An electric car for the common man


Villified User
An electric car for the common man
One company is hoping to bring a $30,000, 80-mph battery-powered sedan to the market by 2009.
By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer
August 13 2007: 4:43 PM EDT

NEW YORK ( -- If all goes according to plan, by 2009 you could be sticking it to Big Oil by driving an all electric, Chinese-made sedan for little more than the cost of a Camry.

Electric cars are nothing new. But until now they've either been very expensive to produce or, if not that, then small and relatively slow - little more than glorified golf carts.

Miles Rubin, with his $30,000 Miles XS 500, is hoping to change all that.
Hybrid power served 5 ways

According to Rubin, Founder of Miles Automotive Group, the XS 500 has a top speed of 80 miles per hour and a range of 120 miles at 60 miles per hour. That's about as fast as GM's late-90s era electric car, the EV 1. And the XS 500 will be a lot cheaper to produce, the company says.

Both the low cost and the high range can be attributed to China, where low labor costs keep the price down and state-sponsored research into battery technology yielded what Rubin said was an advanced lithium ion power pack produced by Lishen Battery.

Plug the car into a normal wall socket and, according to company literature, six hours later you've got a full charge.
An electric car for the common man
One company is hoping to bring a $30,000, 80-mph battery-powered sedan to the market by 2009.
By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer
August 13 2007: 4:43 PM EDT

NEW YORK ( -- If all goes according to plan, by 2009 you could be sticking it to Big Oil by driving an all electric, Chinese-made sedan for little more than the cost of a Camry.

Electric cars are nothing new. But until now they've either been very expensive to produce or, if not that, then small and relatively slow - little more than glorified golf carts.

Miles Rubin, with his $30,000 Miles XS 500, is hoping to change all that.
Hybrid power served 5 ways

According to Rubin, Founder of Miles Automotive Group, the XS 500 has a top speed of 80 miles per hour and a range of 120 miles at 60 miles per hour. That's about as fast as GM's late-90s era electric car, the EV 1. And the XS 500 will be a lot cheaper to produce, the company says.

Both the low cost and the high range can be attributed to China, where low labor costs keep the price down and state-sponsored research into battery technology yielded what Rubin said was an advanced lithium ion power pack produced by Lishen Battery.

Plug the car into a normal wall socket and, according to company literature, six hours later you've got a full charge.

A chinese car?

I dunno. I know that Damocles and Beefy got burned buying those Yugoslavian cars in the 80s - "The Yugo". I'm a little gun shy on cars from the communist bloc.
in 5 years or so many will come from there. Ford, GM, etc are in deals over there.
and we already have many Chinese parts in our cars.
A chinese car?

I dunno. I know that Damocles and Beefy got burned buying those Yugoslavian cars in the 80s - "The Yugo". I'm a little gun shy on cars from the communist bloc.

Why you always hatin on me man? It was a Kia, and it was no contest for the F350 that I rear-ended. Buy American.
Why you always hatin on me man? It was a Kia, and it was no contest for the F350 that I rear-ended. Buy American.


I'm just teasing.

Now Superfreak? He seems like the type that would have bought a Yugo.

I'm just teasing.

Now Superfreak? He seems like the type that would have bought a Yugo.

I know. Actually, mine was a Ford Festiva, and I didn't know who made it until I looked at that tag inside the door that said "Manufactured By Kia Motors, Korea" after it was totalled. Then I was horrified. But I didn't know what horror was until my time in the pokey.
I know I'm not going to be buying any American made trash for a car. Those union workers can kiss my ass - Toyota and Subaruru are 100 times better than GM.
A chinese car?

I dunno. I know that Damocles and Beefy got burned buying those Yugoslavian cars in the 80s - "The Yugo". I'm a little gun shy on cars from the communist bloc.
I figured that any car put together with pop rivets would be spectacularly successfull with massive longevity! Boy was I wrong!
I know. Actually, mine was a Ford Festiva, and I didn't know who made it until I looked at that tag inside the door that said "Manufactured By Kia Motors, Korea" after it was totalled. Then I was horrified. But I didn't know what horror was until my time in the pokey.

Were you wasted when you hit the car?
Damo and Beefy bought Yugos? LMAO
Oh yeah, they were soooooo cool! I was so excited to get my Yugo with its massvie 3 cylinder engine...

Actually I only just got my license in 1987 and my first car was a Dodge Coronet that was born in the same year that I was.
Oh yeah, they were soooooo cool! I was so excited to get my Yugo with its massvie 3 cylinder engine...

Actually I only just got my license in 1987 and my first car was a Dodge Coronet that was born in the same year that I was.'re a couple of years younger than me I think. Just a boy, really.
My first was a 56 chevy . It had gutterstrap holding one headlight in.
and plywood i the floorboard, unless you wanted to use it freddy flilntstone style.