demonstrate that she can even shift about with two broken legs and maintain the same stressful sitting position.

Although the pictures hint she hadn't moved because she showed with same sitting style, she actually moved at least twice, with two broken bones? There were many pictures and videos. None shows how she moves. What they show you were screened ones they thought with no flaw.

Man by the side of Bauman, not set a sight on him. Does Bauman exist?
Nobody takes care of Bauman. He seems not exist there.
Woman crying, didn’t watch Bauman. (Campbell foot under fence)
Man watches somewhere else. Does Bauman exist? (check pulse)
A man walks by, (Carlos on fence)

So many people passed by. Nobody sets the sight on Bauman when they pass there. It means Bauman was not there.

How could they show you the pictures like that? Watch the last three minutes of the video. I think that’s how they put Jeff Bauman into the picture. Since it was a doctored picture. Nobody watch at Bauman because he was not there at the scene.
776. My view on Boston bombing (6/21/2013)

1. I think Tarmalan Tsarnaev was a recruited informant of FBI whom was used to infiltrate the Chechen rebel group.

2. Tarmalan was discovered by Russian intelligence. He lost his value as an informant. That was why he and his brother were sacrificed when the Feds needed some scapegoat in Boston bombing case.

3. Since Tsarnaev brothers were framed as suspects in Boston bombing case, they have to be dead so no one could challenge the truth of government story.

4. The fate of Tsarnaev brothers.

On April 18, FBI released the photo of suspects while Tsarnaev brothers were arranged in a meeting trap which later was described as a carjacking (As informants they had to answer any call from the Feds). To justify their death, the Feds also created a mysterious death of a MIT police. As a result, Tarmalan was pronounced dead, though other news showed a naked man arrested by police was Tarmalan.

However, Dzhokhar managed to escape for some time. To prevent a witness speaking out the truth, the Feds activated 10,000 police to search the escapee. Such unprecedented action may indicate how scary the Feds were to the truth. You also can see due to the scare of truth, they made Dzhokhar unspeakable. Some news said Dzhokhar was shot in the throat and had tongue damage. Some news said his throat was cut by knife.

Anyhow, the Feds need “confession” to justify a framed case. So unspeakable Dzhokhar admitted

5. Turning point. The brothers’s parents are in Russia. They revealed the lie of FBI that they knew nothing about Tarmalan before bombing. The parents aggressively accused “set up” plot by FBI. At last, to quite the parents of Dzhokhar, there was a compromise.

6. Scapegoat in FBI.
Tsarnaev bothers should be dead in Boston bombing plot. Dzhokhar survives which brings a lot of embarrassment for FBI. Some people have to take responsibility.

777. My view on Boston bombing (continuation) (6/26/2013)

7. Possible witness was eliminated.

8. Attempt to frame Tsarnaev brothers in another case.

To exchange the silence of Tsarnaev brothers’ parents, the FBI had to let “unspeakable” Dzhokhar call his mother to claim he and his brother were innocent. But how can the Feds now keep on detain innocent Dzhokhar(he may know too much of the truth) and justify the murder of Tarmalan? The Feds obviously intend to frame them in a 2011 triple murder case.

Todashev alleged the set up on Tsarnaevs and was also afraid of being set up on himself before he was shot to death.

9. Todashev was murdered.

10. Boston bombing was a failed false flag case. The punishment for the murderer is retirement. Or is it a reward, compare to that two agents fell from a helicopter ?

I always take Conspiracy Theories seriously. But when you mentioned InfoWars, I knew you were a particular kind of Fox News crazy. Basically, "I believe everything and don't question anything" instead of "I question everything and don't submit to anything"

You and Infowars are the reason there are so many idiots in this Country. I actually knew 3 people that said the Zombie Virus Infowars "exposed' was real. This is idiotic.